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Everything posted by myk

  1. Because....you're worried that you'll be faced with too many crappy movies this year?
  2. "Who cares..." -Wild Rider, Starscream's Brigade
  3. Heh, they should make his 'alt mode the GI Joe Whale; that'd be a cool cross-over...
  4. Bah, who needs armor when you're swinging around weapons like those, lol...
  5. Only issue I had with ID was Will Smith. Will Smith in an F-18, no less...
  6. Good point. I'm sure not ALL of the Jedi were killed in the hour or so after Anakin made his completely implausible turn to the Dark side.
  7. I'm a major fan of T2, but I would have been perfectly satisfied if there had only been the first movie in the franchise and nothing to follow it...
  8. Unfortunately they do exist, and again we're just musing about starship designs; we're not "attacking" the legitimacy of Star Wars, if there can even be such a thing...
  9. It's Star Wars, it's sci-fantasy, and we're Star Wars geeks. Besides, after the "midichlorian" thing, we the fans have just as much inclination as the producers/writers to explain things away to our hearts content. We're just shooting the s**t here;
  10. Maybe it's not a "fan" or rotating thing at all? Maybe it's just a series of blade like screens or something; sort of like the screens that cover a VF1's intakes in Batteoid mode?
  11. Micro-managing your hobbies is one way to kill the passion off. I don't keep track of the money-you can't take it with you anyway...
  12. If only they could get an accurate Black Widow face sculpt. I think her boobs are right, for what it's worth...
  13. Eh, it would have to be Banner/Hulk. No one else on that team would be able to take care of Black Widow like she deserves...
  14. Yeah I'm going to have to block their website on my computers...
  15. That's a beautiful child-congratulations...
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