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Everything posted by Thom

  1. That's pretty cool and it does look rather sleek. It's sure to blow some armor minds wide apart! Mine is finally getting closer to done. Needs some more paint and cleanup before decals, but she's coming along!
  2. Looking forward to this. I also don't know what people are looking for. I actually liked Ma Kent's line. Simple and plainly said, just as she would say it. If people are looking for Shakespear, then they're way off the mark!
  3. Wow, nice drone. What is that from? And since I never seem to complete anything anyway... Inspired by Admiral Buck's USS Lagrange on RI, this is my USS Dauntless in 1/1000
  4. The fighter looks damn sweet! My only grip is the positioning of the antigrav pods. Why are they hanging down like that..? I would have put them horizontal and imbedded into the wing. Or even remove the wing entirely. You have antigrav! Why do you need a wing!?! I'll have to see it in action. Definitely if they make a model of this, I'll be doing some reworks...
  5. Beautifully done VF-0! Gotta love that delta design.
  6. The trailer is already ten times better than Mission to Mars!!
  7. Link-ed! It looks really good. Only considering his track record from Interstellar - I have low hopes for his character...
  8. That VF-0 looks pretty dang kewel!
  9. So, when is this available on line..?
  10. Out of Stock, but has been available - for the right amount of coin! http://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/2465_94/172-gunstar.html
  11. So, not a reboot, which I would say would redo everything, including the origin. If it's just another tale of Spiderman with a new actor, I'm okay with it. It's what we need. A continuing story and not yet another take on the origin theme. I'm tired of them always starting from the beginning. Let's finally carry on with the character.
  12. If anything needs a reboot it is this! Go right back to the G-1 storyline, with less hoomans, more robots, a Megatron who was actually a villain to fear... But oh, all the hopeless dreams... I'm glad to say I DID NOT WATCH the last movie. If I ever see it, I will watch it on TV and not waste anymore money than is already being paid to the cable company.. The first was okay. I think it was a good basis to improve, but sadly what I wanted and what the director (and I use this term loosely for Bay) differed. He wanted crap. He got crap. Money too apparently, but it does stink like turd whenever he counts it. I actually have some interest in hearing that Bay might not be in the D seat. But Bring Shia and Megan back..? I'd say no. They've run the characters out, and not in a good way. With the thirds movie, I would have gone in a different direction for them. Megan Fox was off anyway. So I would have killed her character outright! In a preview before the credits, I'd film a death scene for her, which changes Shia's character's motivation for the whole movie. A darker twist as he's now out for revenge, rather than lumping us with the super stupid super model girlfriend from out of nowhere! Oh Hell, just change everything! But keep the voice actor for Optimus. The voice from my youth, when Transformers was good and fun and the highlight of a kids life! If there is anything good about these movies, it's that Peter Cullen is being paid WELL!!
  13. I tend to see the Queen as a product of the Collective, and not truly a controlling influence. I would imagine the initial evolution of the Borg without a central figure, was quite chaotic. Consider the thousands of billions of individual thoughts coalescing together - and then try to have a single course of action come from it. I think the Queen is akin to a sieve, in which all these thoughts and ideas are funneled and she makes the final decision on what the course will be. She was created by the Collective not as a ruler - but as the final say on the consensus. Now, back to the previously scheduled topic!
  14. It's like peaking into a special FX model shop... I went back to my /350 LCS, the Sybil Ludington, after my /1000 Yamato languished long enough. I put on bridge wings, And am detailing the boat bay. A spritz of gray in the AM showed there was still some cleaning up to be done. So on it goes.
  15. You know, someone with a home computer and a little down time could redo all the CGI at near or at movie quality. That's all I'd need. New special effects. Keep the movie, update the effects and we're golden!
  16. That body and hair is Misa Hayase, but that face is Min-Mai...
  17. The Last Starfighter is an icon of my youth!! Scraping into my early forties now and that movie is still one I would watch in a light second! Yes, the plot is thin, but the movie was fun and exciting. And although the special effects are too well dated by now, they were cutting edge at the time. The Last Starfighter was the first movie to rely solely on computer graphics for all its space scenes. I would love to have someone redo all the effects shots and splice them into the original movie. 'Twould be the most awesome!!
  18. I liked the first one and would love to see another! If if it is only as good as the first, then I will be very happy!
  19. Great work! Love that ship and you've done it justice.
  20. A little closer to completion...
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