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Everything posted by Drad

  1. It's such a gamble with these imported, niche items. I made sure I got my GX-64 as soon as possible because I didn't want to sleep on it like I have with other things, miss my window of opportunity and then have to pay outrageous secondary market prices to get it. Live and learn, I guess. It's an absolute steal at nearly half off, though. Great for people who were still on the fence. I admit that I thought it would've sold better than it has.
  2. Ffffuuu.... Oh well. I got mine and I'm happy with it, but that still stings.
  3. Thank you, Warrior.
  4. From the pic, it looks like the previously released Yamato is in scale with it.
  5. I'm sure Yurisha and older sister Starsha are in the works, and they'll both be excellent. I'm just hoping that Megahouse doesn't cheap out on Starsha's sculpt and not give her any legs just because they're never visible under that super long dress.
  6. The paintwork on Melda's helmet and visor is just spectacular. I'm so impressed, overall.
  7. Got Melda a few days ago. She's great. Really pops.
  8. .. holy MOLY.
  9. Agreed. While I enjoy boobage too, these particular ones look really strange. Which is a shame because I think the rest of the figure looks great.
  10. Her fighter reminds me of a Garmilas version of the F-4 Phantom. I hope we get toys of Earth and Garmilas fighters at some point.
  11. I sincerely hope that Captain Okita won't be the only guy in the "Yamato Guys Collection." I'd love to be able to have most of the core characters on my shelf. I can't wait to see Kodai, Shima and Sanada. For the girls, Yurisha and Starsha. Sasha would be nice but since her only appearance in the show was after her death, I'm not sure whether her figure would be upright or horizontal. If it's the latter, that'd be kinda morbid.
  12. "THIS is why we can't have nice things." Seriously though, when I saw that I wanted to take the damn ship away from him. "Gimme that, you friggin' savage. Here, take this set of cheap plastic farm animals."
  13. Yeah, it does. But it's nice considering the smaller scale. Something I can pick up and mess with more easily than the GX-64.
  14. I'm sure I will. I justified the purchase with the reasoning that collecting a fleet of ships will be less costly this way. Maybe get a buncha Gamilas ships for the Yamato to shoot at, heh. Though I may spring for a full-sized Andromeda if they do one.
  15. Damn you, Kyp. I just bought the Megahouse Yamato 2199.
  16. Damn straight! I like female figures too, but there are so many instances where I can't have a full cast of a particular show on my shelves because the male characters just weren't produced, period. My Captain Okita should be here any day now, and since he's part of what Megahouse is calling their "Yamato Guys Collection," I'm hoping that means that there will BE guys to stand alongside the girls. Bring on Kodai, Desler, Shima, Sanada, etc.!
  17. Just hold down the button to start the Wave Motion Gun's firing sequence, then let it go to fire.
  18. Just ordered Yamato 2199 Capt. Juzo Okita, by Megahouse. The ship needs her captain.
  19. The Star Blazers version of the GX-64 is just the Yamato 2199 sold under the Star Blazers 2199 name. Now, whether that's just a sticker on the Japanese box or a newly-printed box with Star Blazers 2199 on it, I don't know. The base/stand may or may not have been changed as well. I'm not clear on that either. The ship itself is the same. Price is anywhere from $230-$280, and you can find it on most major US retail sites.
  20. Mostly. The deck guns, catapults and anchors need to be plugged in, but that's as much assembly as it requires. Everything else is ready to go out of the box. Edit: You'll need a small Philips screwdriver to remove the battery compartment cover on the underside of the ship. The screw is hidden under a panel.
  21. No need to cut anything out. It's all just sitting in the trays, ready to plug in.
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