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Everything posted by myk

  1. Thanks for posting those 'pics. I'm sure the elf'll be a cutie, but that Amazon's butt/thigh sculpt just makes her look like one of those angry fat girls you see on Jerry Springer...
  2. I kinda like it. No way he'd a found a way to buff up between movies, though...
  3. DREAM GIRL Ah. The key is to stay single, or find someone who tolerates a passion for uh....vigorously viewing all forms of art. All jokes aside, I actually think the first Yuki figure is still the hottest figure...
  4. ......Hold on, I'll be right back...
  5. Probably means that Yutaka is a pain in the a@@ to work with, or something to that effect; probably was tongue-in-cheek comment...
  6. Alternate universe? Hey, I'll accept that as long as Roy gets to show Princess Alura his blazing sword...
  7. Hooray for me. I just got around to playing the original Ninja Gaiden on Xbox and finally beat it. Yay! Now...If I could just find my copy of Ocarina of Time...
  8. Definitely interested in those figures; they look good and might be a cheaper alternative to the $100+ price tag the current figures are selling for...
  9. Well if there's one thing Walt and Fring have in common it's their greed; if each one of them had just called it quits when the going was good.........well, who knows...
  10. Yup, Walt's turned into a monster. Fring was never so horrible for God's sake...
  11. I consider Bale/Nolan to be the ultimate high point of the Batman story; they elevated super-hero storytelling to an artform even. Everything else will be just an attempt to cash in on the popularity of the franchise, just like this movie. So, let the clowns who-would-be Batman step on up and make those summer blockbusters. As far as I'm concerned Affleck playing Batman is no different than Kilmer, Clooney or the schizophrenic who lives next door to me during Halloween playing Batman; they're Batman/Wayne by name and little else...
  12. Cute, and I'll mostly agree with it. For casual gamers like myself, there's really no need to jump the gun and get a launch console...
  13. I'd be willing to bet both Jesse and Walt, but like you said, we never know...
  14. That was a body double aboard the command ship. Spoilers? Deslar was already aware of the impending coup and placed a body double on the doomed ship to ferret out the traitors in his empire; he was in hiding aboard U571 the whole time...
  15. So what are you into, these days?
  16. I think that Walt should've nuked Jesse a long time ago; he's always been the biggest threat to Walt. Actually, it doesn't make sense for Walt to NOT have done that already, and I see it as a sort of plot-hole, even though I realize they try to play Walt & Jesse off as some sort of dysfunctional faux-father and son team. Hank does have an interesting dilemma though: if he makes his suspicions official it will probably end up his career, possibly put him into legal trouble. If he DOESN'T and Walt's little business venture eventually becomes uncovered, then Hank will probably go to jail anyway. I'll say it like I've said it before: Walt should've quit when he made that first $700K; his greed will be his downfall...
  17. Like any good thing, I don't want it to end too soon. Personally, I'm worried that the end of 2199 will also mark the end of Yamato's rebirth, with no Comet Empire story to follow. Didn't some of you guys in the know state that 2199 isn't that big of a success to warrant a follow-up with a reimagined Comet Empire storyline?
  18. We're up to episode 22 brother, while waiting for the final four episodes to be released...
  19. Yeah, it looks like a side-scrolling beat-em up with a magical touch, not unlike the D&D game from a while back. Just for that sorceress I may have to buy that game, though...
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