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Everything posted by Drad

  1. Quick... someone ask Takatoys and Anasazi37 to make some custom stickers for these!!
  2. PG? Oh, sh_t...
  3. Just like everyone else, I've been waiting for this crossover for a long, long time. It might suck. Then again, maybe it won't. Before I comment on this thing, I'd like to see it first. But even then.. my only expectation will be to be entertained. It's a sci-fi/action movie. Not fine art. I wanna see monsters blowing sh_t up. I want boom, bang, slash, raarrgh. All that. I want to be entertained. And I think I will be. That's all I can ask.
  4. Kind of expensive, you say? Yeah.. maybe. Think about this, though. Some people paid $360 at retail when this set first came out. The "special" preorder price was $250. I finally got my set for $180 about a year ago, which I thought was a pretty good deal. Now, the 3-disc boxed sets can be had for as low as $45 each, if you do a little digging. Do yourself a favor and check out sites like deepdiscountdvd.com, overstock.com, bestprices.com, half.com and others.. I think you'll find that the effort is worth it. Generally, though.. the 3-disc boxed sets price hovers around $50-$60 these days. Not a bad price at all for a beautifully-restored classic like SDF Macross. The AnimEigo set features a completely restored video transfer, stereo sound (the original was mono), outstanding subtitles, liner notes and hidden extras. To put it simply, it's the best rendition of SDF Macross available. The price has dropped considerably since it was first released a few years ago. A near-$200 drop sounds good to me. Still too expensive? Okay. I realize that we all have different budgets. What one person considers a lot of money may be relative pocket change to another. Before you make your final decision though, remember this.. you get what you pay for. There are a few bootlegged sets out there to choose from, but don't expect them to provide you with everything that you're expecting for the money you're willing to put down. The video won't be as good as the AnimEigo set, the sound may have some issues, you won't get the liner notes, and the extras may or may not be there. And if you want to avoid "crappy subs," don't hold your breath.. especially with HK bootlegs. In the end, the choice is yours. Just be sure that your expectations are in line with what you're willing to pay.
  5. I'm interested. I believe Mechamaniac and I both had the same idea and had approached Garoquel about it. Anyway, I'm curious to see what G's cooked up for us. Count me in.
  6. Congratulations, Monkey Man! My best to you and your family.. and your newest member!
  7. Drad


    Yeah. And me.
  8. Diecast should be included for practical reasons. Using diecast for anything other than providing strength and balance is unnecessary. Don't get me wrong, I like the heft that diecast gives my old classic toys, but these days I find that I prefer it only where it's necessary. If diecast provides the necessary feel and look of quality for you, we've got more than enough wonderful choices these days. Lucky us! Personally, I've picked up the recent Masterpiece Convoy, the SOP Akira bike and I'm still trying to nail down a SOP Space Battleship Yamato. Nice, solid metal looks and feels great, but it seems more prone to paint chipping than plastics.. something I hate. I don't handle my toys very much, but when I do, I don't want to have to worry about screwing up a beautiful paintjob. If the toy is molded in color, even better. Diecast does have its place.. but I don't want it in there just because it adds that substantial feel that many of us love our older toys for. It should be there to serve a practical purpose other than personal preference. Diecast takes me back to the days when I held a favorite toy in my hands and just knew that it was something good.. because I could feel it. That satisfying weight that told me that what I had was better than those cheap blister-carded toys on the aisles. That was then. This is now. I'm older. My tastes have changed a bit, and simple diecast content isn't going to make or break a toy for me. I don't want to see a toy's quality judged primarily on how much diecast is in it, because that's just not fair.. especially today. Fortunately for us, many of today's toys are made with better plastics, better engineering and design, and are more highly detailed than ever before.. making our beloved diecast less necessary than before. Sure, not all of them are collector gold, but you've gotta admit.. we're seeing some awesome stuff come down the pipe. I for one, am enjoying the ride. This has been a posting of my opinion. Thanks for allowing me to share it, and the rest of you are certainly entitled to your own.
  9. Taco ZERO.
  10. Glen Miyashiro? I was listening to Frank Delima a few days ago lol. I was watching Rap's Hawaii on DVD the other day. How 'bout Mr. Okada? You know, the local Japanese (and lots of other stuff) guy who was "goin' catch bus to Palolo Housing," but he got yanked for the Soda A/Soda X taste test? Yeah. Name him Mr. Okada.
  11. How about Miles Kaneshiro?
  12. Leave it to Agent ONE to illustrate clearly-defined degrees of jerkiness.
  13. I was raised old Japanese style and American style. I'm Japanese. I understand both ways of thinking. It's all good. Both have their ups and downs.
  14. I guess I can't blame a seller for taking advantage of the 1/48's scarcity. It's a business, after all. They're in it to make money. I may not like the higher prices, but that's the nature of the beast. And I got devoured long ago.
  15. To get back on topic.. Buy now, or risk not being able to get it at all. Sure, you might be able to find your 1/48 Valk of choice later, but there's no guarantee. Gotta love the hobby.
  16. Look, I'm not haterist and I'm not Agent ONE. I'm looking at this from the outside and this is what I see.. No matter what your arguments may be, Hurin.. they're exactly that. Arguments. You don't care about who's wrong or right as long as you can continue to argue your point "cogently" so that people will take a fairer view of you than the other guy. You know what? At this point it doesn't matter what your argument is, or how "cogent" it is. You absolutely have to get the last word in, and that's what people are sick of, what they're pointing out. That's why no one really cares how well-constructed or eloquent your arguments are. I'm not taking sides here, no matter what you may think. I'm calling it as I see it. If you really want people to get off your back, get off of your soapbox. You're proving them right by always, ALWAYS having to throw in that last jab. Understand that at this point, no one wants to hear your side, haterist's, Agent's, or even mine. You want people to get off you? You want people to be reasonable? Then prove their attitudes toward you wrong. You don't need to have the last word. You don't need to post anything more to argue your point. Let it go. For real.
  17. Yeah. That's why I said I wanted it to end already. Anyway, I've said more than I should've. Bring back the peace. Back to lurk mode.
  18. I gotta say something. I usually don't. I let the sh_t fly and just watch. But not this time. Hurin, let it go already. I don't want to keep seeing this pop up again. And before you put up some long post about how haterist is wrong and juvenile or whatever, save it. This time, you started it. Don't bother sending PMs about how I'm suddenly a jerk either, because they'll be ignored. I'm not taking sides, and both of you are normally very cool contributors to this community, but please.. Enough already. Damn.
  19. Interesting. I always thought Mike O'Hearn (that's the guy playing Superman in the pic) would've made a good Superman, at least physically. But can he act? He's a martial artist and bodybuilder.. not an actor.
  20. Greg, Please accept my deepest sympathy and very best wishes for you and your daughter. Take care of yourself and your little girl, and we'll be here for you when you decide to visit again. Condolences, -Brandon
  21. We wanna see you try. Then Shawn can put it on the DVD. Mari Iijima would probably come to your house and thrash you, though.
  22. From what I've been told, Macross really isn't that popular in Japan anyway. As has been said many times before (no matter how we may feel about it).. it's all about Gundam over there.
  23. If your audio setup features Dolby Pro-Logic II, then it'll split up the 2-channel stereo signal on the FX DYRL disc and provide you with some nice, simulated surround sound. Don't waste your time with the other DYRL boots. The FX disc is the one to own.
  24. Aliens Rifle These guys make an Aliens rifle prop. Just be prepared to shell out the cash.
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