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Everything posted by myk

  1. I just see too much of myself in Glen-past and present, lol..
  2. That's because he got all crazy about it afterwards. And he asked her. HE ASKED HER how good it was! RRRRRR!!!! You can't be like that around them! Lol...
  3. I know right-they didn't even have an 'Elint or an O in their storylines...
  4. Freaking Glen. I wouldn't even think twice if a girl like Maggie was on the other end. On another note, too bad my asian brother blew it with her!!!!
  5. Never. I am the de-transform-culture...
  6. They've already moved on? WTF? I lost 6 months of my life to BF2 because it was so addictive. As for COD, it's great to hear that the story's there-that's what I liked about it so much. As for the $$$$$$.......man it never gets easy, does it...
  7. I only owned one, a VF-1S. I still got it, although I had to replace my gunpod, clip and missiles because my mom threw out the Takatoku box where I had all of that stuff stored in. Freaking parents, man...
  8. Not even Ocarina of Time? Dang I might have to buy a Wii...
  9. Oh so you've never seen the series? Despite the antiquated animation I always found the story to be captivating. I think you'll like it, and if they're sprucing this old thing up to bring it into the new millenium it can only win.....I HOPE...
  10. So I take it this is a reboot of sorts? Alright, sign me up...
  11. I lived in Camp Hill; although most people who I tell this to have never even heard of it, Pennsylvania residents or not lol. I miss that place though-I remember Sunday morning drives to church and seeing nothing but green land. And horses. Also, nothing beats walking down the street in Fall with the leaves having turned different colors and stuff. Winters were a blast too...SIGH...
  12. No, that never occurred to me...
  13. Oh man. I was a kid in Pennsylvania when I bought my first rocket, an Estes Challenger starter set. Now, as an adult I'm pretty clueless but as a child I didn't even belong out in the free world; I built up my rocket, set it up and launched it.........off of my front porch! LOL. Now, back in the late 90's my Pennsylvanian neighborhood had a lot of space per house-I remember nothing but lots of room to play, so when my rocket wwwwwwwwWWWWOOOOOOOOSHED up it eventually popped its chute and landed in my neighbor's cornfield across the street. I don't know what Pennsylvania's like now, but I know that in San Diego there's just no damn room to walk, let alone fly a damn rocket. The small town life has its own charms...
  14. Yup. Just as I started thinking about buying a new system to backup or replace my 60G brick I read online from many forums about how newer units were having trouble as well. I figured well, if I'm going to spend time and money fixing PS3's might as well just do that with my original unit...
  15. I've always thought of the games like this: Battlefield for multiplayer, 20 vs 20 player madness, and COD for single player campaign based gameplay. Now, I know that COD's mulitplayer is popular, but that's how I differentiate between the two games, and I always tell people that it isn't really fair or accurate to say that one is better than the other because they have different intentions...
  16. Thaaaat's not a bad point. My 775 socket system is obviously Jurassic-Park ancient and a core 2 quad is just something that would allow me to play Battlefield 3 until I squirrel enough money away to go with the I series. I dunno though-a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks and if it falls on its face........... BTW VF, I take it you're into model rockets; I was totally into that stuff as a kid and have started it up again with a vintage Estes mini-shuttle. I love it so much though that I may not want to launch it lol...
  17. Lol, I know right. I dunno, I'm a sucker for video game story lines like the ones in MW...
  18. Sure brings back memories. I remember my mom taking me to the comic store, looking up at the shelves, seeing your Valkyrie and all of the other 80's Japanese toys and listening to her going "ok, hurry up and pick one, we have to get back for dinner."
  19. You know what I think I lied. My favorite has to be my VF-1S Joke Machine. Yeah, that one...
  20. Wow there's that many issues? I may never get around to reading them... Lol. I like this one:
  21. You know what you're right. I've never bought a used PC part and I don't want to start now. What a concept though Mike, "saving" money and then going out and buying what you need-something I never learned to do...
  22. What about Battlefield 3?
  23. Mike I'm relieved to hear you say that. I personally have never had issue with stock coolers, but then again I'm not a serious OC'er or teh 1337 gamer. I was poking around asking about the Q6600 and people recommended that I bring that up to 3.0 with an aftermarket cooler. If you're saying I should be fine with the stock intel cooler that's good enough for me. Also, what's your take on buying a used CPU? I don't want to go with the I series processors yet, but the idea of buying a used CPU sounds.....wrong or something...
  24. Hey guys, I think I'm going to do a slight upgrade and get an old Q6600 quad core but I'm also thinking about a new heatsink/fan. However, it seems as if there are nothing but complaints about how badly fans and heatsinks fit, install, etc. Would you guys be able to recommend something? I get the impression that buying one of these things, especially an aftermarket one, is a crap shoot because of fitment issues in cases and whatnot. Thanks in advance...
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