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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Well, if it required redoing the voices as well, then forget it. Kowomori would never go for that. The best you could do would be to tweek the voices with audio software to make them sound more natural and fluid and basically clean up the audio tracks.
  2. Thom

    DYRL SDF-1

    Do you mean this one? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32020 It sounds pretty awesome, but the price tag is as far out there as the Megaroad!! Plus, I have to consider shelf space, as in I don't have any!! But I do have to get working on my SDF-1 again, before the same thing happens to me! I've been working on my Andromeda so much, it's sitting by the wayside...
  3. I'd have no problem either way. The original is great, with okay animation and solid storyline. If however, they did redo it, it would be awesome with new paint and CGI. But please, keep the original voices, and keep the characters as recognizable as possible.
  4. Cool Convoy. Good luck.
  5. Let's make Max a woman and keep Mirya a woman!!
  6. Deep end... deep end... deep end... Oh, and we're off it!!
  7. Thom

    DYRL SDF-1

    Yes, that's my EDF Nike. I extended the hull an inch and a half, and all the white that you see is styrene and the resin engine section. I have more build pictured here, http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Thome216/EDF%20Nike/ And thanks, I'm glad you like it. Thom
  8. Thom

    DYRL SDF-1

    I'm in the middle of another build, but had the bug to put together the Yellow Submarine model I won on E-bay. It has some great detail and weight to it, though fit is a bit spacey. I'm using thin strips of styrene as shims and gap fillers. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9034.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9033.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9036.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9035.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9037.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9038.jpg http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...00/DSCF9039.jpg
  9. I have the same concern about price, and keep in mind, I like the models more than the toys. So the choice between a 1/60 and a 1/72 was simple. Bandai's model, though intricate is still pretty straight forward if you take your time. And like Gundam, there is the option of leaving them unpainted with sticker decals, as they are molded in color. I would prefer to paint mine all over, but I have seen others left as is, and they do look pretty good. Transforming the models can take about 8 minutes and look very good in all respects. I haven't seen much of the others noted, but I hope this little nbit has helped. Thom.
  10. I've had a similar notion, with changing its transformation to copy that of the VF-1. More because I've been thinking of creating a VF-24 out of it. The VF-25's transformation is very complicated and wouldn't fit if the design was too radically different. Though I'm not thinking of the VF-24 shown in the series. I've had an idea in my head about a Macross story dealing with a previous lost Long Range Fleet. In this fleet, the VF-24 was originally created, then lost when the fleet disappeared. The design was later picked up by - whatever that companies name was - and reworked. So it was created, lost, picked up and reworked into the new prototype 24 shown in the series, then reworked again to create the 25 and 27. I'll be interested to see how you do it, seeing as this is unknown country for me. Good luck, Thom.
  11. Been working on this for a while. It's from Space Battleship Yamato, the Andromeda class super battleship. I've lengthened the Nike by an inch and a half, resin cast a replacement drive and am redoing the guns and superstructure. Here's a size comparison with the patrol cruiser, Interceptor and an original hull. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...EFSNike1009.jpg A mock-up with the scratch-built under hull 'scoops,' and the new base for the command tower. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...mock-up1002.jpg Nose in place, http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9014.jpg And the last pic so far, with the resin engine glued on and the gun decks just about finished. http://s189.photobucket.com/albums/z156/Th...nt=DSCF9030.jpg P.S. How do you get them - meaning the pictures - to explode up from the little display boxes?
  12. Model or toy...? Well, when I received the Quarter, I opened the box, said 'Oh Cool!' and put it on its stand. Great to look at, as I don't play with them very often. If ever. Then I get a model, with all its little bits and instructions, and I get out the hobby knife and sand paper and sticks and airbrush and hunch over a modeling table for months at a time, laboriously fitting pieces and gluing, and possibly modifying as I go... Basically, it falls to personal preference. I greatly enjoy putting models together, with that feeling of accomplishment, including the sticky fingers and sanding dust, and after it all being able to look at the shelf and say, 'I made that,' rather than, 'I bought that.' It just feels like its more mine... Thom
  13. Cool, I just won the 1/4000 Yellow Submarine DYRL SDF-1 on Ebay! Pretty good price too considering the 1/5000 scale transforming toys for sale at close to $200! Can't wait to get it and toss it together. It'll be a little out of scale compared to the Quarter, but I can live with that. Besides, it'll quench my SDF-1 needs...!
  14. I'd be happy with a static cruiser-mode model. I bought the Quarter, and it has yet to be transformed!
  15. I'd like an entire series of capitol ships, please. Carriers, escort ships, New Macross carriers, all of them. Not to scale with the Quarter certainly! But 1/5000 would be pretty good...
  16. There is a nice addition to the Homeworld game. And this one. Your friend could possibly do something similar.
  17. If it did say that, then HELL YAH!! Nah, just kidding. I'll be envious of those who can afford it, but dropping $200 on the Quarter is about as far as I'll go, even for a Macross capitol ship. I'll just have to dream about finding that perfect sale someday...
  18. DANG IT!! I want one, maybe two, but I'm hundreds of miles from the nearest IKEA - AND THEY DON'T SELL THIS ON-LINE!!
  19. I have to say I like it, though I'm not in love. Love would be the original VF-25 super packs!! Seeing it for the first time, cruising out of its hangar was awesome. And it looks like it works good enough in atmosphere there. Maybe I like the super pack better because it makes the VF-25 look like a ten-ton hammer that you don't want to be anywhere near. Whereas the tornado pack looks like its dressed up for a ball...
  20. They may have staged the photo with the Quarter on its back, the arm pointed straight up. In any case, I made my payment!!
  21. They would have to change the name of the song 'Triangle,' to 'Square...' Or let it just become a 'swap-meet..'
  22. That's an awesome idea! Say they were falling for each, but Grace couldn't have her two favorite toys falling in love and ruining the plan, so she forces them apart! A whole new storyline could be Brera trying to break from her control to be with Sheryl again. Who knows how much will be changed!?! And true, Alto and Ranka didn't see much of each other during the last few episodes, but I would put that to Ranka maturing and seeing that there was more than her own concerns, and that she would have to sacrifice them for the greater good. Of course she just got powned by Grace anyway and was set up as the new 'Queen,' falling right into Galaxy's hands... Hence, Alto to the rescue...
  23. EDIT-ed Awesome pictures. Its great to see how he did it too. Definitely gives some ideas for the old brain to work on! Thanks for posting them.
  24. And if we're using these as possible outcomes, she may end up with Brera! You know, high class star and rogue fighter pilot who may or may not be one of the enemy...
  25. Need some Ranka love! Personally, I don't see why so many people actually hate her. Hate being a strong emotion for a two-dimensional anime character. I would dispute that she does not have a loli figure, she is a likable young character, and her progression from child-like to mature young woman is quite clear, even as Sheryl leaves behind the glaring show business glitz that kept her cold and unapproachable. 'Bitchy.' Sheryl has some great qaulities, and I don't dislike Sheryl, but I do root for Ranka to win Alto in the end. As for Harem endings, they're too easy. To make a choice like at the end of Macross, between Minmei and Misa, is the tough part.
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