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Everything posted by Thom

  1. The perspective is looking good there PB! Derex, that SDF is looking great. Bringing back fond memories.
  2. Saw it just today, and what a great movie! Emma Watson was incredible and her singing is just lovely. Her interactions with Kline, and Kline all on his own, were touching, and the added scenes of her mother really brought out more of the FEELZ. I thought the Beast was good, but I was struggling a couple of times to 'see' him in the scene, as sometimes CG overcame suspended reality. Despite that though, I really felt his presence, more so as the Beast though then as the Prince. When the animated movie came out I seem to recall some unintentional humor when the Prince was revealed at the end, and I think they managed to get that too... Anyway, well worth seeing it on the big screen. I'll be getting a copy for the home theater!
  3. Beautiful build and the paint is outstanding. Looks very sharp.
  4. I have that panel line wash. Comes in real handy. I used it to hit the recessed areas on my Kirishima. Nice stuff, it just flows into the recesses. That Republic Star Destroyer is looking good too! That flight of valks are coming along nice and quick. Sure to make a nice display. In fact, they look awesome just as they are! And PB, I think that launch arm'll probably be done by lunch time Sunday at the pace you're going!
  5. Speaking of using old parts... Old VCRs. If you have one, open it up and stand it on its side. Then mount your launch arm base against it. Leaving the center open to the interior will give depth and you can work the interior as a mini dio of a launch bay. If you can get hold of some 1/100 VF-1s, then that would a forced-perspective shadow box. HLJ has them for $17. https://hlj.com/product/WAVMC-55 I know money is tight, but it could be a long term upgrade for the display. Or, you could print up a picture like these, have a bit of detail at the 'front' of the display and have something like these in behind the added detail.
  6. Nice and quick progress! That'll look great on the wall. Yes, that's the one. I was very close to selling a Fine Mold 1/500 Missile Boat when I saw the image again and realized I'd better keep a hold of it! Don't know when it'll happen, but I kept the major part.
  7. That's pretty cool. Always fun seeing Adam Savage blown away! And, it's always better seeing someone takeing joy in something like this, rather than going down a troll's rant of nit-picking and complaining about something they haven't even seen yet... Thanks for the link.
  8. Nice plans. I don't do dios, but I do have two in mind. One is Hikaru and Misa in his VF-1 after the Grand Cannon pops, and the other is the scene of the Yukikaze wreck on Enceladus.
  9. This is a case where I would like the cover story better than the 'truth.' The whole shtick of Zeus 'dropping trow' is so trite... But, I can see the need of a cover story to protect Hippolyta, Diana and the Amazons from Hera. Which didn't turn out too well in the New 52...
  10. Nice pair of VFs, Pengbuzz! But, what's that in the background..? And great looking Power Loader!
  11. As far as I'm concerned, she proved herself in BvS. This is just going to be fun and excitement for me! You have to admit, she's got the look!
  12. Looking good Pengbuzz!
  13. Silly thing to worry about. If all movies did was hire people who look exactly like the drawn image, there may never be any movie made of said character, or they would be played by the worst actors ever. What people have to do is understand that it's make believe! As long as the actor/actress fits the role and makes it believably their own, then stop worrying about stupid little things.
  14. Thank you. At that price, I'll get two!!
  15. Got link..?
  16. Thanks for the heads-up. Ordered a 1/48 FW-190 D12 R14. https://hlj.com/product/HOB21720
  17. I still prefer the Clay-origin over Hippolyta having a shag with Zues. It was much more touching in that her mother wanted a child so desperately, that she fashioned one from clay and begged the gods to give it life. And Diana still had super powers seeing as she was god-wrought. Anyway, hoping they stay with 'clay.'
  18. Incredible works, guys! Why I love coming here!
  19. Couldn't resist. Awesome trailer. Really didn't reveal anything more, which I'm glad for, except for a little more backstory on Diana. Even more hyped!
  20. Nice work on the Strike. It looks most impressive!
  21. Always like to see progress on an SDF! Close for me now...
  22. Must resist. Must.. resist... Not long... til... June...
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