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Everything posted by Drad

  1. I woulda bounced that kid off my front steps. Not. But the kid's behavior really made me wish I could've gotten away with a stunt like that. My God. Remember, folks.. .. it all begins at home.
  2. Was that necessary? Good to have you with us, KP. Enjoy your stay!
  3. You're 18. That means you're legally an adult. As an adult, you don't have to justify squat. If your bills are paid and you want to spend the money, go for it. It's no one's business but yours. Isn't that part of the fun of becoming an adult?
  4. I bet when Jeffrey gets older and realizes the significance of having a dad who collects toys (especially Macross toys), he's gonna think to himself.. "Heh. My dad is cool."
  5. When he gets old enough, we can all take turns borrowing Jeffrey long enough to give him lots of candy and snacks that'll get him all wired up, and then send him home with battery-operated toys that make a huge racket (including lots of extra batteries).
  6. Congratulations and my very best wishes to Graham and Amy, and welcome Jeffrey!! And now the question must be asked.. .. is Dad's collection Jeffrey-proofed?
  7. Drad

    new to forums

    Hi and welcome to MacrossWorld, where being poor has never been more fun!
  8. Graham is a qualified Transformers kicker.
  9. Someone snag me a Ride Armor, please? I'll pay.
  10. No love for a 1/48 VF-2SS?
  11. I've already suggested this to Garoquel, the designer of the original SDF Macross DVD cover art. I should have samples when he gets around to it. One set of cover art using the Mikimoto box theme, and another set using the Mech box theme.
  12. Bwahaha!! HAOLE BOY!! Nah, only joking.
  13. Argh!! Sorry Mechamaniac! Edit on the way!! FIXED! (Late, but fixed.)
  14. I'm a space alien.
  15. Drad

    1/60 Gbp

    Welcome to MacrossWorld, $im@n! That's a great collection you have there... very nice pics too! It only gets worse from here. Can you resist the lure of the 1/48s?
  16. Okay, I guess I must've missed something here... ... since when did Harmony Gold own the rights to DYRL? And to stay on topic, yeah.. I'd buy HG's DYRL. IF (and this is a huge if) it was significantly better than either the R2 Perfect Edition, or even FX's Perfect Edition for that matter.
  17. I'm just asking if anyone's thinking of creating some new cover art for the SDF discs. As far as I know, it hasn't been done yet.
  18. We've got some kick-ass custom boxes on the way, thanks to Mechamaniac, Dangard Ace, Blaine23 and Paul Champagne. It seems to me that the stock DVD cover art for the SDF Macross DVDs would look awfully plain compared to those incredible boxes. I'd pay good money for some custom cover art that matches those box designs. Any of our resident artists thinking of taking a stab at this? P.S. To Mechamaniac, Dangard, Blaine and Paul: THANK YOU for your time, effort and talents in bringing our community these awesome DVD boxes. I just ordered them both, and can't wait to see them up close!
  19. Because the ones for $69 are from Hong Kong sellers who get their stock "leaked" from the factory. Same exact products, just cheaper because the sellers aren't paying much for them.. if at all. Welcome to the dark side of toy sales.
  20. Not really. Gimme a 1/48 scale VF-2SS with armor instead.
  21. Fugly.
  22. Company name seems to be Wave-BJ or something. Indicates that this is their first Minmay release. Anyone heard of them?
  23. Double post, gah!
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