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Posts posted by myk

  1. 3 minutes ago, jeniusornome said:

    I would have to disagree with the Bandai being priced better than an Arcadia.

    You've got to pay 18k yen for the VF, plus another 13k for the missiles and SSP. Assuming you can find all of the parts for retail price that's still 31k. An Arcadia PF VF-1S with SSP set retailed for just under 28k. It was under 22k for the regular version (if you don't mind doing decals yourself).

    Even the standalone release is more expensive - the VF with missiles is going to be around 22k, but Arcadia's two VF-1S releases that didn't include SSP were just under 17k (and included missiles).


    I'm not counting the ridiculous secondary market prices for the figures - a  $300 VF-1S, $90 missile set and $130 SSP, in three separate boxes, with shipping, will probably set you back double an Arcadia VF-1S set. The DX figure is nice, but I don't see how anyone could think it's worth double an Arcadia.

    YEESH.  Too rich for my blood...

  2. 13 hours ago, isamu said:


    Hi guys. Good to see you all still hanging around this great forum. We're all a lot older now but I'm glad to see it appears our love for Macross hasn't waned one bit.  It certain;y hasn't for me. Anyway just wanted to say I wholeheartedly agree with Agent One.  A full blown remake with the updates described above would be bonkers. Do it Kawamori-san!!

    Yeah, I remember when I first signed up for Macross World in like, 2001 or something.  I was led here by Kevin Lam's pre-order, in his "Valkyrie Exchange" webstore, for the Yamato 1/72 'Plus Variable Fighters.  I remember being ecstatic because no one, and I mean NO ONE around me was into anime, let alone Macross, so when I found a community full of like-minded fanbois I was happy.  I think I remember my first thread too, entitled "Falling Fins," wherein I talked about the loose fins on my Yamato YF-21 and what to do about it.  Man how time flies.

    Anyway, the idea of Kawamori re-doing original Macross depends mostly on what he feels about it.  Is original Macross still a prevalent thing with him, or has he relegated that particular piece of work of his in the past?  Has he ever commented on his feelings about original Macross recently?  

    We old timers should get a special thread or a section of the boards or something; talk about what's happened to us and our toy habits over the last twenty or so years, lol...

  3. Blows away the '48 and the V2?  That's quite a statement.  Also the weapons being sold separately is irritating and insulting to me.  If it wasnt for roy I never would've given the DX a thought...

  4. 2 hours ago, kalvasflam said:

    They went off the rails by the time they hit the tenth planet, episode 6 or 7?  

    from the CE battleship being the absolute badass in episode 1 to becoming a look a few episodes later, to the blue tunnel of love, to the pointless backstory of CE soldiers, the entire second season was one missed opportunity after another, a pale imitation of the original.

    IMO, only the Desslar side story made it bearable.  Even then they went through so many contortions to make Desslar a good guy or at least not a psychopath that it was literally painful to watch.

    You mean Desslar's "why did we fight, why didnt we love one another..." or whatever he said, didn't justify your investment of time into the show at that point?  Lol...

  5. 14 hours ago, Sandman said:

    This annoyed me. I was waiting for the andromeda since it's like impossible to get the old one. They even released the gamilas ship.

    Well, not impossible but just really expensive.  The only ones I'd trust to buy, in new condition are listing at about $600.  Why, oh why did I not buy it BITD at retail.

    13 hours ago, Kyp Durron said:

    Yeah, they made him very naive, and I too found that really irritating. The guy sabotaging the Yamato was also a WTF moment too, because his logic was so flawed, it was ridiculous. 

    So what was that guy's deal again?  If he sabotages the yamato his kid gets cured right?  But then that leaves the comet empire free to annihilate the earth anyway, right?   I honestly don't remember...

  6. 24 minutes ago, Dynaman said:

    2202 ruined the design of the Comet Empire.  Other problems I might have been able to forgive...

    My issue with it was the story.  Maybe it's my ADD but again,  after the yamato stalled in space and got sucked into the comet empire the story no longer had any appeal to me.  I have no idea or recollection as to why anything happened afterwards.   Maybe it isnt my ADD, because 2199 had me glued to my screen from beginning to end...

