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Everything posted by Drad

  1. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    As long as we're talking about stands and effect parts, etc.. does anyone know of some similarly-scaled buildings and/or landscape options that'd work well with the Hi-Metal R line? I mean, I know it's possible to just scratchbuild a diorama, but some of us aren't that talented.
  2. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    When do Max and Millia drop again? November/December?
  3. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Need TV Roy VF-1S to go with the rest of the TV crew. Please please.
  4. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    My favorite Destroid has always been the Tomahawk. It looks so fierce, bristling with guns, cannons and missiles. I'll probably get a couple of those when they come out.
  5. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Whew. Gonna be an expensive few months, then. Two Cannon Fodders, TV Hikaru VF-1J, Max and Millia. My poor wallet. Thank God there are no Masterpiece Transformers on my list for the time being.
  6. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Just paid AmiAmi for my two Cannon Fodder Valks. When is the TV Hikaru, again? I forgot.
  7. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Need VF-1J Cannon Fodder too. It's too bad we can't just buy the VF-1J head separately.
  8. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm thinking maybe packs might be too much to hope for, but if they do it I'm all over it.
  9. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    As others have said, I'm in this mainly for the enemy mecha and destroids. I guess 1/100 was the only feasible scale? 1/60 would've been really nice, but probably prohibitively large.. and expensive. Bandai has given us a way to have a complete collection of Macross characters and mecha. It took forever, but it looks like it's finally happening. Hoping we get some S.H. Figuarts Zentran and Meltran to go along with their mecha. That'd be nice. Breetai, Exedore, Bodolza, Millia and Kamjin. Buncha Zentran/Meltran grunts. Yes, please.
  10. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Did I miss the preorder for the Hikaru TV VF-1J?
  11. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow. I don't remember that at all. What episode was that?
  12. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Stragglers? I dunno if that's the term I'd use. More like, "people who have better things to do than sit at the computer and wait for preorders to open for a toy." I wish we didn't have to go through this crap just to get the stuff we enjoy. It's kind of a bummer to be honest.
  13. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder how many units just sold across all those outlets in just ten minutes? Damn.
  14. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Got one at AmiAmi before the preorders closed. Wow, that was quick. Not even five minutes. Quick, everyone get it at HLJ before they're closed too. It's still up.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MfB_0nTi-4 June 10th can't get here soon enough.
  16. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Tomahawk, please!
  17. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I snagged one at HLJ. Didn't wanna risk not getting one.
  18. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn it, I forgot about the holiday on Monday. AmiAmi just shipped mine, too. Ah, well. It'll be here soon anyways. Just glad it's on the way. Bring on the Destroids! TV Max VF-1A! TV Focker and Hikaru Valks! Max and Millia VF-1Js! Queadluun Rau power armor! Doooo eeeet!!!
  19. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey Gundam@EFSF, Do you think that the Glaug's arms really need those stands for support? Does it feel like they're gonna start sagging over time? So far, they look alright in your pic.
  20. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Seriously. They're gonna be awesome.
  21. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    42 here, and I'm all in with HMR. I look forward to finally having all of the important characters and mecha from SDF Macross. Hopefully a VF-2SS at some point, too. I loved Yamato/Arcadia, but I can't afford them anymore and I'm done waiting for them to slow-drip us the characters and mecha that we want. I wish them the best and am grateful that they came onto the scene.
  22. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow. N-Y just marked up their VF-1S Focker Strike Valks to $209. Sheesh.
  23. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I doubt they'd give us a pack of figures. They want us to spend more money, not less. Individual releases will probably remain the order of the day. But if they did decide to offer a four-pack of Destroids at a significant savings, I'd buy it.
  24. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm too broke to really army build, but I'd be happy with a squad of two Brownies led by one Brown VF-1J.
  25. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I finally got around to opening up my Hi-Metal R Focker VF-1S, transformed it a few times.. .. and I have to say I'm super impressed with it. This little guy is rock-solid. Nothing loose or floppy, everything pegs in securely. The fit and finish is impeccable for a toy of this scale and it stands up to handling much better than I'd expected. It's sturdy despite being so small; I don't feel like anything's going to suddenly break in my hands. Great sculpt, detailing and paint on top of it all. I'm definitely on board for the future of this line. Thank you, Bandai.
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