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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Although I did like Snow White and the Huntsman I think Maleficent does a lot better. And a lot of that would have to be because of Angelina Jolie. Kristen Stewart is good, but she doesn't have that presence. I also feel there is a lot more emotional fulfiment from Maleficent, especially in their endings. Snow White just seemed to peter out after the climactic battle, of which Maleficent just does better there also. And rather than just a fight between good and evil, it was more a fight of being good or evil. Maleficent is a story of redemption that just has more comlexity. Plus I just enjoyed it more, It actually seems to get better with each time I see it, which is unusual for a movie. Put it this way, since Snow White and the Hunstman came out in 2012 I've watched it twice. Since Maleficent came out on Friday, I've watched it three times... In one week...
  2. She is greatly suited to the role! I watched it again today and I liked it even better than the first time! I think disney is using sublminial messages again... I went to an early show so there weren't a lot of people, but there were several young girls present, and I thought it was great when one of them cheered near the end. Those who've seen it could probably imagine when it was called for. Great performance from Jolie and a great story, awesome cinematography and a great soundtrack... I can't wait for this to come out on Blu-Ray!
  3. That's why I don't listen to reviews. Most often they don't like what I like. I'm going to see it again.
  4. I thought it was pretty good. Not great, unfortuneately, but real good. A little too short time-wise with some themes drawn too long and others a little too short. Still, I'll buy it on Blue-ray and watch it again.
  5. A couple of Garmllas ships. I wanted to take a quick break from kitbashing my Battlestar Pegasus, and these proved to be a coupl eof quick and easy little builds. Kudos to Bandai, for these just fell together and they're modular construction hides almost all the seams! Sweet. and a peak at the Titan class Battlestar Pegasus... It's mocked together.
  6. Real nice job! It looks great.
  7. For anyone who has the 1/1000 scale ships, can you give a measurement of their hull lengths? I want to know how big (or small) these are. I did order the 1/1000 Yamato with hopes of 'upsizing' it to as close to 1/700 scale as I can. Like on here - http://www.geocities.jp/dourakuoyadi/newpage1000yamato.htm I want it to fit in as close as possible to my older Bandai 1/700 ships, EDF Nike (at 18 inches long) and EDF Interceptor
  8. Thanks Chyll2, That's looking really nice.
  9. Yes, nice! MOre pics!
  10. Thom


    Have seen it before, but always nice to see it again. Bookmarked!
  11. Lovely work on a sleek pair of beautiful fighters! You do them justice!
  12. They'll clear it up in later trailers, but it has to do with discovering wormholes and using them to begin to explore the galaxy. Or that's what this says anyway... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816692/
  13. Beautifully done! She's a real little stunner. Not so sure about the rear planes, but that's just me. Nice work! Thom
  14. I haven't received mine yet, but from the looks of it, if you've done modern aircraft models, then it should be just the same as that.
  15. Ipressive amount of work. That Iperial Star Destroyer is looking awesome! And yes, Engrish is wonderful...
  16. I don't watch the show. Not into zombies, not into constant darkness and death, but I still follow threads out of curiosity. About the car seat, was the baby awake at the time she was buckled in? Because the people filming may have just needed a way to keep her in the seat while they were shooting the scene, without the danger of her falling out.
  17. Yeh, my will crumpled and I ordered two. One I'm going to do as a Jolly Roger's tribute plane, sine I have the decals for it and I just love the way the Bandai one turned out. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/toyark/101574-macross-thread-1739.html The other, I may use the Bandai parts from Luca's RF-25 to make a static one with the drones. That'll give me a coupl eof kits to kit-bash into other fighters or even a starship or two!!
  18. I'd go with this. One of the major problems of not continuing the story but deciding to retell it, is that they are going to make changes that will open plot holes. It was perfectly fine the first way they did it. Why waste time simply rebooting the same story rather than continue it afterward? That's almost like Roboteching... Such as when Alto swoops down after saluting goodbye to his plane and picks up Ranka and they fly off to explore the new world...
  19. Oh, how I love that! Now only if our own Western culture would get the hint!
  20. Awesome Oberth! You can't tell you did all that work. Which is a good thing.
  21. It looks great, and I'm glad the gear are looking better than the Bandai version. Although I will say that the pilots do look too big for the bird. I'm going to have to use the Bandai figures if I do put a pilot in them. I can't wait to get one! Or two... Maybe three...
  22. Great work! It looks like it was lifted straight out of the anime. And nice job with the display.
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