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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I have no interest in Atomic Blonde, but it seems weird how this has become the Charlze Theron Bashing Thread...
  2. Great looking Nautilus.
  3. I can't wait til Halloween now! So many great shows coming this year and this is one also highly anticipated. I got chills when I heard Vincent Price and the Thriller song come on! So very fitting!
  4. Great work on Cannon Fodder Leader!
  5. It will be good. It will be great! You watch, after this we will all look back fondly on BvS and say 'that is where it started.' Then wonder Woman, and we'll know that's where it kicked the franchise in the ass. And then Justice League will just take it all the way home! If I can be there day one, I am there day one!
  6. Very nice! Like the display too.
  7. Great! Been waiting for years for this! I hope the time spent waiting for the right story plays out as good as they claim. What's cool too is that at the end of the first one, I just wanted it to keep going - and now it will!
  8. I'm guessing that Laboratory means Prototype? It's a cool looking color pattern, and that patrol cruiser looks awesome! Is this in the new 2202 series? If so, I hope we get some new models of the ship.
  9. Gadot, Pine, et al knocked it out of the park! For a first time flying center in her own movie Gal Gadot did great, and Chris Pine once again proved how good of an actor he is. And behind it all, Patty Jenkins told a heartfelt story of growing up, both physically and emotionally. Now yes, in some scenes you have to mentally insert some reference, like how it certainly took more than one night to reach Britain. It would have been nice to have a few clips between night and day to express that, but that is really the only quibble I have with the whole movie. For me, it's a solid 9.5 out of 10. As for Zeus' invisible shield around the island, it was creating a fog bank on the outside in order to thwart intruders. I'm sure when it rains outside, it also rains inside. I also figure, since the dialogue promotes this, is that the fog bank is not there continuously, but only rises when a ship gets close in order to urge ships away. Especially if they see the shoals.
  10. I actually like it better loaded with ordinance. It hides that anemic fuselage.
  11. Looks great on her stand. Very nice!
  12. I don't know, I have alike not-like relationship with that design. All I really want in 1/72 now is Melda's red fighter.
  13. Man, I really hope that WW theme stays with the DC logo no matter which movie it is!
  14. It just look like a lotta fun! I'll go.
  15. And in the first paragraph they got something wrong... No. It was not sir or ma'am, it was a decisive Captain! But having pointed that out, keeping your main character on a friendly 'leash' certainly keeps down the drama, for good and ill.
  16. BUMP just for greatness! And cause I saw it again... What an awesome movie!
  17. I'll watch this one on TV, even though I've already seen spoiler reviews and pretty much know what happens. I didn't pay for the last one and I'm not paying for this! Bay only got me three times. What I would love to see is either Bay out of the picture and something new in these movies, rather than continually retreading old plots without any major progress/advance in story line. Or just do a live action remake of The Transformers Movie from 1985! That is still the best Transformers movie ever!
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