Normal Figures
-Focker, Hikaru, Max and Kakizaki in their SDF TV flightsuits with helmets
-Milia in her "date" outfit ("Meet me at the park?" ) or Meltran flightsuit
-The Bridge Bunnies
-The Three Zentran Spies
-Captain Global with pipe
Diorama Figures
-Focker in VF-IS cockpit (I know, a cockpit has been done already, but I'm a Focker fan)
-Hikaru kissing Misa while a large Zentran freaks out (preferably Bodolza or Britai)
-Misa sitting at a cafe table with picnic basket and dog (Minmay had her table scene, so I guess Misa deserves one too)
-DYRL memory plate (the little plate that had the song lyrics on it)
-Max and Milia VIDEO GAME SCENE!