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Everything posted by myk

  1. Blu-ray set? Yeah I'll "bite," since I don't have any problem with Alien3, a reasonable progression of the Alien story, or Alien 4, which was....well, I enjoyed what they did with Ripley in that movie. I realize that not having Space Marines, smart guns, pulse rifles and bulls**t tech makes 3 and 4 complete failures to most, but I couldn't care less. I'm in it for the xenomorphs and the human bloodbath they cause...
  2. What do you collect and why? Used to collect Macross variable fighters, GI Joe, 1/18 WWII fighters, anime girl statues, etc. Will you stop collecting at some point and why? Already have-collecting isn't worth the money and I don't see the point of something that just sits there all day. Have your interests in collecting one line over another waned? For me I have a lot of transformers but the recent designs have left me delused with the Brand and Started getting into MG/AC kits and SOC. N/A Whats the maximum you will spend on one toy? Lol, I remember I spent $1400 on a Bandai Strike Valkyrie during the Macross drought of the 90's. Dumbest thing I ever did... Whats the maximum you will spend in a year? Used to be that the sky was the limit. Now, I won't spend a dime on the stuff... Whats your spouse, partner think about your collection? She thinks as I do-a waste of time, space, effort... How do you like to display your collection? I still have my Macross variable fighters. They're all over my place in F-mode collecting dust... Do you get more excited about finding your white elephant and then get meloncholy once in your possession? I'm over the holy grail mentality of collecting-usually, when you get that FINAL piece, that Holy Grail, you realize "it's just a rusty tin cup" and I was fine without it...
  3. Lol, nevermind that every other cell-phone based device built up to now doesn't have this problem. But it's Apple and the I-phone, those things are touched by God himself...
  4. No, I don't. Maybe there's something missing in my installs, lol. BTW, I know I'm waaaaay behind the times here but walking through an airport, slaughtering helpless civilians while posing as a terrorist? I don't care if MW2 is just a game that's just wrong, man...
  5. ".....We’ve been working over the last several months meeting with various screenwriters, and we’re actually on the cusp of securing an A-level screenwriter..." Now that's some comedy right there; searching for an A-level writer to assign to a B-level movie/idea...
  6. I tried to play AvP today also-no dice. Must be my rotten luck then. Yeah I've read about tinkering with some files to bypass steam but I'm just reminiscing about simpler times I guess...
  7. So lemme get this straight. PC games that we purchase now have to be downloaded from sites, like Steam for example, before we can play them? I think I can even recall not being able to play my Steam-related games, like AvP because Steam was too "busy" to accomodate my request? I'm trying to install MW2 now but Steam's too "busy" to let me do so. Whatever happened to paying $60 for a game, installing it, and then doing whatever the hell you feel like doing with it, whenever you want to do it, whether it was playing it or using it as a coaster?
  8. You can say that again. Forget Rolaids, THIS is how I spell relief...
  9. I would SO wear that for Halloween...
  10. Hmm, DEFINITELY no...
  11. Why anyone would deride a work based on past technology is pretty narrow-minded. Obviously the content or soul of the works from the past should be the focal point of discussion, not technical or other related aspects that would certainly be inferior by today's standards. End of thread...
  12. Thanks for the tip. I don't think I could wait 2 years or whatever for an official US release...
  13. Thanks for the link. Well, the only drawback in regards to OS's, as stated by the video, was the amount of upgrading that you do on your system. I don't see that as an issue on my system so I "guess" I'd be ok with this?
  14. The local Fry's is selling Windows 7 Home ed., the full version, for $88. Is this something I should jump on? BTW, they list it as a "system builder/OEM," what does that mean? Do I have to be a professional to buy this, lol...
  15. Genesis coupe is an awesome car-give it a year or two and it'll be just as good as its competition. Meanwhile, if we're talking about "attainable" dream cars I'd love to get my hands on an '05/06 GTO right now...
  16. I dunno. The idea of dramatizing a figure of folklore and fairytales, trying to make it seem sweeping and epic like the Crusades that were happening at the same time as the Robin Hood story seems silly to me. I mean what's next? An epic, monumentous, action filled, all-star cast in a film about the tooth fairy or maybe the Easter Bunny? I guess we've run out of ideas, for sure...
  17. I appreciate the input regarding my run-in with the virus. I'll try the stuff you guys listed...
  18. Man. Got hit with a virus or something for the first time in all of my computing lifetime, which spans over 12 years. Now, keep in mind that I NEVER run firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spyware, NONE of that stuff and even with me going to sites where no browsers have gone before I've never had any problems. Meanwhile, I've got people like my gf and some friends that are generally benign folk who use the internet for "good" things like school, work, etc. and they get viruses and whatnot almost monthly. Anyway, what happened to my computer was something I've never seen before: I couldn't open anything, nothing as simple as notepad, the control panel let alone any programs. Have you guys ever been hit with anything ? If you have, what were the symptoms and how did you go about fixing your system? I'm just trying to get information for when or if this happens again. I've always been under the impression that once you're infected, especially at the registry level, wiping everything clean is the only way to go...What do you guys say?
  19. If they're going to waste my time and make it that vague and ambiguous then all I care to say is "who gives a f**k..." Come to me when you've got something tangible...
  20. It (the plot) was straight forward because the story was so simple-simon and I had trouble staying awake. I dunno, the whole self-destructive persona of Tony Stark and how he just can't seem to get things right was forced and didn't get me to care one damn bit. The characters were so lacking in depth or conflict that I couldn't find a reason to care about them either. Samuel Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Gwyeneth Paltrow and a slew of other people served no purpose to that entire movie, asides from just "being there to be there," and just left the story meaningless and completely forgettable. On another note, can we please just stop with the Samuel Jackson thing? Yeah I know, he's a bad-ass-motherf**ker who's black, sassy, proud and just too goddamn cool but it's old. I'm talking 1994 Pulp Fiction old. Give it/him/us a rest from it already... -Oh, and don't stick around 'till after the credits-save yourself the hassle of losing even more of your time and just watch it on Youtube...
  21. "Yawn.." Looks like a BMW to me. 6 figure, top line performance, interior, fit & finish, blah blah blah, and absolutely zero excitement on the outside. Business as usual...
  22. Hot link. I'm gettin me one of those shirts...
  23. Wait it's out already?
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