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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I don't proscribe to 'woke' being the problem. As just an example, in Alien, the guys were making some pretty bad mistakes, with Ripley being a voice of reason. If it wasn't 'woke' then, why is it 'woke' now? IMO, It's bad story ideas, lack of planning and bad writing.. A good exercise is to imagine all the genders flips, Rey being a man, Kylo being a woman and so on. Now, would it still suck? Sadly, yes. So, three departments that have absolutely nothing to do with story, writing and acting., And two of which actually excelled..,
  2. Gonna be great! I hope.😁
  3. Luke was just done dirty! They knew audiences wanted to see a Luke reminiscent of the OT, despite the setbacks he'd suffered, but instead we're given a broken-down quitter. I think they were tying to Yoda-fy Luke, but they just it took the wrong way. Even in his exile, Yoda had still not given up, and I think Johnson missed that Luke should have been a version of Old Ben instead. It's all in the way you write them, as Luke could have been this heroic figure right from the moment Rey first met him, not the guy who casually tossed away the Youngling Slayer 9000 for an attempt at audience giggles. (I did cackle a little.) But, if they had kept Jyn and Cassian alive at the end of R1, that would been a movie I would watch over and over again. Instead, I've only seen it all the way through the one time. I don't like the main characters being killed off, though I certainly recognize the weight inherent in that sacrifice. I'm just more for hopeful/happier endings not just for the movies but for the characters themselves.
  4. I'm wiling to give shows a chance to rev up, but the main drawback for me was that 1) it is a prequel (not terrible, in itself) and 2) the main character is dead. If he (and Jyn) had survived their movie, I would have watched it. And I would have liked R1 a lot better if they had gone with the ending that had them surviving. But that's just me.
  5. Well, I guess there's no reason to watch this season...
  6. Rest in Peace, you were the joy of several generations.
  7. That's assuming he was using soft lead and not something harder. IDK. Though the one time we see the damage it caused was when Hicks put it into a Xeno's mouth. Soft palate. And I'm going to assume the Xeno-physiology is a bit tougher than us fleshy bags of mostly water.😉 I don't mind it, as at this point Alien is more suspense than horror. Horror, to me, is Event Horizon, whereas this is just sci-fi with killer aliens. though I do hope they are moving away from the Prometheu/Covenant stuff. (?)
  8. She was too old for a reason, partly because the Jedi want to train younglings when they can more easily sever familial attachments. Osha was too old and Sol, because he lied about how exacly her family died, set up the problem. Also, the Jedi are not Star Wars Vulcans. They have emotions, they are just forbidden to have families. They are 'monks with a little on the side.'😉
  9. I had to look up FOMO!😅 And no. If these were legacy characters, then I would be more tempted, and I'm not interested in a show centered on the Sith. I'm more put out that Harewood had such a small role than Sol dying! The whole thing makes me really wish they had done this so far back as to be in the dawn of the High Republic. Or even before. 😑 Problem solved then!
  10. It looked like Sol was getting ready to fire on Mae's ship, and in that dangerous environment I would assume her ship would not have survived. Kind of an odd thing for Sol to do, if he was trying to chase her down. So I think the little rat guy, knowing what Sol was doing was not very Jedi, disabled the weapons, perhaps more to save Sol from his actions than Mae. Sadly, a lackluster ending for a lackluster show.
  11. A shot gun is a devastating weapon at close range, where we see it used and, as you point out, the Marine rifles were using explosive tipped rounds, so pretty much firing tiny bombs into a body. Vasqueze's pistol wasn't, so it didn't do much damage. IMO, anything firing explosive rounds could be termed as heavy. I bow to your superior knowledge! Which is one of the reasons that I don't like horror. I like the ending of Aliens more because there was more than one survivor - which was then totally screwed up in the beginning of the third, IMO.
  12. Actually, they did show their smarts, first by taking out the power and then by using crawl spaces to get around the doors. The first shows more intelligence than the others, obviously, but it shows problem solving skills. And, true about the first point, though it did take heavy armament to take them out. Pop guns seemed to show no real effect. Aliens was, and is, an extremely popular movie. And as any movie should, it concerned itself with only itself rather than setting up a franchise, which I don't think was even being thought of at the time. Nowadays, we are all about the franchise and having dozens of sequels, but this was the mid-80's. They did a smart pivot away from horror, esp since the alien was now seen, and gave us a rip-roaring actioner that delivered. The third movie failed, IMO, because it killed off every one. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want to watch a movie where my hero dies.
  13. It always is the end of the franchise, until those without original ideas are in want of more money...😜
  14. A lot of these are really, one-and-done kind of things. You can only do Alien once. I think even keeping it in horror and not action, they still would have hit the 'Already Done This' wall of diminishing returns pretty quickly, making it something ripe for the simpler jump-scare format. That's why I think changing it to action upended expectations (in a good way), as half of the horror/suspense was not even really knowing what the monster looked like. The sequel refreshed it and took the story along a new, and expected course. If Alien was the into, then Aliens was getting the full picture and seeing how tough they were. If this was following a standard story-arc then the third should have been the heroes getting the upper hand against the Xenomorphs, as in winning and not just surviving. A3 went back to the original format however, rather than following through, and basically just redid the original story. Everything after that was just picking up the franchise-crumbs and trying to make another whole slice of cake out of it. Wasn't going to work. That's why I ignore any of the movies after Aliens. Not only are they not as good, and in most cases just more muddling, the first two were complete and fulfilling, and we (I) really didn't need anymore.
  15. I do like Aliens better than Alien for that reason. I'm more an action fan than horror fan, though today it's not so much horror anymore as suspense.
  16. I remember him from Hill Sst Blues! A very dry, witty character. Always came across as a great actor.
  17. Yes, that's the one. Apparently it is all Hicks and Bishop with almost no Ripley or Newt. Darn.
  18. Now I want to know what that was. Never mind, found it. Alien 3 by William Gibson.
  19. Cancer sucks! RIP.
  20. IMO, better than the movie. 😉 Facehugger - 'Awe, he wants a hug!!'
  21. Yes, he was always optimistic and helpful about it.
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