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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Very cool. And I like the base. Nice!
  2. That Ghost is one lovely witch!
  3. Current SyFy 'movies' being a case in point... Oh, how I wish Singer/DeSanto had been able to get their Battlestar Galactica show to the TV... I'm not saying I hated the Moore show, it was very good, the but the stories were too much like a soap opera rather than a space opera...
  4. Well, if they're watching this, I - added to others - wish for a reboot. The first one was cool because it was the Transformers on the BIG SCREEN! But there was no Spike. And there was very little robot to robot interaction, just us flesh-bags squirling about like mad things and yipping. They could do the G-1 storyline so well, I don't understant why they didn't from the first. As for the Third movie, they wasted a great opportunity. With her Royal High Ass having been kicked off the project, they should have gone further and killed her character completely. Get a body double, CG her face for some quick, flashback shots, and use any one of the thousands of sound clips of her screaming Sam's name - and then have Starscream step on her. It would have brought a darker focus onto Sam's character, a vengeful air that Prime, in his infinite wisdom, could have counseled against. But no, the love affair is just suddenly 'over,' a new super model girlfriend has been jammed into place, complete jealous agnst, and yadda yadda yadda Hollowood Hollowood Hollowood... Reboot!
  5. Finished! I'll post more pics in its own thread, but for now, here's the Battlestar Nemein, along with her escort the Battlestar Kara.
  6. Those VF-1s look just great! Here's more on my Big-G, the Nemein.
  7. That is a beauty! Nice choice on color scheme and just a simple, neat build. Gotta love the lines of a D.
  8. I know! At least it's still this year!! I have three on pre-order so my fleet will be rockin' with some awesome firepower. And yes, one of those Peggies will be named Galactica!
  9. It's really weird when those things show up at work. It's friendly though. Usually I have to get the bug spray or a heavy boot...
  10. Armoring up a Big-G as the Battlestar Nemein.
  11. Well, I can see that. There it is, serenly cutting across the pond, its operator on shore enjoying the accolades of his fellow RC shippers. When suddenly the ship turns wildly, out of his control, and speeds towards a neighboring sail boat. Oh yes, it is time for a Daedalus Attack!!
  12. VF-25 - the original with the swept back wings and fully armored!
  13. Currently, I'm refitting the DVD-pride from the newest Star Trek movie. Moving the neck... replacing the strust and bussards... just some little tweaks.
  14. It is a good pop flick. I was hoping for something a little more serious, but it does appear to follow the now common vein of the 'camp/macho patriotism' theme. I liked the first hour and forty or so, but then there was just too much candy and a total disregard for plot-holes, dropped plot-lines and just unexplained lead ins. It was good, but it could have been so much better! Oh, and one of the old guys near the end does mention about the aliens not being able to sink their battleship...
  15. I think what's more the case is the pilots doing 'wing-wags' as a way of saying farewell.
  16. Whaddya wanna bet that it don't do any good... And I'll take the Sulaco over Prometheus any day. It looks nice, such as the main body, but I don't like the ungainly look of the swivel on swivel engines. And from seeing the trailers, and the entirely too much information that they reveal, it could use some guns near the end...
  17. Thank you for the great comments. I am working on another battlestar based on the Moebius Galactica, named Hekate. And another named Pyrrha.
  18. Oh, that's hilarious! Stupid, but hilarious.
  19. Well, it's still on the bench even though it is DUN. My Battlestar Kára is Bad-Azz's Valkyrie kit with extra flight pods and armed with Moebuis Galactica's kit guns, the guns from Paragraphics photo-etch set and 1/700 weapons sets for IJN ships. She's a 'smaller' scale than the Mobeius Galactica and so is only slightly smaller all around, which is good cause I don't like the thought of it really being only as large as one of Galactica's flight pods. This sleak design deserves some size!
  20. Well, you have to go through some mistakes to find the one that's right for you... MISA!!
  21. I agree on the design of the nuEnterprise. It has grown on me, but only so far. Yes, move the neck forward and straighten out the bends in the nacelle struts, and maybe make the nacelles a little less 'ample..' But in all, a good design to restart from, with other elements that definitely have a nice Sixties flare. I may make enemies right now, but it beats the original TOS design by a loooong shot! Its dated by more than just forty years! And now my big disagreement. Ahum. Jeri Ryan. Are you guys nuts!? I don't usually go for over the top gorgeous, but she's got it, and I like it!
  22. While I'm chugging away on the Pyrrha, I thought I'd also hit my Valkyrie class Battlestar Kára. And the mod I intend to do to give it double deck flight pods.
  23. I too will have to choose the VF-0. One is size, because I like big planes. The F-14 for example. Another, greater reason, is it's styling. Sure, the VF-1 is slim and sleak, but the Phoenix is just too damn beautiful. It's sexy!! Which gives me an idea for a build. I should do one as Hikaru Ichijyo's, complete with the super packs!
  24. I want to know when we're going to get a model of the Frontier? Without the Island of course...
  25. I watch that A LOT. The soundtrack is awesome, and is actually from the movie The Island. What I would give to see a series based around that!
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