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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Nice builds on those 31s!!
  2. Yeah, it was blatant porn for eightes bands and F-14 fanatics! And if Val comes back, I hope he hits the treadmill first!
  3. His change of attitude may tie in with what Gramia told him just before he died. Until then, he did seem like the calm one, but then it's like some switch was flipped. Maybe he was told that Windemere caused the dimensional explosion and now he wants to cover that up too. It's easier to follow the flow claiming they were victims rather than put your hands up and admit they were wrong. I'm hoping Freyja becomes a Wind Singer like Heinz to give him some slap-back and I hope one of the Knights bites it soon. It's been a cake-walk for them almost the entire way. I would also think by now that some UN forces would have responded to the Ragna Island's distress call. If they sent one out that is... Seems kind of strange of they hadn't.
  4. Nice catch! The question though is, how long ago was that? Was it about seven years ago and what we're seeing is maybe the first attempt to launch the Sigure Valens, or was that memory from 500 million years ago, in which case how did the castle exist for so long? Or does that even matter if she is a member of the freaking Protoculture!!
  5. It still surprises me that the modern US Navy still uses black and white cameras...
  6. Nice lighting on that Yamato. The engines look great.
  7. I've decided not to watch them singly, but will wait for three or four to be released, then watch them in one go. This piece-meal is killing me!
  8. Fortress PArt 2 Last Day of War
  9. May the Fourth Be With You!! Saw the movie today. Could have been better. Could have been worse. Liked it overall, just as a cheesy popcorn flick like the original. I would hope that we get some of those planes as models. All of them! Loved those bombers and the fighters, and especially liked the anti-grav 'choppers.'
  10. + Dang it! Finger slipped. Sorry guys, Sorry. My bad... I will say though, that I did like the fighters...
  11. True. But as soon as g-forces relax, consciousness usually returns pretty quick.And if not, then a shot of adrenaline (I am NOT a doctor!) would serve to rouse the pilot.The AI would be in control all through regardless. But the human factor is still there, able to flip the OFF switch if need be. Or able to take control if enemy ECM takes out the AI... Cause you know, as we develop pilotless aircraft, N.Korea (as just an example of a low-tech threat) would be plotting ways to disable them.
  12. I wonder if it would be better to leave the pilot in the seat along with the AI. That way if jamming does occur, or some other nefarious activity, the pilot can just take over with a flip-switch. Developing a tandem relationship with our future Overlords can be a good thing!
  13. If they do make changed, hopefully they won't be as drastic as seen in Resurrection. I would much rather they left her alone rather than do that again. When you think about it, all she really needs are more gun emplacements.
  14. Sure thing! Here's the full build. http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Thome216/library/EDF%20Nike%20-%20Andromeda%20class%20refit?sort=2&page=1&postlogin=true
  15. Dang right it is! Hope you're feeling better soon. As for the speed brake, I think the vents may be backwards. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like they would funnel air down into the fuselage rather than deflect it.
  16. "stop it. I'm super conflicted now. :unsure:" There's no conflict there,. Just ultimate level WIN!! Between Hibiki/Ishtar/Silvie, I didn't see any romance between Hibiki and Silvie until like the last episode. Then it just seemed to come out of nowhere. Although, granted, it has been years since I've seen it and I may be forgetting some nuances. The one thing I don't like in romantic triangles, is that one of the women I like always ends up losing, pretty much because I like them all! Well, except for Minmay! She deserved Kyle! And Misa... Well, MisaForever! In Macross Plus, didn't Guld try to rape Myung?! Maybe why I never finished that one... For Macross Frontier, I'm always in favor of Ranka getting Alto, even though in the series it ended without a clear decision - although Alto and Sheryl did do the horizontal twist. I know the movie had them declaring their love - just before Alto disappeared into the aether. Hated that ending. Much prefer the series than the movie. Although seeing all those Quarters kicking ass was awesome!
  17. As much as I hope Bogue is the first Knight down, it will probably be the old guy or one of the twins. More than likely Master Helman, as Bogue seems to have a hero worship thing for him, because he still refers to him as Master even as Helman constantly reminds him that that is past. Having it be Helman would completely nuke Bogue and would turn him into a raving wild card, with an actual personal grudge against whomever killed Herman. Possibly Hayate. But then, if Mirage was the one to kill Herman, that would increase her story-cred. I can see Bogue even attacking the Knights if they tried to get in his way - if that were to occur... And I hope no one switches sides! That actually seems pretty cliched to me now, and to constantly use it as a story crutch would dumb down the writing. Unless the switch wasn't really a switch, but a way to get a Knight into Delta. But I could only imagine that happening if Delta had the upper hand and the Knights needed a sneak play. If it were to happen though, I could see Roid doing it. Not because he thinks his King is wrong, but merely to save Heinz's life, whether the Prince likes it or not. And if it did happen, I don't think it would be a full defection, but more of a subtle sabotage, more to save Heinz than to stop Windermere.
  18. Just binged on this today. Still liking Frontier better, especially the songs, but it is a good, strong show. As always the characters are great, especially the second string. I'm hoping Hayate begins to dance some more and taps Kieth into the afterlife. Also hoping Mirage gets in touch with her flying heritage and starts waxing some Knights, especially that little bitch Bogue! Only going to get harder before it gets done though... As for the Windermer, for them I have no sympathy. As the saying goes, the victors write the history, and I think their war of independence went a lot differently than history proclaims. I'm thinking this belief that they are the rightful heirs to the Protoculture was already effecting their relations with the NUNS and Earth and proclaiming NUNS as the bad guys is a subterfuge used for propaganda. I also think Freyja saw the dimensional device go off, and I think the Windermere's did it to themselves. Who knows, it may have been a Protoculture warhead that went off while they were playing with it! Seeing how much they're tinkering with ancient tech would make that likely. Can't own up to it though, oh no, gotta blame someone else! Oh well... When Mission 12 coming out!?
  19. Some people think it is... As for me, I'd love to see an all-woman triangle!!
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