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Everything posted by Drad

  1. Flame, huh? Okay. And it's okay if he WAS right. I'm not familiar with that quote (yeah, I know, I'm not cool because I don't know it), and to me, that comment was unnecessary. He's right, and that's fine. Onward!!
  2. It is my opinion that Macross 7 sucks. Further, all of you who don't share my opinion are dummy-heads. Yeah.
  3. I see. Heh, they oughta just take it down. It's not only mislabeled, it's not even in stock. Probably hasn't been for awhile. And yeah, get that AnimEigo SDF Macross set. It's super cheap now, compared to what some members paid for theirs. You won't regret it!
  4. I like how some people just can't resist replying to other Macross fans in this manner. Nice. Yeah? Well, you're.. um.. a dummy-head.
  5. Cool, then. I somehow feel like less of a Macross fan now, and those of you with more information are somehow better than me. Oh dear. All of that aside, I'm kinda bummed if it is in fact the same footage. I was hoping for an OVA with state-of-the-art animation, according to the site's description of it. But if it isn't... .. I guess some of us will keep hoping for a remake.
  6. Hey, just maybe. I'm using my brain, thanks. Back off. OVA is a condensed form of the original story that may or may not occur within the series continuity. The fact that this is identified as an OVA means that it is in fact not the original SDF Macross as seen on TV, but instead a re-telling. State-of-the-art visuals indicates completely new material. Not remastered original animation. Then again, it's possible that I'm mistaken. In which case I will gladly defer. No need to make with the comments.
  7. Yes it is, and no it isn't. Read the item description before you say, "No it isn't." Unless you own this, or have seen this. Share with us, please?
  8. It's not a bootleg. It's an officially licensed product, Region 2. CDJapan sells only licensed products. It's also not the old SDF Macross series on DVD, it's an OVA version with new animation. I do own the AnimEigo SDF Macross series. Anyone? Any reviews or information?
  9. I stumbled upon this the other day while poking around on cdjapan.co.jp. Can any of you shed some light on it? Is it worth trying to find? SDF Macross TV OVA series
  10. A chatroom is a great idea. Boards are fine, but slow. MW live chat would be fun. Thanks for the effort, Ali.
  11. What's the matter? You don't like limpwristed swashbuckling he(?)roes?
  12. Graham-tastic.
  13. They do have different heads. The A has one head laser, the J has two. The S has four. I'm just saying, they haven't done Max's VF-1S from DYRL.
  14. Frankly I'm surprised they haven't put out a Max VF-1S already. Easy money, after all. Just a repaint.
  15. I was wondering.. is it possible to remove that curved antenna and fashion a new one out of styrene or something? I believe the TV version antenna is straight and forked. Still, incredible work on this custom! Right on!
  16. I'd have to agree on that armor. It's pretty damned fugly. But a shining white Convoy clone always looked neat to me.
  17. It is a one-shot deal, so far. There's no Masterpiece Magnus in the works as far as I know. I was just curious to see if there was any interest in such a thing. We can hope.
  18. Just outta curiosity. I'd probably get one.
  19. I got mine today. It's tiny, but super articulated and the detail is amazing for something so small. The manga is good too.
  20. Drad


    The VF-0 Valkyries look more advanced because they were designed today and not 22 years ago, and are rendered using state-of-the-art cel and CG animation techniques. Yes, they're supposed to be the predecessors of our beloved VF-1. I suppose that makes their design a bit of an anachronism, but hey.. roll with it. Don't ask, don't get bogged down with the details. Just enjoy the ride.
  21. Did you guys get your advanced jobs yet? Just wondering.
  22. Talk about a great day at the beach. I managed to put together a full party of six. Three Japanese and two other Americans besides myself. Three WARs, a WHM, RDM and a THF. Communication wasn't much of a problem, as I managed to bridge that gap decently enough. It was excellent, to say the least. Everyone knew what to do, and when. No one did anything stupid. I had to keep things organized, but not very much. Everyone did their jobs well and the experience rolled steadily in. We spent about three hours whacking Beach Pugils, Snippers, assorted Gobs and Damselflies. Got me almost three levels. I'm starting to get used to the taste of good parties.. I like it.
  23. Sounds like a good deal to me. Do you happen to know if the Dark Knight's AF gear looks decent?
  24. I didn't have the upgraded equipment on me, or I would've been using it. Got it now, though.
  25. Had an awesome party yesterday out at the Valkurm beaches. If only they were all that good.
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