Just as I thought...
I agree that war movies of any kind and especially involving that region were rare, however the film seemed rather one sided to me; after all it involved U.S. Operators who were merely trying to do their jobs for the sake of peace when the big bad black militia came along and screwed everything up. The philosophical ramblings of "Hootie," (I think that was his name) to me were just tacked on sentiments to try and give the movie some sort of depth when there really wasn't any. Instead, I think Platoon, Flags of our Fathers or Letters from Iwo Jima are some war movies that certainly focused on introspection and reflection rather than two hours of straight combat.
BHD was highly distinctive in its style. I haven't watched it in a long time but of all the things I remember it's the look of the film-very beautiful in a hard, gritty way.
C'mon man, you realize that the whole Mogadishu thing wouldn't have been so bad if the Delta guys were equipped with rocket firing motorcyles LOLz....