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Everything posted by Thom

  1. One thing I would have wished, is if they were going to bring back Zod, they should have done it all the way. Zod was bass-ass enough without turning him into a some Hulkerized monster thing.
  2. A truck with a snow plow...
  3. The military also had RPGs. And tanks. And machine guns. And ground attack aircraft. I don't see RPGs as being anything else than a quick escape device. Clear some ground within which to run, so to speak... And who else thinks that kid is going to be tossed to the monsters if he gets any louder? And holding hands? No. Walkers shamble all about without any real direction. You don't want to string a line within them for them to shamble into. And why no fortifies houses? You know, just in case the wall comes down..?
  4. You can never be out of Yuki...
  5. Yes, I like that it doesn't have to be a single villain for the team to fight - or split - against. In that way, the villains are the main heroes themselves, because they are allowing themselves to lose focus on their friends and team mates truly are. The hero is the villain when they allow to happen what an actual villain would be unable to do.
  6. The T-70 is pretty cool. What we haven't seen yet, are the Resistance ships.What will their frigates look like, their Mon Col cruisers and such? I'm hoping we see those at some point as well.
  7. Agreed. Definitely no longer a toy!
  8. Nice work on that Falcon. I have an MPC kit that I need to get to at some point. As well as the X-wings that are starting to come in, both Revell and Bandai.My SDF-1 also arrived today. Don't know when I'll get to that either. I have a bit of a model back-log of mid-builds to slog through. Which brings an update on my F4U-1D. I finally have her up on her gear. Next is a gloss coat and decals and then weathering. And a little more paint touch up before then... Oh well...
  9. I only play with women...
  10. Never mind the bad dubs, but check 6 minutes in. Main thrusters firing! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6xfgo_sdf-macross-ep-3-1-2_shortfilms
  11. I love that it was FemShep. Wub!!
  12. Where's the Mass Effect movie..? C'mon, we're getting Warcraft already!
  13. In the series, I recall they were a bright blue when they first fired up..
  14. Here's another image. The proportions are not correct, but there's something more mature about the look.
  15. Awesom shot at 4 min 47 sec!! What a beautiful beast. Why don't they make planes looking like this anymore..?
  16. Overall I'm not a Purist for design. If it's close enough, then I'm fine. There's some work to be done to fix some fidly bits, but that's okay by me. But what I am seeing is another problem, and that's with the Prometheus, and the probably the Daedalus, mounting arms and how they are articulated. For the DYRL version, it looks flimsy to me the way the ARMD ships are attached to the shoulders with curving arms. I like the TV version mainly because the arms go straight back from the shoulders to the sterns of the ship. From looking at the first pic in Firesped's WIP post, it's clear they went with the DYRL mounting option. That makes the third thing that I'm going to have to try and change when I finally get mine from the mailman. Definitely going to have to shave some plastic - as well as build some up to make the clearances needed for a straight arm support...
  17. I always thought that was a neat touch. Very real world for a cartoon back in the day. Ahum, anime...
  18. ...Stonewell SC-27 Star Goose? It was the shuttle that took Misa back to Earth. And the one she was in when Hikaru first flies the Booby Duck to her rescue. Awesome scene... http://macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/stargoose.htm http://macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/stargoose/stargoose-lineart.gif
  19. I like that long nose on it. Just seeing Revell's snubby-nosed Level 1 kit shows what the alternative is. The wing split doesn't bother me too much. I would like larger exhausts on it though, especially to counter the huge cowls. Perhaps a variant is in order, mixing the T-65 exhausts with the T-70 cowls... Overall, definitely a sleeker, worthy successor to the Rebellion's tried and true war-horse!
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