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Everything posted by Thom

  1. If it's non-transforming that shouldn't pose a problem. You can dremel that square mounting area out as well as the 'bottom' of the head, leaving the head hollow and still use that space for the motor. It only needs to 'look' like the head is in one piece...
  2. Then all they really have to do is CG Cruise and Kilmer into 2005's Stealth as the main characters. The one important question being, which will assume Jessica Biel's character..? OR!! Just do it as a remake of 'Deal of the Century,' with Cruise as the washed up pilot turned weapons dealer and Kilmer as the jaded ex-pilot company exec of a big weapons company trying sell planes to Tezbekistanian'ian'ian. GOLD!
  3. I will preface this by saying that I have not seen this movie, and I barely saw Prometheus. 'Why I Am Glad I Saved Money By Not Seeing This Film." Spoilers... Duh...
  4. The Soviet's, for all of ten minutes... Other than that it was a volleyball and sweat. And my prediction for the new 'bad guy' will be - Tezbekistan... You watch, those Tezbeki's can be real hard asses when flying those license built F-313s.
  5. The ships weren't anything to rave about either. And the scene where Yuki loses her clothes is both weird - and not long enough...
  6. I'm going to miss her theme if it's not in it. From the moment it started playing BvS it was hers, without a doubt. But I'm sure they'll thread it through here and there. That Conan skit was pretty funny. The best part has to be Gadot doing the high kick - and then breaking into song!!\ As for the spin, nothing I've seen yet has hinted at it, which I'm okay with. I'll just replay Gadot doing that cute spin over and over and over and over and over.......
  7. Hah, characterized as 'unprofessional!' As for TP2 - just make another Iron Eagle movie. It had a great soundtrack too!
  8. If your central heating unit is on, set in on the vent and let it warm that way. Or as stated above, sit it in hot water.
  9. Nice work! And as always, cameras reveal everything we don't want to show!
  10. Are we back down to only one survivor..?
  11. Looks fantastic! What's the link for the Shapeways page? And that's an awesome looking scout! Nice work and well worth the effort.
  12. Very cool looking RSD! Now onto Yamato!
  13. Saw this last week, and liked it a lot. Not better than the first, but not least either, I felt it fit in really well with it. My one critique would have been to have something with Quinn's father happen in a third movie rather than the second, but that's it. As to what is hard to put de thumb on, it may be because the danger was not clear and present. It was more ambiguous. But that was alright, because while I was waiting for the 'threat' to rear it's ugly head I was just really enjoying the interactions between all the characters. A very fun movie, and I love how everyone, no matter that was happening, always had an eye out for Baby Groot! Especially liked during the end-credits how Quinn was now able to understand Tween Groot!
  14. It's the age-old problem of following hubris, and ignoring the warnings. I watched them on Kissanime and they were really good. Would be even better with better subtitles! Westfall, what do these play on? Windows Media Player won't play them.
  15. Dang, Peng, that Pod looks awesome! And nice sculps. Supes and Cap look incredible!
  16. Never read the books or even heard much about them. Looks interesting. Like Elba. Real cool character.
  17. So, i take it this is a prequel of sorts to Covenant. Cause I would watch this and not waste time with Covenant itself... It looks like pretty much the same story from Alien, just with homesteaders instead of a cargo ship's crew.
  18. "You'll soon find out..." Really liked that better than the whole introduction. Gonna luv it!
  19. Cause they don't want fans to enjoy their product.
  20. The Battle Pod is really coming along. Nice.
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