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Everything posted by myk

  1. Settles it for me, I'm going for it, blinking E woks and pink light sabers and melodramatic amputees in black suits be damned...
  2. As far as I know they will all be released that way. I can't even imagine the amount of money this little toy line has generated. But honestly 'Taks, you and I know that the movie that TRULY deserves the 3D treatment is Inception. Seeing Marion Cotillard in 3D would be worth the price of admission alone, lol...
  3. Just the hype working its usual magic on the hungry masses. I mean, it's TEH blu-ray so it's a MUST-HAVE. I'm waiting for critical people that have the set in hand and have experienced it so that I can pass judgement myself. It'd make my day if Keith, Dave H. or A7 could lay it out for the few of us that are still marginally curious, possibly putting an end to rumors that the picture quality isn't any better than the DVD releases from a few years ago; that would be yet another deal breaker!
  4. You know I seriously hope it is. I've been wanting a comprehensive SW collection for a while now but I don't think this is it. I could actually forgive that, but the "NO" thing and the "Ewok" thing really bugs me. Your avatar reminds me-I need to go and watch some Inception, an indisputably good film ...
  5. Seriously-that alone is reason enough to turn me off to the whole thing. I mean....WHY? I'm waiting for Keith to give us the low-down on this before I drop the $80. I need to buy a cycling helmet anyway...
  6. Are you/were you in line at a store, or something?
  7. Soo....anyone got their set yet?
  8. I shut the system off and it hasn't happened since. I sure hope my 60G brick PS3 isn't knocking on heaven's door...
  9. ?????!!!!!!!!!
  10. "He is in my behind," LOLz, complete with a clone trooper looking behind him in fear. Ha ha ha!
  11. Any of you guys having trouble with just standard playback on PS3? My non-3D freezes up at the 1 hour and 22 minute mark. This is a bummer; do I try to exchange it or is it an issue with my Sony?
  12. Dude I just saw that scene and was totally unprepared for it-totally hilarious...
  13. Another good point. Maybe Lucas will explain all of this in the green-ray edition release down the road...
  14. Exactly. Judge me by my size, do you? If force strength was based on body size or amount of limbs available then that would imply that Yoda wasn't as powerful as he seemed to be...
  15. Lol, midichlorians; thanks for reminding me of that. In any case, I've been reading up on the pre-release gripes that everyone has about this set including the points brought up here. Suffice to say I'm not going to make it a priority to buy this thing...
  16. I hope they CG in someone cuter than Kelly McGillis and shorter so it doesn't look like she's molesting a young boy when she's with 'Cruise. Ha! Even back then I thought it was a really hokey movie. Didn't keep me from buying it on every goddamn format though...
  17. My point has nothing to do with what happened after episode 3. At the moment Hayden Christensen finds out the love of his life, the reason why he did all that he did was DEAD by his hand, I'm sure he never felt more emotion and thus power in his entire life. I find it hard to believe that Ian McDiarmid wasn't killed just by being in the same room with Hayden. Naturally, this is just idle talk because the story's already written, but I'm just saying...
  18. Probably referring to Jazz's forced "blackness' in the first movie. "Whassup bi**hes, this looks like a good place to kick it..." That kinda stuff...
  19. Well, I always thought that would have included killing Palpatine ALSO, but whatever. (Must...bridge....new trilogy...to original...trilogy...)
  20. Congratulations man. Movie night at Mike's!
  21. Was going to preorder @ Worst-Buy but I see it's all sold out. Ah well whatever...
  22. Wow I can't wait. The Aliens game franchise is the only reason why I ever got into PC gaming and this will help continue the tradition, to be sure...
  23. Well, I think most businesses take your account information but don't actually "charge" the account until the item actually ships. At least, that's usually how it goes with my e-transactions. Who knows, maybe I'm being charged up-front and don't even know it...
  24. Copy that; I think the D should have met its death better but overall it was a good effort...
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