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Everything posted by Drad

  1. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    That was a hell of a deal. Wow.
  2. I'm not too fussed about the colors not being spot-on. Gosh, it took this long for us to get them at all. I'm happy.
  3. Missing Link Optimus Prime toy deco in KO G1 box. Couldn't source a pristine genuine G1 box, unfortunately. Best I could do. This thing makes me so happy. (Yes, I have the TV color version opened, with the KO trailer.)
  4. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I love my big DX Valks but these guys are easier to handle and play with. Friend of mine brought Kakizaki back from Japan for me, and I just ordered Max and will probably cave and buy Hikaru's armored set even though I have the other two. It's a sickness, I tell you. Regults/Glaugs really need a re-issue as well as more enemy mecha overall. Maybe even some Zentran/Meltran soldiers. Is this the first Macross toy line to offer enemy units?
  5. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Now we just need a TV Roy VF-1S. And some Queadluun Rau. And Tomahawks. And.. C'mon, Bandai!! How many years already??
  6. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Ohh okay. I didn't realize that. I figured they'd use the release of Max and Kakizaki to sell yet another Hikaru VF-1J. Color me surprised.
  7. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Beautiful. Congrats! Does anyone know when the VF-1J Hikaru with the included character stand is due out?
  8. I was thinking of getting this figure since I always thought it was a cool idea. Now I'm not sure though. The Fiero would've been nice to have, heh.
  9. Hey @mikeszekely, didja get your copy of this guy yet? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. I like him, he's great for the price.
  10. My horrible pic. I was not prepared for the sheer weight, size and presence of this guy. Small imperfections aside, I am thoroughly gobsmacked by the quality of this set especially for a KO. I now have a small inkling of how owners of the official Blitzway Voltron must feel about their wonderful pieces.
  11. .. these are so beautiful. Sadly I lack the skills and talent to build them. Help.😄
  12. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    Sure beats the pants off my first Valkyrie.
  13. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    I didn't see Kakizaki or Max go up at all anywhere, and now Anime-Export lists them as sold out.
  14. Drad

    Hi-Metal R

    The figure itself is outstanding but is it weird that I love that retro Takatoku-esque packaging?
  15. I would guess you'll prolly end up paying about $40-$50 for the pair of Missing Link Optimus Primes. I believe DHL has gotten rid of their emergency circumstances surcharge too. Might save some money actually.
  16. Couple of random finds. Custom-made challenge coins.
  17. Considering all the things that MS-02 gets right, I'm willing to overlook those shortcomings. Heck, I'm not even a fan of the hyper-toon look.. in fact that change in aesthetic direction is what made me quit collecting Masterpiece Transformers altogether (well, that's part of it but the rest isn't relevant here). What Magic Square has achieved with this latest iteration of Optimus Prime is just so impressive that I had to pick him up. He's amazing! Looks like a non-transformable figure like Hasbro's R.E.D. line or Super7's Ultimates and yet not only does he transform but they managed to streamline the process and make it fun instead of frustrating. One of the gripes I have about the push toward near-total cartoon accuracy is all of the compromises that need to be made to achieve that seamless, kibble-free look in both modes. Often times the result is the figures being heavily over-engineered which makes them more shelf queens than toys. I understand that we all have our preferences but I do like to play with my toys from time to time. Having a shelf full of expensive transforming "toys" that you're afraid to touch and require you to take a day off to transform isn't my idea of fun. It's just sad. Magic Square showed me that these are toys to be played with and that they can look incredible in the process. MS-02 Light of Peace is Sunbow Optimus Prime from my childhood. Looking at it takes me back to simpler times, devouring bowls of sugary breakfast cereal with my little brother while watching cartoons on our small (though we thought it was huge back then) TV. I'm grateful.
  18. True but then they couldn't sell us the same toy twice.
  19. Hopefully we'll see a TV Roy VF-1S at some point. I'd be down for that.
  20. Definitely getting Drift as well as Magic Square's upscaled Prime 2.0! Excited for both of them. I have the Legends scale MS Prime 2.0 and really enjoy it. Such amazing engineering for that scale. I hope the larger version turns out just as well if not better.
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