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Everything posted by myk

  1. The entire Finn and Panda Express (sorry I don't remember her worthless character's name) sub plot was completely unnecessary, unless at 2:45 in the morning when I saw the movie I missed a critical detail of their adventure that says otherwise. I do remember a forced political statement criticizing wealthy people, though. It's such a glaring flaw in the movie that I can't believe they didn't have a better way to handle Finn's character. Honestly, they should've just left him in a coma. So, since Abrams and crew are only intent on re-hashing the original trilogy and not coming up with anything remotely original, will there be a new-style Jabba the Hutt and Sand Barge in the next movie? Inquiring minds want to know...
  2. Not for me, brother. His loud, screaming, blustering presence makes him out to be the worst acting and/or written character that I can recall in a long time. I mean....just shut up already. In his own way he's as much a whiny b**ch as Kylo Ren is...
  3. Structural integrity fields borrowed from Starfleet?
  4. New Thundercats were even better; sadly that show didn't have a proper continuation...
  5. Alright! Weekly sessions of watching people walking and talking forever while making weird faces into the camera in slow motion footage is something I truly look forward to!
  6. I personally found Season 1 more enjoyable. The last half of season 2 devolved into a Netflix version of the first battle between the Colonial Marines and the Xenomorphs in Aliens. Actually, the second half is all Aliens the movie; Weyland Yutani should sue. The ending? Silly, emotional tripe, and that's putting it politely because I do enjoy the story, overall...
  7. Hmm...I can only wonder/dream about what HAS turned purple...
  8. So over the Rei Ayanami motif. It's not 1998 anymore...
  9. Nnnnnnahhh....
  10. Lol those teeth...
  11. I love everything about that figure. Only thing I would want is nudity but I'd take her as is...
  12. Lol those teeth!
  13. Hopefully they let you stick your head in an intake or an engine nozzle...
  14. Yeah that Celicia Lockhart by Sei Shoujo is pretty sexy...
  15. That is truly bizarre. Oh well, I'd get that Oda Non but I'm saving up for the bunny girl and her friends; if she ever comes out...
  16. ^^^^I don't get it. Does she come with a removable bottom half, or something? Are her legs poseable? Otherwise I don't see how she gets ino the squatting pose...
  17. I was just waiting for the daughter to get naked or something. She almost got taken for a comfort girl in season one but it didn't pan out. Oh well..
  18. It's truly the Talking Dead...
  19. No Warlock, Cypher, Douglock equals NO New Mutants...
  20. After many years I subscribed again just to honor Mr. Hefner...
  21. Maybe not. Maybe TRU can go the way of Circuit City and just be an online e-tailer? I too like walking into a store and fondling merchandise before I buy it, but...who really has time for that? If it's car parts, movies, even clothes, I don't want to spend the time driving around town, putting up with traffic and crowds just to find something I know I already want. I'd rather just point and click and then see it on my doorstep THAT afternoon. A friend of mine in retail doesn't understand how Amazon Prime is taking business away from his company; the fact of the matter is that online shopping has become the bee's knee's, and shopping in person is just oh-so 1990's. Personally, I see a lot of retail concepts losing out to online business...
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