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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Wow, great looking mods! That'll look super!
  2. Wow, great work, and truly a SUPER size! I know some have mentioned it before, but that would be awesome as an RC plane! Providing it had a stiff enough fame and a sturdy finish over the paper. Love it. Even with the distractions from the background...
  3. This being fantasy, they don't have to hold to any real-world criteria about the stagnation of technology, nor should they. There is an entire universe out there of alien races and human worlds building ships to keep us salivating, if only they would delve into them! Heck, even going back into the prequels and updating some designs would be cool enough, or bring us some more ships from SW Rebels! But they are going for a hogh-podge look that was exemplified in Leia's ship that landed at Maz's ruined 'bar.' A side-ways flying brick with a B-Wing cockpit if I ever saw one! I wonder if they have time and money until December to redo them..?
  4. In it's entirety? Probably not. But it can't be denied that such moments would exist. It isn't until kids start getting into their teens that really start to rebel, and I could see some troubles beginning arise from his parent's reactions to that, especially if Leia and Han were already have relationship problems. And who knows when Snoke first appeared in young Ben's life? As his home life was deteriorating, it's possible Snoke (disguised as a benevolent Kenobi-style individual) could have easily insinuated himself into Young Ben's world even without his parent's noticing. Seeds laid in the minds of the young grow the quickest.
  5. Looks great so far! Looking forward to seeing this one done! How's the SDF coming?
  6. I like the mods! Very nice.
  7. Those look awesome!
  8. Finished part of the IPF. The Galla'heiren needs a slight touch-up on the underside where I damaged the paint, but in the meantime...
  9. I do like the X-Wings and we still have the Falcon, but I'm hoping we'll see more imagination in the ships. And I could like it either way. Whether Luke is committed to ending the way the Jedi worked, or just letting it die away entirely as apparently the Sith have, or it's just his defeat and disappointment given a voice that Rey will have to battle against, I think I will enjoy it. Despite my initial reaction, I kinda hope they go out on a limb and he trains Rey in all aspects of the Force, combining Light and Dark. Not the least of which, I think it is something that Snoke will not expect. Snoke expects the Jedi of old, and I would love it if he was given a shock by Rey using both sides in her fight against the First Order.
  10. Huh, I forgot all about that. Which is probably why they towed it out and pushed it down an incline...
  11. Couldn't care less about similar trailers. The only thing I'm not liking are the ships seen in the battle sequence. No style or even rough grace at all about them. Hoping there are more, better looking ships coming.
  12. Coming along nicely!
  13. That I would love to see! And alongside a same-scale Yamato!
  14. Looking good! Will it come with the guns in the doors? Interesting. Certainly looks like it will float. Can't wait to see more!
  15. Looks awesome. Love all the battleships! Subs, please!!!!!
  16. Looks fantastic. Love the paint job. Very nice!
  17. I can see them trying to blend the universes, seeing as GOtG will be teaming up with the Avengers at some point. This would make that less jarring to see once two different styles being mashed together. And I think I watched like twenty reactions last night on YTube and loved it every time. Everyone was like 'What?!' when the Hammer got crushed and were just wowed by Blanchet. She looks awesome! I really hope they treat her better than they did Russo. In the first one, Thor's mother could have been played by a stand-in because of how little they gave her to do. The second was better and she dies a hero, but that first missed opportunity to use a real big-name leading lady always sticks with me. For a first teaser, I am super stoked! Loved everyting I saw so far. Except... Where is Sif and the Warrior's Three..? I hope she and they haven't been just dropped. Especially her though! Need my Sif!
  18. That was great! I think Barry's Lair in this budget is more believable than the one in the movie! And I love the 'lightning' effect. Just great!
  19. Yeah, Quintizon angle, though that 'woman' looked nothing like a five-faced Quintizon. I caught this trailer by accident and at first thought, with Anthony Hopkins voicing it, that it was a trailer for Thor and sat my butt down to watch. But no. And again, really, didn't they already try to resurrect Cybertron in the last one? And was that Unicron? So, Quintizon, Unicron, Megatron again, yet another hotty girlfriend who looks like Megan Fox, a brainwashed Optimus who is now responsible for Cybertron's death, yet more kids jumping around and yet more slow-mo big badda-booms..? Will this be five hours long or something..?
  20. Any idea when we'll see episodes on-line, even with fansubs..?
  21. Yes, I would much rather Matrix had stopped after the first movie. The latter two ruined it.
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