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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Was not really interested in Han's origin. I like him and Chewie, but I never gave what they did before much thought. Plus, it may be a little jarring seeing someone else being called Han Solo, and especially knowing where he's going anyway. Saying that though, I'll go see it as long as the trailers look good.
  2. Nice work Pengbuzz! Are we about to see a Daedalus Attack?!
  3. TOS did have many compelling story lines, but those are hampered now by dated effects. Newer, younger audiences want a far more technological look as compared to the simplicity of TOS. They want the glowing touch screens and holograms as compared to blank panels and jewel-like switches. Which is reasonable. Any new series is not going to be made with the tech and know-how of something that's over thirty years old. With as much as we can do now with effects, people want as much flash and bang in their entertainment as they can get. They want shiny and new. They want to drive the brand new Corvette in the driveway, not the stationwagon. As for the show, I think it would do well if it was run on normal TV, or put on Netflicks for everyone to see as it should be. But they just may be shooting themselves in the foot by restricting access rather than letting it out on as many venues as they can get it on. Which is stupid in the extreme. You don't put so much time and effort into making what they hope is a groundbreaking new take on a beloved franchise, and then use it as a tool to prop up their access feed. They have it ass-backwards.
  4. Well, as we've seen with Spiderman, it's never too early for a reboot... Wipe the slate clean, let people know a 'new' Transformer series would be more in-line with the original, with better and more likable characters, and an intelligent plot rather than a constant hash of boom boom boom, pretty chick running with things abouncing, bam blam and kappow, run and scream with incredibly stupid, one dimensional humans as giant robots move so fast when they fight you can't even tell what they're doing. I was so glad the first one was made and liked it a lot, and I was kind ...okay... with the changes made from the original cartoon series. But the second didn't move with an 'upward' trend in plot and character development, it just stuck to the exact same formula. And so have the next three, being just retreads of the same plot with the same over the top, one dimensional 'characters' running around. I saw Age of Extinction on network TV and will wait to see this one on that too, if I do ever see it. The only way I'd come back to see a Transformers movie is if MBay is not - in any way! - attached! But that's just me!
  5. I just have morbid curiosity now. And a faint hope that they will reboot and go back to the G1 format...
  6. As previously stated by many, nice save! Just goes to show that old builds shouldn't be thrown out, they should just await their appointed time. The Macross is looking good, Peng. Those tiny details are hard to do at this scale, so it's great you're doing it.
  7. I like the look of the show and the cast, the Shenzou looks awesome, but the Discovery herself still looks like a dud that was bypassed long ago. I hope it does well, but it won't be with my bucks, and since I won't be paying for their service, I'll have to catch it on a rerun. Just had a thought, that this is nothing like the energy I felt when TNG and then Voyager was announced. With Voyager it was being put exclusively on UPN and I remember fretting about not being able to get it. Not this though...
  8. Yes, looks awesome even with the Rhutan weirdness! This is something NASA should have been doing for decades!
  9. I like it, PB. You do what you want and you get the job DUN! The last pic looks like a homage to the Star Trek ep with the hand. Can't wait to see her transform.
  10. I'm assuming Ludendorf radioed ahead for others to intercept the plane, and the ship managed to hit him in passing. Seeing it going down they then went in search, hit the fog bank and sent out the boats to navigate a way through the shoals. For the ship, you can see in the background of the beach scene that it hit the rocks and was sinking. I'm thinking a lot of the crew was probably already in the small boats, but those who weren't probably drowned with the ship, or were killed when they reached the shore. As for his plane being out of date, it is mentioned that they (the Germans) are running low for supplies in all areas, so I would assume that would mean aircraft as well. I could easily see them pulling some older aircraft out in order to keep operations going, so it's not much of a stretch for it to be there.
  11. RIP you Caped Crusader you!
  12. Very cool PengBuzz. From what I hear, getting this to transform can by tricky. I'll be watching and good luck!
  13. I call Yuki. As a partner... you know....
  14. Loved this show as a kid! The space ships and fighters, the cool powers. I wish SyFy or some other would make a live-action version. Either this or Bionic Six!
  15. Well by that time we'll have holo-decks and such and we can live it out ourselves...
  16. Very cool! Gotta love them magnets.
  17. So cold, Peng, so very cold... I'd almost say you were.. Ice Man...
  18. ^^ Damn skippy! I would say 2199 is a benchmark for other anime in all respects. Oh yes...
  19. Staying in-tune PB!
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