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Everything posted by myk

  1. Someone got you a white table too?!
  2. Hey how's it going, man? Are you still racing and stuff? I'm glad to see you haven't wrecked this one yet! Let us know what you've been up to...
  3. I'm sick of the VF-1, but I'll give this new version a shot or two...
  4. That was a creepy, depressing stage...
  5. First of all, that truck driver needs to be put to death. Secondly, I'm glad you're friend's o.k. Finally, I can't believe it's $250 a month for 1 car, a WRX. I pay $300 a month but that's for all 4 cars and I'm not talking about Civics, although they are pretty old. Are cars like the WRX that much of a liability these days?
  6. Here, Samurai-monkey, AP, LS1tech, Z28.com. I'm also thinking about hiring a porn star, so I've been checking out LaDirectmodels.com...
  7. Copy that. I might keep my LV1, although you know those slippy bastards will probably make a '60 LV1...
  8. Psh. Driving around in a black Trans Am is about as gay as owning an orange Charger like in DOH. Oh wait, I have those cars...
  9. You mean there's actually such a thing as a Knight Rider fanboy? I admire the guts it takes to be such a person...
  10. I can sort of comment on this; my PS3 has no problems with the actions you've mentioned, although after forward or reversing the audio takes a second or two to come on again. Like everyone else is saying, the PS3 and the 360 HD are the fastest performing players on the market...
  11. It's movies like these that make me wish there was an animated vomit-smiley to choose from... Or Pai Mei...
  12. Wow, that's awesome. Now all I need is 8-large to buy it!
  13. Dunno' if this has been discussed yet, but I see no cause for the alarm that I've been noticing in some car forums: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22340556/
  14. I'm guessing that if they put Batman on a more "normal" looking bike, tires and all, it wouldn't look outrageous enough for the character of Batman himself. Or, you could just chalk it up to the tasteless over-designing that Hollywierd tends to do for all of their work...
  15. ...And the advantages you listed, as well as the lower cost, are how I go to bed at night after deciding to buy a projection versus an LCD or plasma. Going over to friend's houses, it is painful to see though how much better picture quality is on any newer LCD or plasma...
  16. I recommend that you stay away from any kind of cooler-they've been known to cause more problems than prevent. A properly functioning '360 won't need a cooler...
  17. You know, that was probably one of the saddest moments in movies that I've seen involving animals since Dances with Wolves.
  18. I can't believe that rear projection style t.v.'s are still being made, period. Well, I guess there're still many people out there who don't want to pay the price for comparable LCD or plasma sets...
  19. You'll enjoy it, I think. By the way, are you all caught up to season 3?
  20. My HD cable service is anything but that; there are about 8 channels over the entire lineup that are offered in HD and the rest is just as bad in transmission as standard cable. Oh well, at least I get to listen to tomorrow's weather forecast in 5.1 surround sound and eye-popping 1080...
  21. There were so many complaints about the lack of mid-game saves and the difficulty that the "Gold Edition" expansion pack allowed for that option; it actually ruined the game's challenge, as you could save as many times as you wanted to. Also, does anyone remember how hard it was to play as the Alien in that game? That was rough...
  22. Nothing. Hell it's Christmas for me all year so December ain't nuttin' special...
  23. Hey Graham...Lady in Black?
  24. Yup, AvP2 is still on my desktop after all of these years. I actually prefered the harder difficulty of the first, (my only great accomplishment in life was beating AvP1 on Director's cut), however playing the game is nearly impossible unless you're running Windows '98 or very old video drivers for a card; AvP1 just isn't compatible for the modern age. Anyone play Extinction? It was o.k. for an RTS using Aliens characters...
  25. I remember that 'promo. I knew quite a few families that suddenly had a PS3 and didn't even really know what to do with it-they were in it for the t.v.!
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