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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I'd say you should receive One Smash Allowance, just for the awesomeness of those models! Great work. And yes, 'please, sir, may I have some more..?'
  2. The Skull decal on the back was scanned into the computer, then reprinted onto decal paper in gray scale. The eye is recolored with a dab of yellow paint.
  3. Okay, this one is on the way to completion! I will not stop until it is DUN. It will not see the inside of a box until it is finished!
  4. Not knowing much about this, other than Britai's ship being renamed SDF-3 seems logical seeing how so few ships were left after the war, could it be possible that the labelling of SDF-003 is just telling that Britai's ship is accompanying the Megaroad 001 and not just another designator for the colony ship?
  5. Aw, c'mon, he was just a kid at the time. At least he got on the ball eventually and just let Misa take over! Mmmm, Misa.... She is the only one!
  6. The dreaded Pinapple Assault will soon breach those walls, and then you'll have to deal with Elsa personally. You saw how she dealt with those guards, right? Right!? Not a good movie... Rot in the Pit o' Shame!
  7. I haven't been a fan of the series from the first movie with Heston. But I would think this would dove-tail direectly into the original with no problem at all. There's no reasom to remake it. None at all. The only tech that shows is at the beginning and in the cave, and all are generic enough examples to not stand out in a TOS Star Trek kind of way. I haven't seen this one and I probably won't until I catch portions of it on TV, but I would guess that they could do one more before the 'next' movie is Heston's original one.
  8. Which just shows how politics are subjective to each person. I didn't think too much about the politic crap, which thankfully was extremely little. But looking back, I identify the anti-tech as Conservative and the pro-tech reach for the stars as the Liberal angle. Just goes to show that labeling one thing to a whole group of people is never a good thing.
  9. Yes, you're just a regular perv. Don't worry about it...
  10. One thing to keep in mind, in that the movie-verse of the franchise, it is humans 'monkeying' with the dino-DNA. These are not exact replicas of the extint species, but hybridized creations (bastardizations) that will look similar to the original, but will not be the original. In that context I can overlook the problem of original size, whether being too big or too small. This is also all done at the behest of a company (INGEN) wanting monster profits. So it is believable that they would have 'chosen' the star of their show and named it what they wanted. The Velociraptor. And the bigger the monster, then the bigger the profits - hence the super huge dinoshark eating the little modern shark. Ancillary dinos, those being herbovores (leaf-eaters) would most likely be left alone, seeing as the meatosaurasus are the stars and need to be baddified to the extreme, and need innocent victims (leaf-eaters) to hunt and dine upon.
  11. Yes, not much she can do when her daughter runs off and she's not around to protect her. And just so we know, that's the last EP thet I ever fully watched.
  12. I don't really watch the show, but if I did, I'm sure I would see Carol kick your bells up around your ears and then garrot you with your own tongue for that statement. And she's pretty in her way.
  13. I only wish Mr. Larson had been able to see it...
  14. Well, Murph explains how she tried telling everyone that she wasn't soley responible for the discovery, but that they thought she'd gone a little batty. I mean, try and explain your falther being the ghost that messed with your book shelf as a kid - while he was still alive - and you got the clues from the second hand of a watch... And the reunion with Murph at the end was about Coop and his daughter. Unfortuneately, movies can't go into every minute detail of a scene. It has to focus down to transmit the message it is trying to send. From the progression into the room, I got the sense that Coop was entirely seperate from everyone else but his daughter, because he had been away for so long. Nevermid that their ages have reversed. In that scene, Coop is the child and his daughter is now suddenly the wisened parent, advising him as to what he should do, blunty exposed when he simply asks her, like a child asking an elder for direction. He may have returned, but it's not his world anymore, much less his family. It wasn't his world the moment they lifted off to head for the wormhole. From that point on, the only direction available was forward. And the people in that room were Murph's family, not Coops. Consider that if he had never left, and Murph was still able to have that family, he would have been long dead by then anyway. EIther way you put it, he was seperate, as it always would have been so. Personally, after that scene, I wish the movie had been just five minutes longer...
  15. The reason I like Sci Fi at all. You were the man, Mr. Larson. Or i should say, Commander Larson. I wish you fair speed and a bright journey ahead.
  16. Wan't it a civil type war that brought down the Protoculture..? I wonder if history might start repeating itself.
  17. I wouldn't say the humans were collaborators. They were the puppet masters.
  18. I'm waiting for a new 1/1000 Andromeda, otherwise I'm going to have to cut down the Bandai models that I have so they fit with the new ships. Or not... I just laid the two models, the /1000 Yamato and the /700 Andromeda side by side, and they are pretty spot on size-wise! How much larger is the Andromeda supposed to be compared to the SB Yamato anyway? And it sounds like they shouldn't have wasted their time on the recap, and just could have given us the Gatlantis story earlier.
  19. I thought the movies were just movie versions of the series... Such as DYRL was to the original series. They had such different endings, with the movie version going along the lines of Macross Zero, where the hero just disappears. Whereas in the series, Alto was last scene flying through the skies rather than disappearing into the aether and going who knows where. Not the ending I liked by the way and is thus - except for the squadron of Macross Quarters at the end - forgotten... Personally, I think if there should be some crossover characters, it should be the second string. I'd like to see Klan again, and Luca and Nananse and especially Ozma and Kathy! Even as just little spots just to see how they're doing. Perhaps to find some room away from Michael's memory, Klan takes a new assignment with Macross Delta! Maybe she'll be the main character! Please Kawamori!!
  20. Love the Widow. Real nice work on that. I have two of the GWH P-61s in the stash, just waiting to go. One will be stock, the other will use Lone Star's conversion to an F-15 Reporter.
  21. That's a great looking Yamato! Makes me want to break out my 1/1000 and just Do It! But until then...
  22. What size would it be in 1/1000? And did someone mention cost or did I miss it..?
  23. All gone... for now...
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