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Everything posted by Thom

  1. True, although there is a bit more dramatics involved with being able to look out a window and see the action. Although, perhaps the bridge sail is merely for sensors and observation. The actual bridge could still be buried deep. And nice work on that destroyer. Also like how the smoke is not trailing, as it would in an atmosphere. It should be jetting out straight, unless the ship changes its trajectory or velocity.
  2. ...could have nothing... This is great news, I use to have two of these in resin, unbuilt, that I then had to sell during a period of enforced 'vacation.' Now I'll have them back again in plastic! Thank you WAVE, you're awesome!! Any idea on a release date?
  3. I like that! That's definitely a design I can see being used in the real world!
  4. Not much chance of rescue back in the old old days. If you could swim then you were damned to possibly hours on end in frigid waters with sharks swimming beneath ya. Many sailors, if they lost their ship or were just simply lost overboard, wanted it over quick.
  5. Dang, does the rear end remind me of the Tigershark, or what..?
  6. My dream Transformers movie would be a reboot going right back to the original series, in which Michael Bay never existed and we had real Transformer characters, instead of them playing second fiddle to us pesky leetle hoomans. Cause the original show was about the Transformers with some human helpers/slaves. And it was a pretty straight forward storyline, rather than the tangled mess Mister Bayer keeps sloughing off onto us. The first of Bay's movies was okay, but they are supposed to get better, not worse as they go. Instead, it's like Bay thinks KABOOM CRASH SMASH and BOOM are the only story point you need... And agreed, Transformers the Movie from 1986 is still beating Bay's movies with a nail-studded 2 by 4! Not to mention that the soundtrack still rocks! But it is being made, and not rebooted, and like the last movie, I will wait until this sorry mess is on Netflix or regular TV before I torture myself with it.
  7. Some of it looks good. The dinner scene and such, but the walking out of the bank with a pizza, or doing a tuck-n-roll off a Mustang doing close to a hundred... No. It would need to get better. On the plus side, nice to see Damon Wayans back on TV.
  8. As far as I know, Disney has made no statement as to Elsa's gender preference. I think it is all fan-based. If there is a Frozen 2, and there is a love interest for Elsa, it'll probably be a guy. Which is no reason not to watch it. This is something that the fans have put into it, rather than anything to do with the movie itself. They are like alternate universes...
  9. Great idea. I remember wanting one of those so bad as a kid, mainly because it looked exactly like a VF!
  10. Not on the bench anymore... DUN!! Finally finished this one, the Bandai 1/1000 Yamato. Finished with the Mr. Color Yamato colors and a weathering from ProModeller wash, followed by a nice dull coat.
  11. While I wasn't watching, that's when I stopped. It showed me that nothing good was going to come from this show. It was all going to be sadness, struggle and loss... Pass.
  12. I already know how it ends. Why I don't like a lot of prequels, especially because most of who you are in introduced to, are now dead... Including their descendant.,
  13. That a great looking Vajra. I'm sure your daughter wants one of her own now. The battlepod looks great. One of the better alien war mechs And that display wall is gonna be awesome! For me, back on my shelf is a /1000 Yamato that for the longest time, was scantily clad only in primer. The saucy minx!!
  14. Lovely work on that! One of several favorites designs from the show. Sad it didn't get more air time.
  15. I like the acronym... Boner... Shame we will never be able to use it in real life.
  16. I'd much rather just the plain Andromeda. Then I'll beef her up myself!!
  17. Wow, that last pic... Nice model!!
  18. Great news!! Need some Seagulls, some Melda's fighters, some Borodinos and Andromedas!
  19. Looks awesome! And nice Prophecy too!
  20. The very last episode with be the extinction of the human race...
  21. Nice looking Lancer, and that Legioss (Alpha) brings back memories...
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