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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Sounds like there should be a new genre of movie, being those soooo bad they are only entertaining on long, mind-numbing flights.
  2. @Urashiman Great work on the CAD and printing. Lot of work such a result. @Papa Rat Interesting looking mech. It's an eye catcher.
  3. I wouldn't mind having those tables to model on! Congrats on the coming improvements.
  4. Recently watched Black Widow for the first time. Good movie. Wished again that Nat had not been killed, and that there had been more for Red Guardian to do. Really liked Yelena, though I saw her first in the Hawkeye series. Liked her there too. Looking forward to Thunderbolts.
  5. Both are versions I wouldn't mind getting lost in. And it wouldn't take too much to make them completely independent from the original, despite the similar story points.
  6. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy for our future overlord and master, Skynet Supreme!
  7. The only good things that ever came out of Harmony Gold was my introduction (about a decade after watching Robotech) to Macross, and Robotech's cool intro song. The rest was literally just making a profit by playing mix-n-match with someone else's creativity. HG missed it's chance after the third Robotech series to actually go off and creatively make something of their own. Instead, their name will alsways just be known for being a Macross rip-off. But hey, even though it makes hardly anyting worthwhile, at least it's probably still good for risiduals. Got to keep the license-holders by their pool side and supplied with endless margaritas.
  8. Okay, that would be not just cool, but kewl!
  9. Or do a combat dio where he had his arm blown off.
  10. Looks great @pengbuzz Classic Optimus!
  11. This is not the thread you are looking for... 😁
  12. Both Flash and Supergirl were best in the crossovers, and though I don't mind a story line written around social issues, the way they did them was too blunt and ham-fisted. Shame, as I really liked Benoist's Supergirl. And yes, Diggle did 'become' a Lantern, though it was only referred to with teasing visuals and lines.
  13. Made my first post Amazon Swindle purchase! Used them for the nice preview - and then bought the paperback on offer. And while I wait for it to arrive, I searched around and found a free epub version that is now in my Nook.
  14. I don't think we know what the time frame is yet for this. Could be set after that is complete.
  15. It is saying Live Action, which is good, IMO. If it was a cartoon I would be far less interested. And I really enjoyed the recent movie and would love if they could get a few actors from that, Lillis or Smith, Coleman or Page to have some prominent roles.
  16. Glad to hear that Dungeons and Dragons, forgotten Realms looks like it will be coming to Netflix! Still early times, but Shawn Levy and Drew Crevello are on-board, and I really hope this comes about. I've never been a big gamer, but I really enjoyed the last movie and would love to see more set in that world, and really just more fantasy in general. (Still need to hear something more concrete about Eragon...) https://deadline.com/2025/02/dungeons-dragons-series-the-forgotten-realms-netflix-shawn-levy-1236288182/
  17. @pengbuzz Color me intrigued!
  18. Thank you! I'll have to check those out.
  19. Yeah, I think I'm going to have to buy the 1/48 as a tester.
  20. Yeah, I have a 1/48 Legios that I have (distant) plans of doing the same, and now maybe with a 1/48 VF-1 too. The one thing I don't like about the VF-1 is its small size. From when I was a kid, I just always thought it was comparabale in size to the Tomcat. Butr plant it next to a VF-0 or 25 and it looks dinky. IMO.
  21. Hello there, I am thinking about buying the 1/48 VF-1 kit, but I was wondering about size. Specifically, if someone could do a side-by-side with a 1/72 jet like the F-14, that would be great. Thom
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