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Everything posted by Thom

  1. All gone... for now...
  2. THREE left as of... now!
  3. The ES-11D is back in stock at SSM! FIVE remaining! http://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/2920/172-es-11d-cats-eye-reconnaissance-spaceplane.html
  4. Splintered up, and then some!
  5. Nice work! I see the Invid (or is it Inbit) are here in force! I personally welcome our new overlords with open arms! On my bench is...
  6. It's good to see kits coming back out of the box! I know I have too many still waiting in limbo. And she's a Skull, huh? Cool.
  7. Great work going on. Nice builds on those tanks and the Invid. Nice color choice. I started putting decals down on mine.
  8. Also working on this... This is my own version of the Jolly Roger tribute Valkyrie, like the one seen here before. Some of the decals that will be used. And the Skull Squadron ensign that will be in grays on the back.
  9. Well, when it comes down to it, which Yuki version is screen 'accurate..?' Or close to? I will say that though I do like those more generaous proportions, Yuki is more slender and lithe - and I like that too... But whichever one - keep 'em coming!
  10. The Peggy's younger sister... My new Galactica.
  11. Awesome display. I love hoy you brought it all together. Looks just great.
  12. Still working out the fiddly bits...
  13. Nice work! And I love the pile 'o parts sitting by the wall.
  14. See, that's why I didn't give him (Bay) a dime! At some point it'll be on TV and then I'll watch it, and probably pat myself on the back for spending the money on watching Maleficent again... Until then, I'll forget it even existed except for the odd moments when I see something Transformers related. Yay me! Hail me!
  15. I think it's still doing okay. I still have a problem with the Captain leaving the ship at the drop of a hat though. Somehow he considers himself expendable and his XO, who in private and not so private has stated his doubt about the 'mission,' will for some reason continue said mission if the captain is killed on one of his jaunts... And... SPOILAGE ... why are they still tied to the pier with a 'friendly' inbound..? All they had was a sexy English accent on the radio and the call sign of a known British ship. For being the last US Navy ship in the dying world, they can sometimes act all fat and happy...
  16. He still can't talk?!?!? He talked at the end of the first movie! The damned All Spark fixed him! Aaarggh! Must be just for the gimmick...
  17. Well that was good, just not what I meant.. I mean a live action Transformers movie the way it was supposed to be...
  18. SPOILAGE!! Pretty much most of what I was having trouble with too. Plus, the Captain leaving the ship in an extended time of crisis? Much less putting his own life on the line in order to restart the ship..? What was he doing in the engine room anyway..? He has a crew to oversee these things while he commands all from the Big Chair. As for them choosing a destroyer and not a carrier, I can see that as our carriers are pretty much followed wherever they go. If they want secrecy to safeguard the hunt for the vaccine the best thing is a small operation that can hide within an extended weapons test mission. Plus, the Doctor stated that their mission - at first - had low priority. They wouldn't be tossing a carrier task group around the globe on what - at the time - was a simple scare. Of course, after the Government discovers how bad the situation really is it is then far too late. If eighty percent of the population is already infected and dying then more than likely most of the military is within that eighty percent, especially onsidering all the travel they do anyway. The best thing they could do would be to find as many Navy ships as possible - before they founder - and stockpile as much hardware as possible at a hidden location. They're going to run out of missiles and bullets and shells real quick, especially if any warlord with a ship or plane is going to try to fight them for the cure. And is it just me - or does anyone else feel a mutiny coming on..?
  19. If it had a different director, I might go to see it in the theatre. But I have no confidence that Bay has progressed passed the happy platue that he has reached in his previouse films, Pearl Harbor, Transformers 1 and 2 and 3... All aspire to too much grandoise machismo to cover up plot lines and scripts that are pretty much crap... And I've stopped hoping that it will get any better with the next sorry attempt to keep his ego boosted. But hey, maybe this will be better than before. Perhaps in a week or two I might go to see it in the theatre if I hear that it is better than the schlock that has come before. Or I'll just go see Maleficent again... Damn, Jolie is hot with horns...
  20. Watched it as well. Thought it was pretty good. There were some things that had me shaking my head a little, but hey it's TV... I'll keep watching until the B.S Factor gets too much to brush aside. Thom
  21. Any builds planned yet..? I just got mine too, but it will be sitting on the To Do Shelf for a while yet. Just FYI, here's what I hope to be putting onto the dome...
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