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Everything posted by Drad

  1. I think 'Bee looks great. I wish they'd just sold him on his own at a lower price, but it's not a dealbreaker for me. I ended up paying about $55 shipped. I can't wait to have him on my shelf alongside his Autobot brethren. It's been a long time coming.
  2. Just ordered from Play-Asia. Wow, I haven't used my account there in ten years. So I guess I'll just let my preorder at Nippon-Yasan slip; $215 N-Y vs. $183 P-A. Is there any penalty at Nippon-Yasan for cancellations/non-payment of preorders? I have Masterpiece Bumblebee preordered with Nippon-Yasan and I'd hate to lose it due to backing out of another preorder.
  3. Jumped on the Nippon-Yasan boat for the VF-25S Ozma Renewal. Yeah, I saw the slightly inflated price but I figured it's better than what it's been going for the last two years since the initial run. Plus I have no idea if other sites are going to be opening up more preorders or offering Ozma at all. AmiAmi flat out told me they were done. Does anyone have experience with Nippon-Yasan? How are they compared to the usual outlets like AmiAmi, HLJ, Hobby Search, CDJapan, etc? Should I be worried?
  4. I'm in Hawaii. If anyone has an extra Ozma Renewal they want to send my way, let me know. Otherwise, I'll just be waiting to see if I can get one at some point. AmiAmi told me that all their preorder slots have been filled. No mention of opening up any more, either.
  5. I love Macross but damned if I'm gonna pay some scalper upwards of $700 for this thing. I hope I get another chance to get this. At the same time, I can't be sitting in front of my computer waiting for it all the time. Sometimes I feel like I need to get out of this hobby.
  6. I had my accounts ready at AmiAmi, HobbySearch, HLJ, Nippon-Yasan and CDJapan. Nada. Wow, so that's it then? To resellers we go? Bummer.
  7. Yes sir. Yes, it did.
  8. Wow. Gone instantly. I didn't even get a shot.
  9. Yeah, I'm ready. I hope I can get one. After this I'm gonna go watch "Guardians Of The Galaxy."
  10. If anyone's going to try to get more than one VF-25S, please let me know. I'm still going to try to get my order in, though. What time is it supposed to go up?
  11. The Transformers need to be in the hands of someone who grew up with them. Someone who "gets it." I knew I'd be disappointed and I was very forgiving with a lot of things, but the lazy and sometimes offscreen "transformations" were the last straw. Bay and company got my money four times for these faux "Transformers" movies. There won't be a fifth; I'm done. Bay should stick to Bad Boys movies and the like.
  12. Megatron v.2, MP-11 Skywarp and Thundercracker (with proper deco). These guys need to happen, Megatron especially. The 'Cons need their leader.
  13. I broke down and bought these two. Good size and quality for the price; both were under fifty bucks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF4guTdiBf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j-bQyNnTyY
  14. These pics really do look awesome, and I wish this new venture all the best. I would love for them to do really well. That said, I'll be waiting for reviews and hoping that these great-looking pieces are everything that they should be and not prone to self-destruction.
  15. I guess we'll find out, won't we? Chronicle should've done their homework.
  16. Yeah, I just saw that too. At first I was thrilled. Now I'm worried.
  17. That doesn't look like you at all. Too skinny and he has a sidecomb. He's supposed to barely fit in the package due to all the muscles and a big duffel bag filled with smashed-up participation trophies. Still, that's pretty cool. I had no idea an actual Agent One toy existed. This is like Six Million Dollar Man and Caption Action and all that. Sweet.
  18. Dang, I didn't know his bumper was red. That looks odd to me, but I don't think it's gonna stop him from being a great seller.
  19. All he needs now is a scaled-down Taco Bell breakfast burrito and he's all set.
  20. Yeah, pretty fugly in my opinion. The orange, okay, that's passable, but whose idea was it to let brown get in there? Turdburner.
  21. I'm over at TFW2005 too (TransFan84), and yeah it gets pretty heated there sometimes. It seems a lot calmer here. To me, anyway. Still waiting on Takara-Tomy MP-11 Thundercracker and Skywarp and especially Megatron v.2. The Decepticons need their leader.
  22. Takara-Tomy MP-10 is being re-released. It's the others that aren't, those being MP-11, MP-12 and MP-14.
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