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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Awesome work on the Yamatoa and that RC boat looks fantastic. Slow progress on my table, but moving along regardless.
  2. It was in the Rebirth movie. I sure hope those things aren't fighter launch tubes. That'd be weird. This is the type of carrier I hope to see!
  3. Holy Frak, I totally missed that! Love the way they are sitting in the ways, just ready to slide down into the water. Awesome! And yes, some interesting superstructures going on there. Seeing that makes me hope there are extra parts in the boxes for different ships. And that they are not blown up in their slips...
  4. Thanks for the link. Great work on that. And for just a second, I thought this was a screen-grab!
  5. Wow, nice work! That paint looks great.
  6. Yes, it's the Moebius kit. It's about 16 inches long and I chopped down the top of the head to change its profile. I also used parts from a donor kit to swap out the smaller underslung flight decks for the larger ones that normally go on top. Misc details fill out the rest. I also used the Paragraphix PE set for the name badges, the ensign on the spine and the open flight decks. It's a great model, except that the flight decks are closed and detailed with decals rather than being open and it takes a little bit of work to change that. I'm going to preshade it, then prepaint some panels dark and light before going for a lighter gray and she'll have the normal red trim. Then I'll probably hand paint the individual plates with varying shades of gray.
  7. Great looking VF-31! Here's my current project, just short of paint.
  8. Whatever happened to Sally Carrera..?
  9. No, 'cause that would be smart... I remember being real excited when the first movie came out, and even though it didn't follow the animated series in any way I still liked it. It's just a shame that Bay decided to push everything that was simple and stupid about the first one, and spin it out into three sequels. And I doubt Bumblebee would ever come back as a Beetle. From the first movie, Bumblebee has always been about speed and looking cool, which a VW Bug rarely is. Unless they completely reboot him after his smackdown from Optimus. And now why would Optimus be attacking the other Autobots in the first place..? Seems way out of character, unless they are in a way following the Quintizon angle from the animated shows. Optimus died in the best Transformer movie ever, that being The Movie from 1985. He was then brought back by the Quintizons who were the original creators of the Autobots and Decepticons, for the express purpose of using him to attack the others. So he was under some kind of 'remote control' until the Autobots were able to defeat him and bring him back on their side. Damn it's such a shame Bay was left in charge...
  10. It was great seeing Tarkin back on scene. He was so pivotal in ANH that I think having a 'stand-in' would have been more jarring. I would have been, 'who is this guy..?' Just my personal opinion. It's more important to me that they did this was approval. If they hadn't, then that would have been a big problem.
  11. I sure hope not!! Andromeda should kick some lily white butt!
  12. Yes. I did it once before but though I liked it, this is what I wanted to do before I knew i wanted to do it... She doesn't fit into canon, but is the main ship for a fanfic I have on my head that is more of a blending of 2003 Galactica into the 70s show, with a sprinkle of Xena Warrior Princess thrown in.
  13. Some cool stuff coming along! From Star Wars to Yamato to giant robots! Awesome.
  14. Wow, that was awesome!! And I just hope I was that guy!!
  15. It looks like there are slight differences. At least from the OG model. The Number 1 turret is sitting back into a cut-out, and it looks like the main gun apertures are angled from top to bottom.
  16. Farewell fair Princess. You are one with the Force, the Force is with You...
  17. Merry Christmas everyone!!
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