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bad andy

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Everything posted by bad andy

  1. All lacquers should clean up well with lacquer thinner. Go to a hardware atore and get some. You may even find it works just as well for thinning, saving the cost of getting the elusive "Mr. Thinner" To ease your toothpicks woes, go to a hobby store and get waht are called 'pipettes.' They are similar to eyedroppers, made of plastic and very inexpensive. Get a bunch - they beat toothpicks anyday.
  2. Hey guys...after having lurked around here long enough I figure I get off my butt and actually post something. Some of you guys have seen these before from other boards, or perhaps the old MW board. There is other stuff on my site, mostly gundam however. Legioss battroid Enjoy!
  3. Hey guys, I don't post around here much these days but I stop in from time to time. I was very happy to see the legioss thread as that is my legioss on starshipmodeler. In any case, here's a link to my source webpage, which has the same info, but I've added some different pics (some good, some not so good) http://www.myplanet.net/martyr2/legioss.htm I'm in the process of revamping my page, and I've created a basic CG for the new page...here's a peek... http://www.myplanet.net/martyr2/legioss_cg-thumb.jpg
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