  7. 3 hours ago, Kyp Durron said:

    I had it, but sold it later, to be honest, the proportions were kinda off and it really bugged me. You're right though, there really needs to be a SOC Andromeda from the reboot series, I just can't understand why they didn't do it...:huh:

    I had no idea the GX57 had any issues!  That's good to know!

  8. 36 minutes ago, Kyp Durron said:

    Indeed it is! I wonder if there will be any further design refits for Yamato, and if so, what outside changes (If any) there will be.

    All I know is that they need to come out with another SOC Andromeda.  I mean, c'mon!  Do you have the original GX 57, or whatever it was?  I missed out on that one...

  9. 1 minute ago, orbitalharvest said:


    pure speculation, but anyone think we'll see ostrich and elintseeker?

    F**K.  Lol.  I don't know why but I always liked the Ostrich and never got one.  I could do without the 'Seeker...

  10. On 6/23/2020 at 3:22 PM, Agent ONE said:

    I haven't changed my opinion in 10 years. I want a shot for shot remake of the original TV show, but with DYRL refinement technical detail and far better animation. Nobody would know the audio is over 30 years old. I think a whole new generation would love it. Love that MW is still here.


    Good to see you're still around too.  Do you still have God-like powers?  

  11. 2 minutes ago, Kenny G said:

    At least you got a box. Amazon US shipped my DX SOC Combattler in the buff. There was no shipping box, just the actual packaging with a huge shipping label stuck to the front plus about another 10 stickers with barcodes. I returned it today. I mean, I am easy going and will overlook some box damage, but not when I am spending $500+ for a collectible. 

    Did you take pictures of that mess?

  12. 19 hours ago, Snake Eyes said:

    2nd one... sigh, cant even afford a first one.
    On that topic.. do you guys have a yearly budget for figures or do you just have tons of disposable cash?

    I just live in debt up to my eyeballs.  Why not?  You cant take the money with you and you could be dead tomorrow...

  13. 56 minutes ago, dragontype said:

    I reached out to Okini and to NinNin to see what shipping options I can get, if any, once the toys are available for shipping.  I was betting on the US getting their act somewhat together enough, to where other countries will start shipping here using the usual post/SAL/etc.  Okini was more, we'll let you know if it's available and you can change.  NinNin told me nope.  It is set in stone basically.  

    Not sure why they would not allow me to change shipping since this is just preorder for now.  I was thinking about cancelling to save some money, but if they won't let me change shipping, I doubt they will let me cancel an order.

    Who, Nin nin?  They charge a cancellation fee of like....98% of the preorder price...

  14. On 6/23/2020 at 11:30 AM, Kyp Durron said:

    I guess I'm in the minority for liking 2202, huh? :mellow:

    I won't say that I hate it, but my enthusiasm for 2202 literally stalled the same moment the Yamato did when whatshisface sabotaged the wave motion engine.  And that same enthusiasm literally drifted towards oblivion like the ship did, lol...

  15. 10 minutes ago, kaiotheforsaken said:

    So, I've been away from the forum and from Macross collecting for a while now, but I managed to luck out on a Roy. Being away means I was largely oblivious to the TV Super set until after I had secured a pre-order for the 1S. It looks like NY is pretty much the only game in town left and I'm mostly curious what the 11k yen price looks like compared to what it actually retails for. I know NY is kind of a mixed bag, but I might roll the dice for the supers.

    Lol.  Roy is bringing a lot of us old-timers out of retirement.   

  16. 57 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Ok, starship names are supposed to conjure up images of.. well, certain things, or bring to mind famous figures, battles, locations..

    This one?  Sounds like a cheap promotional combo meal from Taco Bell.

    This is isn't your daddy's star trek universe.  Come to think of it, it's no longer mine either...

  17. Just now, Dax415 said:

    ok .... so i'm admittedly newbish to the bandai 1/48 valk series of toys.  .... so let me get things straight.... the valk, fastpacks, and wing missile ordinance are all sold separately?

    Yup.  That's why IMO complaining about the price is irrelevant; if you get into the DX game prepare to spend...

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