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Everything posted by myk

  1. Ahh...Can you imagine swimming in pure joy...
  2. What the heck happened with their shipment, anyway? Something about a ship? They're usually pretty good about getting pre-orders out when in a timely fashion...
  3. myk

    Please Read

    Maybe we should stop wasting our money. This is ridiculous...
  4. Neat. How did you get your hands on that stuff? On another note, I wasn't very enthusiastic about doing so, but I picked up volume 1 of Voltron on DVD. Isn't this thing supposed to come in a tin?
  5. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti? Lol, your choices are only limited by your budget. If you're limited like most of us I would strongly suggest a 1/48 VF-1, or any of the 1/60 VF-0's. I'd stay away from the 1/60 VF-1's unless you've got the burning desire to pose them besides Yamato's new 1/60 VF-0's or '19 as I do. I'd also stay away from the 1/60 '19 until the very few bugs are worked out of the production process; there's no reason why your first time has to be THAT bad...
  6. I can tell you're new to this sort of thing, so try posting in the newbie thread or cruising Macross World's main page for information about the many items of Macross. As for the toy, that's a 1/48 scale Super VF-1J in Miria (Miriya if you're coming from Robotech) colors, dressed up in TV colored fast paks that were included with the toy itself. Perfect transformation/variable means that unlike most other transforming toys, like the early Transformer's jets or even Yamato's 1/60th scale VF-1's of a few years ago, a toy does not require removing and/or adding different pieces to complete the transformation process into its many modes. Welcome aboard!
  7. Just got back from Wal-Mart, where everyone treated the 60 gig systems that were there as if they were nothing at all. I can't believe that I didn't pick one up, but the current library doesn't interest me, I've got a '19 on the way and...I'm really digging Guitar Hero 1 and 2...
  8. That's cause Nintendo will always be the "Fun Machine," and have it's loyal and determined followers. PS3 blah blah blah most powerful console blah blah blah. Nintendo will never be the console leader, but they'll always have a spot in the hearts of gamers everywhere...
  9. I wouldn't mind waiting a little longer, as I'd feel safe knowing that if there was a problem with this 1st edition '19 that BBTS would fix it at their expense AND in a timely manner for U.S. customers. Somehow I doubt that Long-Duk-Dong from Hong Kong would be as caring. I challenge any other vendor to match BBTS's kind of service, something I'd gladly pay a price and wait for...
  10. Dude, relax. You haven't been around long enough to know that Lord Kung Fu has a reputation for being that way on this board. Most of us have learned to ignore the statements and not be baited by them; he's a troll, plain and simple. Whether he actually does have more of everything than we do, I really don't care and I'm sure no one else does either. Oh, and why we'd ban Agent One and not a pointless troll like this one is beyond me...
  11. Rob is THE MAN. He now resides in Wyoming, but he still manages to come through for his customers in more ways than one. I'm not sure what his pricing is these days, but everyone should check him out anyway...
  12. Maybe 'bout a little under a grand-far too much, as I've come to realize...
  13. So, there've been quite a few of you guys that have been able to merely "walk in" and score a system. I'm assuming that Sony's doing a better job with this launch than MS did a year ago...
  14. Yeah, but then they'd charge $52-$60 just for THAT...
  15. Fall! FALL!
  16. LIAR!!!
  17. Lol. That reminds me of the days when I used my Sega Saturn for internet surfing...
  18. Psh. Cy-Kill could own all of your asses...
  19. I was just about to say the same thing...
  20. Hey thanks a bunch, Ace. Threads like this will help to ease the decision of buying a 1st run or not...
  21. Heh-heh...Seeing 'Prime get gunned down by Megatron is something I wouldn't mind being carried over from the G1 era...
  22. Because everyone, at least most of the people on this board, are looking for a movie that's faithful to the G1 era. I'd like to see that also, but keep in mind that this movie is intended for the millions of people around the world who don't know, remember or otherwise care about what a "G1" is, or was...
  23. I never thought I'd see the day where 1080i would no longer be king o' of the hill. Anyway, "p" is just a higher form of resolution, and you should be able to select a lower setting for your player; of course that sort of defeats the point of owning a Blu-Ray player, doesn't it?
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