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Everything posted by Thom

  1. That's looking great Peng! Love all the adjustments you made to make it work so well from mode to mode.
  2. It's looking impressive! Nice work on the arm launchers and the cannon, and those barrels are looking good. As to the finish, a little dinging up would look good on it. Not too much, but something to show the hard use and reuse of parts. They were fighting a long while against the Zentradi with no back up or resupply. But clean or dirty, can't wait for the next pics!
  3. Thom

    SDF 1:700

    Any more progress on this beautiful beasite?
  4. ^^ Lovely VF-31! Finally moved back to the Dinah. Main paint on and touch ups needed.
  5. Really liking 'Token of Displeasure.' TOD for short...
  6. I like the look of that. Nice!
  7. I watched the entire 2199 on-line. would have bought the discs if they were cheaper, but am glad I didn't seeing as they never finished releasing them. As long as I can see it on-line like the last one, even with fan-subs, I'll be happy!
  8. Not Achilles! Little problem with the heel... I like Ajax!!
  9. Definitely a mecha for the next Macross series!
  10. As always, awesome work. It looks fantastic. This looks freaking amazing! And this VF looks so damn cool!
  11. Sorry to hear you found a bastion of stupid diks. We all hit them unfortunately. I hope you told them to F-off before you dumped them! As for the model, I liked the canopy cover idea, and your idea for the Squadron and the colors looks great. Seriously fellow modellers, I think our comrade is in need of a Karma Bomb. Give me your address, and This. Will. Show... There is only one full Super Pack there, the other is partial and they are from an older Bandai kit, but I hope they will help!
  12. One World of Hurt, coming right up!
  13. So sad to hear that. Always a shock. Rest well, sir, rest well...
  14. She looks fantastic in this pic! Such a great pose.
  15. If that's the way it works out, then your avatar pic says it all...
  16. My Kirishima is DUN! And yes, I did do pane lines... It's a real fun kit, and I highly recommend it!
  17. Ah, yes, the beloved 'Itano Circus...' http://macross.wikia.com/wiki/Itano_Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=583&v=BzXfVgYCxWI As to the co-worker, has he been committed yet..? For clearly he is insane!
  18. Bridge turret of the Kirishima.
  19. Great work on the Harrier. And the VF-31 is coming along great.
  20. There may be some hidden AA guns under covers, maybe under those hatches under the command tower. And from looking at the model pics on HLJ, she does have concealed missile launchers in the bow. They are a little gimmicky. Plus there are the forward facing launch tubes to either side on the bow, above the WMGs.
  21. You could put Robocop into that scene!
  22. Sounds, right. The story needs build up and drama before they toss out the 'game-changer!'
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