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Everything posted by Drad

  1. Click the links in my sig. Hopefully they'll help.
  2. More... From the top.. the lightsabers of Qui-Gon Jinn (TPM), Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM), Luke Skywalker (ROTJ) and Mace Windu (AOTC). I wonder if Mace's has "Bad Motherf_cker" inscribed on it?
  3. Jeff can't list any film-accurate designs on his site, but that doesn't stop him from making one for you if you call and ask. I did. Mine is Skywalker's lightsaber from A New Hope. It has a removable light-up electroluminescent blade, which means it can be used for display or just to mess around with.
  4. That might've been me, being that I'd recently received one of those "super fresh dope custom lightsabers". And let me assure you, they are. (The dude's name is Jeff Parks. Absolutely top-notch stuff.) Give me a yell if you have any questions.
  5. How is the quality on these? I've owned three Hong Kong rips of the Star Wars OT sourced from the same Star Wars Definitive Collection that was used to master the TR47 set. I recently received one of TR47's Star Wars OT DVD sets, and it is noticeably better than the HK sets in both quality and content. The video is sharp and clear, without that "softness" that I noticed in the HK sets. Audio is significantly better. Any imperfections are likely due to the limitations of the source material.. these are laserdisc rips, after all. Still, TR47 has provided an excellent product. The time and care that he put into these discs is obvious, unlike the fast and dirty compression methods used by the HK makers of these sets. Included are the three movie discs, a fourth supplemental disc, and a CD-ROM containing artwork files for DVD case art, inserts and disc labels. For those who want more content, TR47 offers three more DVDs containing even more extras like documentaries, commercials, trailers, screen tests, TV episodes and a parody of COPS. The price is very reasonable. No, this set is not as good as an official DVD release (which apparently we're not going to see, either, since Lucas has supposedly burned all original prints of the OT), but it's certainly better than what most of us have sitting around on VHS. For the time being, TR47's set appears to be the best that fans of the original trilogy are going to get. Here's a more detailed review of the TR47 Star Wars Original Trilogy DVD set.
  6. Yeah. Canon.
  7. Sure. Look up one of our resident e-tailers and order a set.
  8. Damn. I haven't laughed that hard in years.
  9. I posted my Alpha review there a few days ago, and it made me remember why I never go there anymore. Case in point, I needed to edit a post I wrote and I couldn't, because they have a 10-minute timeframe in which you can edit your posts. I spent it waiting for friggin' pages to load. It's ALWAYS slow.
  10. Wow. Gotta love how all his "MIB" vintage Valks are all just thrown on a bed like that. He's a real collector, y'know. (Gee, I feel like spending some hard-earned money. Don't you?)
  11. Ouch. If that Garland takes a direct hit to the chest, the pilot's looking at having both of his legs busted.. at the very least. I'll leave the rest of you to consider the other possibilities.
  12. lol yours ain't much better j/k Heh. Heheheheheh.
  13. Wow.. 2 outta 2! 100% problem-free... that's awesome, man. Enjoy them. You're part of a very lucky minority.
  14. Lucky. I wish I were the type that enjoyed fixing/customizing things. All it does is piss me off. It's work, instead of fun.. that I shouldn't have to do for an $80 toy.
  15. Graham, Let me say that regardless of what happened with that whole fiasco with Ms. YouKnowWho, I appreciate everything you've done in the past and what you and Shawn continue to do for us as a community of Macross fans. Yamato's stance toward you is regrettable, but we're all still here. Thanks Graham.. and thanks also to Shawn.. for giving all of us a wonderful place to play. -Brandon
  16. ::: Images of vintage Valkries growing on mythical trees come to mind, along with the droning, garbled yet eerily cheerful songs of dozens of ARAFATrolls, tending to scores of cardboard boxes filled with a Valk collector's nightmare: damaged and broken vintage Valkyries (they "process" the Valks after they pick them, you see). And standing above it all.. is the shepherd of the flock, ARAFAT209 himself. Veiled in the shade of his largest Vintage Valkyrie Tree, he rubs his grubby hands together and allows himself a crooked, wry smile... ::: What a wacky, warped, Technicolor world that must be.
  17. Keep the votes coming in, please. Leave details if possible. Thanks.
  18. Damn, man.. I'd love to put one of those guns in my Valks' hands! Old Painless...
  19. Flying bellybuttons. Ooo.
  20. Clayburn Moore does it again. Based on art by Greg Horn. Emma Frost - Click at your own risk!
  21. Hahah!! That's the same thing I said when I pulled mine!
  22. I know, maybe gashapon aren't a big deal to some of you.. but the sculpt and detail on this tiny piece of work are just amazing. Man, these things are getting better every day. ("Tetsuo-----!!!")
  23. Everything is better with monkeys in it. I dunno about that. Look what happened to this place.
  24. I saw that one coming lightyears away.
  25. Also: "I'll buy them if they improve. If I'm spending $80, I'd like the product to justify the price."
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