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Everything posted by Thom

  1. A new Alien 3 would be awesome!! I totally hated that one and what they did to the characters. There was so much hope at the end of Aliens, that to do nothing but totally sh*t on it was an insult. I would have much rather the franchise had died right there rather than continue to lurch on through the following two wrecks. I do hope they de-canon 3 and 4 and start fresh. Even if they need new actors to play the parts as its been so long, it can be done right, and it can be done good!
  2. Saw this in a model mag. Thought it was a revamped Huey, but turns out its a new-built variant. Looks pretty cool. The UH-1Y Venom
  3. Weren't we shown where the xenomorphs came from in Prometheus? And is this a sequel to Prometheus, or Alien? With Ripley? Or connections to Ripley, like maybe her daughter, seeing how she's a popsicle after the first movie? Could this be about her daughter now an adult and going out to space to find her mother, but finding Aliens instead? Could the alien ship found in the first movie be the same one the scientist left on at the end of Prometheus? Maybe she didn't get very far? And if so, what happened to her and David the Head? So many ?
  4. It looks like it's made out of metal! Good job!
  5. I don't watch these shows much, but there have been hints, such the chopper which might have been seen in Atlanta, plus the military chopper that crashed during the Governor dust up, that maybe some sections of the military and Government are still in operation, but in guarded and enclosed areas. They may have hunkered down and are playing 'dead,' knowing they would be swamped with survivors who would then lead the walkers straight to them. Maybe, FTWD is going to be one of those enclosures and seeing not only if it survives, but in what form... What would someone rather, to be out on your own, surviving day to day not knowing where you're going to sleep or eat - or in a Government Reserve Site, protected from the walkers, but not your fellow humans..?
  6. Are the 1/3000 AMRD and Oberths still in the works? Having more of those would make a nice escorting fleet for the Hase-SDF-1s.
  7. Is this the Itano Circus variant?
  8. And here I am considering preordering another one!! But I'll wait. I'll wait to see what's on the trees. If the TV-version conversion parts are added in to the full Movie-version kit, then I'll pop for a second. What I want most are some extra parts in the hopes of bashing together a third version.
  9. Would that constitute the first ever use of a track ball? Would that mean that Macross was bustin' new ground way back in the day..? Would this mean that Macross was waaay ahead of it's time..? YES, I think so!
  10. I don't know where to look first!
  11. I can understand people being bummed and upset. Imagine if the 1/350 Yorktown was simply relabeled as the CV-6 Enterprise, with 'correction' parts? If we're told a TV version is coming out, it's expected that an as true to version as possible is what's sold. With this kit, there are enough differences in that only a hybrid is created. Which is Hasegawa playing fast and cheap with their customers, which is not a good thing for a company to do. And let's be honest, not every modeler has a kit-basher or scratch builder in them. Some people don't want to cut and carve and sand entirely new pieces. They just want to snip, sand and glue and then paint it and put it on a shelf. Myself, I'm perfectly fine with some extra work to clean it up, but then that's me...
  12. I wonder... What if, in protest over Disney's high prices on the kits, no one goes to see the new movie for the first week it is out? Would they get the message?
  13. If there is a 'best one,' it's the first one - if only because there was till some promise of improvement.
  14. Won this kit on eBay the other day. It's the 1/5000 scale kit. I had one as a kid, and I still have the remains of it knocking boots around somewhere. Which is good, as I will need some parts from it to finish one of these. And I say one of these, because there are TWO in the kit!! I noticed in the pics that there were two hull pieces and almost double of everything else laid out. So that means I paid a little more than $20 each! Awesome. I'm thinking about making them into either Supervision gunboats, an ASS-1, or just smaller SDFs to escort the bigger Hasegawa ships. You know, I wasn't looking to build a UN Spacy Fleet, but I guess it's happening!
  15. What's the point of that..?
  16. There is ALWAYS a bright side!!
  17. Man, nice work on that VF!! The win was well deserved!
  18. And we can make 'other' SDFs! They don't all look exactly the same, so the minor differences could mean making multiple UN Spacy ships to fill out that Super Long Distance Colony Fleet.
  19. However that leads us to the Advanced Super Hornet program... https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/navy-pleased-with-quotadvancedquot-super-hornet-tests-wants-more-397927/ Have to say that I love the Hornet. (Second to the old Tomcat) And I hope they're able to keep it around for along while to come!
  20. Don't care. Looks good. Can fix. Can't wait!
  21. I may have to buy another DYRL version, just to give this one a pair of worthy companions!
  22. Those bases look great - and intricate! And no, not scratch built. It's the Moebius kit. I just made it shorter, narrowed the head and am putting armor and shuttle bays onto the sides.
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