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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Impressive stuff!
  2. I don't watch the show, but a good way to fool the TV viewers into thinking he was dead, would be to have him on all the shows saying that yes he is dead. Maybe he wouldn't even have to know that they were bringing him back. But by not having him on, they are leaving it ambiguous, and open. Here's hoping he shows up suddenly, saving the day once again!
  3. It looks like the angle problem starts just behind the ammo box. The rear of the fuselage looks upswept just slightly too high. If you cut it there and put in a plastic wedge filler, you could probably bring the whole tail down to where it's supposed to be.
  4. I remember seeing a delta winged F-22 several years ago. I think it was in Popular Mechanics, not too sure at the moment. But they did speculate about a delta winged FB-22. Big bomb payload, no vertical stabilizers, broad delta wings... Close to this,
  5. Nice C3PO! Now make him move and talk!
  6. One of the most memorable. Another two are the ghost train and the one with John Lithgow, playing a lonely bachelor who finds a doll that leads him to his love. Who has a doll of him. Cute.
  7. Great work on that Rafale Love the winglets!
  8. Mine is in the mail. Kinda disappointed that the DYRL parts are not still in it, but I'll be happy when it gets here. What would be great is if Hasegawa would simply include the TV version sprues in their DYRL kit. That way people could buy the one and build it either way...
  9. Very well done. They should do them like that.
  10. I think it's when using a slightly lighter shade of the main color and airbushing panel centers as opposed - or in conjunction with - darkening the panel lines. I think.
  11. No, it's the 1/48 Tamiya kit. I will say when I do another with the wings down, I'll put the inner and outer wing sections together before gluing the tops and bottoms together. It was a hassle getting the fold seam even. In that I wasn't as successful as I had wanted to be...
  12. Honest Trailers NEVER disappoints!! That being said, I thought the movie was pretty good. I'll be adding it to the shelf. It was entertaining, and that's all I look for in a M.O.V.I.E.
  13. Here she is just before first primer. Had to do a little sanding afterward, but that's just par for the course. You can also see my first attempt at the wingtip lights.
  14. I'll be doing some preshading on a 1/48 F-4U-D1 soon. Hope it turns out good. Also the first build where I'm using a gravity feed airbrush. Why did I wait so long..?
  15. With the white vest. Gotta have the white vest! It is a really good movie, as in a drama set in space rather than just sci fi serving as the frame work for a script. It'll will be the third in my Triumvirate of recent Sci Fi Gold that will sit on my DVD shelf. Gravity. Interstellar, and now The Martian.
  16. Great work on that MilFalcon! The preshading shows through nicely.
  17. So, available in October, but they really mean November with it being so late in the month. I wish they wouldn't tease me so...
  18. Do you mean the blonde who's in 'Halt and Catch Fire?'
  19. 'Prometheus - Paradise Lost.'
  20. Looking forward to it!
  21. I just haven't seen any of them until now. I thought the Hueys were all gone from service. Makes me wonder about some movies, like Battle LA, when they show the old Hueys rather than newer Blackhawks, why didn't they just CGI them look like Venoms?
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