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Everything posted by myk

  1. All of the copies of 'Clash that I own have the scenes that have been mentioned as cut out. I guess I have the Directors Gold Cut version of 'Clash...
  2. Christ just give me a friggin BD remote. The PS5 will be out before they come up with one...
  3. She was good to go many, many moons ago...
  4. Yup, my PS3 and PS4 are shelf mates because of the 4's limitations. If I wasn't worried about burning out my 60G 'emo equipped PS3 I'd either throw the 4 into storage or trade it for some Pizza Hut. Dated technology aside, the PS3 is still my favorite console to date...
  5. Anyone else ever watch this? I just bought it on a whim at Fry's and visually, it's a beautiful film and I actually find the story intriguing, but the plot twist in the end flew right over my head...
  6. Alpha male Shinji. I love it!
  7. Heh. The Shinji that should've been. I will say that for a Michael Bay joint that clip didn't have nearly enough explosions...
  8. I think A7 is onto something. That's the most sensible thing to have been said in this entire thread...
  9. I didn't notice that, however they should've CG'd Bill Paxton into the punk he played in the original movie lol...
  10. Is James Cameron becoming feeble or something? Are the producers holding his family hostage? He doesn't have any ties to this....effort, so he doesn't have to play nice...
  11. Vicki from Small Wonder is a Cylon...
  12. Another creepy looking man-doll. Either find and play with the real thing or make the figure bishoujo style...
  13. I feel that her deadpan expression is more accurate to the character in the show than the smirky gun-fu pose that she has in this latest sculpt.
  14. Clash of the Bionoids is superior to the original DYRL presentation because of the superb dub track. Not a finer dub track has ever been produced or laid down, IMO. Why this movie isn't out on blu ray, optimized to be shown on 4K Ultra televisions and supporting 7.2 channel surround sound as well as being THX certified is far beyond me. Wait a minute. What's the missing scene that you're talking about?
  15. Me neither. I remember when the first one came out, the entire nation seemed to be swept up in Jurassi-mania. I tried to watch the movies years later but I just couldn't get into their stories. I also found the stories dull from the start and the dinosaurs did not impress me either. I hope all of the fans get what they need from this sequel...
  16. I'll agree with that ranking with the exception of 'Thunderdome. To me, it's the "Dark of the Moon" of the series and it's best to pretend it doesn't exist...
  17. Hard to say which one I like better; they both look great...
  18. Sexy, but the face is off or weird, or something...
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