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Everything posted by myk

  1. You're talking about the female lead in the last AvP, right? lol...
  2. They can leave the hot teenage girls getting impaled on walls-I don't have a problem with that...
  3. Glad to see you and your family are doing o.k. Mike. At the end of it all the only thing that really matters is family and loved ones. For me, picking up the guitar and finally finding something in my life that gives me some kind of satisfaction made 2010 somewhat worth it. Like I always say, hell-it could always be worse...
  4. I think I would've curled into a ball and started crying...
  5. Yeah, I can't help but feel that I missed a few hundred things watching the finale. I should watch it over again, but...nah...
  6. Cringe in a John Carpenter-frightened kind of a way, or a cringe as in I can't believe I'm watching Dead or Alive the movie kind of cringe?
  7. I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them! Favorite part of the movie, lol...
  8. Thanks for the reminder. I'm on episode 16 and I'm just thinking, "goddamn Greystone just kills yourself already or I might just put a bullet in my own skull," lol...
  9. Ordered a copy, although I completely forgot that the book was published in '82-had to go dig around for a copy on amazon; I can only hope the book is readable at least...
  10. Wow that is a shame. I've been watching him since Romeo and Juliet-I thought he did a very good priest. Annnnnyway, how's that briefcase/Inception deal, 'Task? What did it all come with? I thought "I" was a big Inception fan but you take the cake. I can't stop listening to track 12 from the OST, Zimmer's "Time."
  11. Dammit! Lol, I can't wait...
  12. Lol, you're gaming setup is better than the wheel and seats I have in my REAL cars...
  13. Yeah, most of the time I'm staring at the main characters shoulder, trying to figure out what he's looking at-pretty stupid. So the book is surprising, you say? In a good way, or a bad way? Next paycheck I'm sooo getting that book. Is it scary like the movie?
  14. My NES Legend of Zelda still worked as late as 3 years ago, so I'd be pretty confident about your SNES games. My DC memory paks were always the ones I worried about but they were always good also, tough little bastards they are...
  15. Just as I thought... I agree that war movies of any kind and especially involving that region were rare, however the film seemed rather one sided to me; after all it involved U.S. Operators who were merely trying to do their jobs for the sake of peace when the big bad black militia came along and screwed everything up. The philosophical ramblings of "Hootie," (I think that was his name) to me were just tacked on sentiments to try and give the movie some sort of depth when there really wasn't any. Instead, I think Platoon, Flags of our Fathers or Letters from Iwo Jima are some war movies that certainly focused on introspection and reflection rather than two hours of straight combat. BHD was highly distinctive in its style. I haven't watched it in a long time but of all the things I remember it's the look of the film-very beautiful in a hard, gritty way. C'mon man, you realize that the whole Mogadishu thing wouldn't have been so bad if the Delta guys were equipped with rocket firing motorcyles LOLz....
  16. It's been a while, so what was innovative about Black Hawk Down?
  17. "Compliance!"
  18. I've actually never seen this, just heard about it. I'm going to have to track this and the original Tron down. But, I have a feeling that the movie will suck as much as the year did...
  19. I've barely started it but I'll agree with you, in that the in-game camera is useless. Because it's a 3rd person view, it's impossible to see your surroundings properly which leaves you completely vulnerable to attack since you can't really see anything. The Thing video game was just like this, but alot of times they'd pan the camera off to the origin of the danger/attacker so you at least knew what direction your death was coming from. In Dead Space I hear noise and notice a bunch of commotion but I don't see what's going on until it's too late. They say this helplessness was intentional, to highten your fear but I cry B.S. on that one, lol. This would've been killer if it had been from a first person perspective. Nevertheless I'm scared s**tless right now lol...
  20. The Thing and the Xenomorhps used to freak me out as a kid so what do I do? I decide to buy Dead Space, a survival horror game that has elements of The Thing, Aliens and even The Event Horizon, all rolled into a ball of nightmares. Any of you gents ever play it? I know it's like two years old but I'm a lagger...
  21. Ummm...now that the high is gone I'm not sure I want that stuff to go on the air, lol. Seriously it was during the question and answer phase of her spiel so I'm sure HER career will be fine ha ha...
  22. Went to the annual SD Convention Center car show-pretty boring but there were some nice machines in there. I apologize for the weak shots but there was so much foot traffic in there it was hard to snap good pictures: http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e346/mykranili/sd%20car%20show/ Oh and I met this really cool girl, so in front of rolling news cameras and other onloookers I figured I should propose to her. When that didn't work I did what any man would do and started to beg: PS: I am going to kill my f**king camera man for his twitchy, bitch-ass hands...
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