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Everything posted by myk

  1. What an obscure, exclusive idea. Hope it isn't an equally obscure and exclusive release. And did someone mention reissuing the Roy Strike? Hurry up with that, already...
  2. Lol, maybe everyone here's all 'Walked out. I think it's a good idea to touch on the subject of man vs man on a group level, and NOT like the "Vatos" episode from season 1. Suffice to say Herschel looks like he's woken up and come to accept the reality of the situation, at least from Rick's point of view. Shane's dangerous though-he's a gonna kill somebody...
  3. Hey like the company tag line says, "No Bills, No Contracts, No Evil.. Of course, now my friends are telling me they'd rather I text them instead of call them, which kinda puts a damper on my old phones. Yeah, I can text on them but not having a qwerty keyboard is a bit of a deal breaker. I'm going to have to think this over...
  4. Yeah I walked into Wal*Mart the other day and saw two 6" Cheetara's along with a slew of other figures I was getting ready to buy off of ebay; funny how all these years later I still don't know how to be patient... But at least, she can now warm my shelf instead of the peg lol. I bought one of the Cheetera's to swap out with the one I got on ebay-seems that some of them have a flaw in the form of a curved left leg. Ok, so are we still on for season 2 debuting in March?
  5. Since I'm about to kick Verizon and my $100 monthly bill to the curb I thought I'd get really weird and start using cell phones from back in the day: 1996 Motorola Startac on the left, one of the first flip-phones, and one of the smallest phones of all time and even capable of texting, and on the right a 2000 Kyocera/Qualcomm QCP 860, one of the thinnest phones of the day at about half an inch. Most of you will probably think I'm nuts but I'm sure Shaorin will dig this, lol. I love the battery life also; how does 5 days with moderate calling and texting before the need to charge sound? Now, I've been having a sort of showdown between both phones as I try to decide which one I'm going to use. Everyone keeps telling me that call performance/quality is AWESOME from both, better and more clear than my friends have heard in a while. Question: this isn't the first time I've heard that old cell phones have better call quality-how is that possible? I would've figured that call quality should've astronomically improved from the 90's. Personally, I just think that people aren't used to hearing people talk on phones anymore. Anyway, just thought I'd show off my old 'tech...
  6. WOOOOOOW...... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Matchbox-Vehicle-Voltron-Dairugger-XV-Factory-Sealed-BNIB-OOP-EXTREMELY-RARE-/170774256326?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c2f05ac6#ht_1480wt_1185
  7. Ha ha Denis Leary. Guy was a riot in Rescue Me. Anyway I enjoyed the Toby-Spiderman (with excpetion to the last movie) so this thing better be good; good enough to convince me a reboot was needed...
  8. *Shuts off Youtube trailer, reaches for Shin Contra game disc*
  9. And that's why this movie will probably rake in an obscene fortune...
  10. Christ man, does Liam Neeson owe huge amounts of debt to the mob, or something? Or maybe his advanced age has affected his sensibilities? That trailer is BAD...
  11. myk

    Taking the Plunge

    Agreed. If money is ever an issue for you don't take the risk of waiting. I did that and to this very day I'm still aching for a '60 V2 Roy 'Strike. I will NOT pay what those things are going for on ebay...
  12. Goddamn that looks awful. DAMN!
  13. Love Pearl Harbor, especially the part where Hartnett steals a P40, puts Kate Beckinsdale in his lap and flies her up to the sunset, only to land later and then knock her up in a hangar full of silk sheets; best date-move ever and you wish that poor Hikaru coulda had it so good in DYRL. I definitely want to see Red Tails for the dog-fighting action, and I'm not expecting much in the way of quality of dialogue or, as you guys are saying, quality of story or historical accuracy either...
  14. "I have an army!" "We have a hulk..." Lol, you gotta love RDJ. Loved the I-man shots and can't wait to see him in action...
  15. Guess I'm the only one who doesn't understand or get how Statham has become the new standard for action men/personas. True, all action heroes and even the genre itself can't be taken too seriously, but veteran stars like Arnold, Sylvester, Chuck, JCVD and even Carl Weathers had an undeniable, love-to-hate-them charisma, IMO. With Statham I don't feel it. I don't get it. Maybe it's his accent? Or maybe at some point you actually do grow up and can't go back? I dunno... Edit: I just remembered In the Name of the King. EEEWWW!!!!!111
  16. You're probably right-I admit the only character I noticed was Nova...
  17. I like the character updates, too...
  18. I LOVE those Takani original paintings...
  19. Ah you're right. When I will I learn to not use Ebay or BigBadToyPrices to accurately gauge toy prices...
  20. Wow. That lion is pretty big. How will I explain this to my guinea pig? As Exo says, that "action" feature flaws an otherwise cool entry into the history of Voltron toys. I love the CLICK CLACK CLICK CLACK ratcheting of the toy; can you say SOLID? Someone should send that video and maybe the lion to Yamato so they could learn a thing or two. But, at $80 per kitty I might have to pass. Lol @ the "coffin" Voltron from the 80's-talk about a hideous toy. PS: Saw a coupla shots of the completed Voltron and....it's not the greatest looking Go-Lion in the world. But, I guess that's understandable since we're dealing with a Tonka-like version of the lion team. Also, I can only wish that Sven was packed with Blue Lion and not teary-eyed Alura...
  21. Yeah, I guess she's probably popping up more now. I'm just not willing to drive around to look for her, so even at $20 it's worth it to me...
  22. You shoulda' bought them and resold them on ebay; there're idiots like me who will pay twice her retail just to have that fine feline in their house...
  23. Broken, adrift in space...

  24. Aiy, but don't quote me on it-this is just stuff I was reading off of a T-cats forum. You know how misinforming and out of control a cartoon message forum can be...
  25. The 6"? Heck I wouldn't be surprised if that's what the 4" is going for these days. I checked one Wal*Mart and gave up-bought both 4" and 6" on ebay for easily twice the retail price but...I just had to have her. It's hard to find Thundercat ANYTHING out here...
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