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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Damn duuude!
  2. That looks fantastic! Nice job.
  3. Love it. She looks great. One of the favorite VFs!
  4. Nice VF-1D and carrier scene, and that battlepod is killer!
  5. Like that Lexington! I wish they did a 1/350 version of the intended cruiser.
  6. So I get that it will be in-scale with the previous Yamato ships - but what is PLAMO..?
  7. Nice progress on the Macross. I'd almost be tempted to build her as a Zentradi gunboat just to showcase the difference. I have the two new released versions, the TV and Movie version (the TV version needing some work) as well as two of the one your building, and thought of building them as escort ships to the larger ones. And thanks! It was great finally getting her done. I actually have a 1/48 Dinah on the table now, just waiting for a trip to get paint before getting started.
  8. Good luck with it. As they say, third time is the charm! I still have the parts of mine that I built as a kid, and bought another a few months ago. Happily it was one that had two in the box!
  9. One DUN from the shelf o Ode to Woe... Next, I think I'll do a ship before hitting that Reliant again.
  10. That A-Wings looks pretty slick. Here's how far I've come on my XP-47H.
  11. And it didn't even get washed for the airshow...
  12. Thanks for the information! I heard similar from SSM.
  13. Yeah, hence game/diorama. Thanks though!
  14. Thanks for thinking of me about the canopies. I will get some! As for the model number, I changed mine to an E!
  15. That's a cool looking game/diorama. Neat stuff! Back on my table is this for round 2.
  16. I liked the first two. Didn't bother with the third. Haven't seen the fourth yet. Will be checking that one and this one out when it is released. And yes, hawt as Beck! And and, early forties is my age, so yeah, still young! I wonder if an average guy like me and a hot movie star like her...
  17. Just some tests to check the size.
  18. That's what I didn't like however. I was afraid of ruining the canopies before even getting them off the bucks. Those are tight fits.
  19. When I get started on it again, I am going with an anime girl on the dome. Check my avatar!
  20. Keep in eye on SSM. A birdy said another batch is being percolated.
  21. Having asked about a new front canopy for my build, OneZero on SSM mentioned a new batch in the works. Be on the look out!
  22. Love the motorized turret! Are you going to do sound effects in the base?
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