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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Baby got back! And yeah, I could mean the mecha...😜
  2. Sad news indeed, esp in so shocking a way. RIP good sir, and Mrs. and doggo...
  3. Nice VF @Cheese3!
  4. As said, way too young! She's still young Dawn to me, c;mon! And found by her mother, that must have been devastating. RIP and Godspeed.
  5. Been there for the first happy day being 'adopted' by the four-legged overseers all the way to the last... We know the highs and lows right along with you.
  6. The thing is, we (I) can get so reliant on one service that I stop shopping around at other places. There's an ebook I bought just a short while ago on Amazon and looking around, I found and downloaded the epub for free. Not that I'm going to do that a lot, I'd rather pay for a book and give the author their due, but a free version of a book I've already bought? Okay. I should also shop around at Barnes and Noble as well, though I do stop in their local store every week.
  7. @derex3592 Have fun with the compressor - after the remodelling! Should be all good and worth it in the end though. @pengbuzz Once again a cool build from PengYards! Just keep making your dreams a reality! @arbit You (and the Scion) did a great job! Hearing the opening soundtrack in my head. As to my project, I was able to mate the Tamiya intake trunking/nose gear well with the Hasegawa cowling. Was a bit of work with cutting and sanding and testing and adding back plastic... Not a good shot, but it is now a lot deeper than the Hasegawa part. Then I did a test fit and... uh oh... oh no! Somewhere in all the cutting and hacking, and a bent wing, the true went out the window! I stepped back from it for a night to thunk on the matter, then popped the Hasegawa 'insert' out from the belly and reglued it. It is now proud on one side and shamed on the other, but the inlet is more in-line as to what it should be. I'll need to 'adjust' its mating surface to take care of the rest - and then fill in that big depression on that one side and sand down the other... Just parr for the course I guess. Thom
  8. I have bought a lot of ebooks but very seldom their paper copies (when available.) I think from now on I'll use Amazon for the preview and buy the paperback (when available) or hunt for the e-title elsewhere. They want to eff around? Okay.
  9. Ever too true! The only thing people really own is phsyical.
  10. Just FYI for those not aware, on Feb 26, Amazon will be removing the Download Option on their Kindle. This option allows you to download the ebook you have bought onto your personal computer. Without it, they can adjust content of a book you have already bought or, as has happened in the past, delete the book entirely from your Library. Have fun getting a refund... If you haven't already, I'd suggest downloading your favorites now. Personally, I've started moving back to physical media (paper books) just for the joy of them, but being abkle to keep what I have purchased is a nice bonus. A good saying I came across on youtube is, "If Purchasing is not Owning, then Piracy is not Stealing."
  11. Box art gonnna box art😉
  12. I do prefer the movier version Meltrandi ships. I like those sharp, sleeker angles. I always figured they were that way because the gun pods, when belly mounted, were 'grip-up' so the logo was correct in that orientation.
  13. I don't recall if these ships were used in OG Macross or just in the follow up series? https://macross.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Meltrandi_Mecha
  14. Sorry for your loss @MechTech. He sounds and looks like he was the goodest boi! He brought you many happy memories, and I'm sure you did the same for him.
  15. Suble and yet very notable differences. Very nice! @electric indigo That's a smooth looking finish!
  16. I would love for them to do that. I still have some of the older ships kits that I still need to put together.
  17. Impressive print! As for size, it doesn't look too off, I don't think. I found this size chart in Pinterest. One thing I'd note is that the drive section/legs look smaller than they should. Or, the arms/flight decks are oversized, which looks more likely when comparing the Frontier's legs to the Macross.
  18. That was a good movie. I liked the mystery of the Gorge and wondering where it came from and thought Taylor-Joy and Teller had some real good chemistry.
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