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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I really liked the original anime, and even the movie that followed. But I feel like it's jumping around too much to keep watching. It's like haveing a new Spiderman, only to redo him a few years later with a 'restart.' And the Hulk. And Superman. Either that, or make an entirely new story rather than clothe it in the raiments of a better 'prequel.'
  2. I preordered three. One to build straight - and the other two for kitbashing into a Titan.
  3. Why the heck can't they just do a straight sequel!?!
  4. Some progress...
  5. Photo etch could be well worth the while! I'll be doing my 1/350 scale Warspite after I finish my battlestar. It's named Pyrrha, the daughter of Pandora.
  6. And yet, the Pegasus galaxy turned out to be a tight enough unit of worlds thanks to the Stargate, that languages could have been similar enough to make at least the attempt at overcoming a language barrier worth while. The creators of the shows simply gave up on that aspect rather then giving ten or twenty minutes for the first few episodes to tackle it. But this is in relation to Galactica's refugees coming upon an Earth that spoke the same language they did, and yes, I agree with Ghost Train that that would have been absurd.
  7. That's one of the great failures of Stargate Atlantis. In Stargate SG1, Daniel Jackson had to find the way to communicate, where-as on Atlantis, everyone in an entirely different galaxy spoke clear English. That's too foolish, and would be if Galactica found a contemparary Earth at the end of their voyage. Communication would have been the first of many hurdles, not the least of which would be an alien warship entering our system with an entire fleet of refugees. Illegal aliens, anyone..?
  8. I much prefer the original storyline. We didn't create them. The actual Cylons, the lizards, made them as their military arm. Then I think it was that the machines revolted against them, and pretty much all life in existance. The only thing I really like about the newer show is the ships. And the Raptors, I would think, more fits the roll of an attack helicoptor/shuttle.
  9. Oh HELL No!! Never ever again poison this or any other web site with references to that travesty. It's just that coming to our modern world wouldn't help them much, and really opens the door to corny hokey-ism, and would be more than a little cliched. Like human look-alike androids... I've always wanted the original Galactica to find an Earth that was able to fight with them, against the innumerable odds of the Cylons closing in on this last bastion of humanity. That would make an awesome series.
  10. Saw that one before. It is cool. And way more than I'm willing to get into!!
  11. I didn't light mine either. The effect just looks too cheesy for me. Instead I concentrated on kitbashing and scratchbuilding. Have you seen this guy's work? http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/index.html He's doing a fully lit Andromeda in 1/500!
  12. I did see one of the Gal Force animes. At the end, the one woman who survived and the first human man, I assume is what he was, left the ruin of Eden (the moon) and went to populate the Earth. That is just about what the ending of NuBSG was anyway, just with more people. What I suggested is more along the lines of Homeworld. Of course, what I really wanted was the Galactica fleet to find an Earth with a Babylon 5 style of tech, rather than the abandon all techonology crap that they loaded on us. What a dissapointment...
  13. I think they'd do better with a slighty futuristic Earth finding the remains of the Galactica, and maybe a few other ships. Their flight into the sun may not have gone as planned, ending up with the ships on millenia long orbits through the sol system. They're then found and brought to Earth just as the Cylons from the last episode return, and turn out to none too freindly. I'd like that better than retelling the Cylon War, especially knowing how it all ends anyway...
  14. Last I heard the Moebius Pegasus should be out mid to late 2012. There's no pre-order yet on the site, but there is over at Cult TV Man. http://www.culttvman...ION_p_1976.html I've already pre-ordered one. As for Raptors, Bad-Azz Models has a few listing for upcoming Raptors in 1/32. Price TBD... Scroll down to bottom http://jt-graphics.com/MK_BA.html
  15. Nice Andromeda. She's a sexy old B!!
  16. I signed up!! I'm not too enthused by the 'classic' anime look, so I think this is great, and I'm glad for the update.
  17. Thom


    Is there an English language version. Otherwise, I can't register...
  18. Here's my current. A Max and Milia Super Combo build. I'm a little further along than the pictures show. These are two I hope to have finished before the next show on 9/25.
  19. Hope they CG out the entire movie. Top Gun sucked salty %&$%(#$
  20. I did hear a while back about a new ST series called Federation. But I also heard it didn't get off the ground so to speak... It was set during the decline of a jaded and corrupt United Federation of Planets. Linky http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Federation
  21. Yes, the dubbed version was horrendous. I can never get past ANY anime - so far - that doesn't sound like a kid's Saturday morning cartoon when it's been dubbed. Like Scooby Do... I stick with subtitled now, and the longer I watch that way the easier it is to read and watch the action at the same time. Macross II has its lows and highs, but I generally enjoy it, and take it like it is. The red-headed stepchild from a rather blue-blood family.
  22. As long as SyFy channel is making their - ahem - movies... there will never be an end to this list of the Worst.
  23. The mantra I force through my head: He's a really a she, He's really a she, He's a really a she, He's really a she, He's a really a she, He's really a she, He's a really a she, He's really a she, He's a really a she, He's really a she... That, or Ace Ventura's rendition of the Crying Game...
  24. That looks like Leon...
  25. True all. Saw it today and thought it was very good. Not blowing you out of your seat, but great fun. I'll be buying it on the Blue...
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