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Everything posted by myk

  1. I always wanted to get into this show but never got around to it, I guess this is my chance...
  2. Not me. My better half hated Twilight with a passion from the first book, and she eats books for fun. Funny thing though, when the first movie became available for rental she rented it for us "just to see how bad it was..." I accused her of being a closet Twilight fan and I was banished from her house for a week...
  3. I don't LIKE what Shane's doing but there is an argument for it, which is survival. I'm with Rick but at some point your humanity and compassion can be what kills you. Rick and his type of people would rather die with their sense of ethics and morals intact than become as predatory and instinctual as a walker and I can see an argument for that as well...
  4. He just "knows," from personal intuition, and recalling how he witnessed Shane almost blowing Rick away in the forest that one time..
  5. Ho How much did you pay for the Bandai 'Strike? Back in the day I paid $1400 for one when things were out of control...
  6. I know right? Well as long as they don't pull a BSG I won't go Shane on anyone. I remember I moaned and complained when 'Dead ended last year and wouldn't you know it, a year had passed and on came season 2; it's worth the wait...
  7. Gonna have to watch episode 7 again. Even though I had already guessed what happened and seen the spoiler that last bit was pretty heavy...
  8. I'd go with Team Rick as well. Shane will cut your throat if it means he'll get by...
  9. Hmm alright thanks. I had read somewhere that you needed a 2nd computer to write, verify or do something or the other with files and stuff. I might give the OEM version a try...
  10. All true. I sympathize with Rick because I get him: what's the point of living as a human if you lose your humanity and resort to animalistic, survivalist strategies like Shane? In a way you'd become an instinctual creature of survival like the Walkers. Unfortunately, this barn thing is probably going to harden Rick up; not to the survivalist level of Shane but he won't be the bleeding heart humanist that he's been. Personally, I don't think I would have what it would take to survive in a world such as theirs, and I woulda offed myself long before they arrived at the CDC...
  11. Lol, I'm just hard on Glen because I see my old self in his character and, I just want my fellow Asian brothers to rise up and not be such candy-A$$ metro's... HA!
  12. Well, I see them finally heading off into the other direction, opposite of where Rick led them to before which was the CDC, ironically in the direction where Shane had wanted them to go. I'm going to use the Spider sense that told me about Sophia and predict that they will run into Merle and that father and son team from season 1...
  13. How did the install go? I'm assuming it's just a matter of putting in the OEM disc and booting it up, or is there more to it?
  14. Ugh didn't we already do this a coupla pages back? We get it, the show sucks, it should be outlawed like water-boarding, the comics are TEH AWESOME....now hurry up and get here, February!
  15. Agreed. Just because Quantum didn't deliver doesn't mean that they have to start completely over, unless of course they have an entirely new set of villainry that will eclipse the Quantum group. But having yet another uber-influential group to fight is silly...
  16. Errr.......All I can say is that my young Padawan.......no, my young apprentice is still learning the ways. He continues to be a girly-man but his inner-man is slowly showing itself. For example, when he put his foot down and declared to Maggie why he told his people about the barn: how he remembers the walkers are dangerous, and that he wants to look out for himself, the others and HER, it was pure genius and I definitely cried tears of joy. Seriously though, the Sophia thing was tragic. Inevitable, but tragic...
  17. You mean Pepsistock?
  18. Lol I just made $10 off of the 'Dead thread at LS1tech.com, lol. I don't see why the idea of Sophia being in the barn was such an unbelievably outrageous one. I called that the minute they showed the damn barn. Now, here's to Southland's premiere and my similarly victorious, Asian brother Glen and his plaything Maggie!
  19. True, but then I'd have to buy another copy when I change out motherboards. That sort of thing doesn't happen very often but I'd hate to have buy it again because of an upgrade. Also, I heard the OEM version requires a 2nd computer to help verify or write files or something during installation? I dunno...
  20. I guess I'm just naive and don't know any better, but I'm starting to find that more people around me are using bootleg OS's. Every time I mention buying a copy of Windows people act like I just said I wanted to saw my own head off with a spoon. I dunno, I just wanted to go straight for once but $200 is a lot of coin. I mean, I can almost buy half of a 1/60 Roy-Strike for that much money...
  21. Errrr yeah I bought that game several times myself as gifts to others and whatnot so I'm guilty of that, lol. But I have to disagree with you 'JB, Vulcan Raven carrying around a Vulcan cannon was complete AWESOME... Also, I was always annoyed about how clueless they had to make Snake's character, just so the game could have an excuse to have an extended conversation on the CODEC. A typical hair pulling scenario would go like this: *You have to go to ******** and infiltrate the base... "You want me to go WHERE? You want me to INFILTRATE? *Yes, and along the way you'll meet a contact who will provide you with 'intel... "I'm going to MEET SOMEONE? They're going to give me INTEL??????????!!! *Now you can't go in with weapons so it'll be on-site procurement for equipment... "I can't have weapons????!!!!! Or equipment???? On-site procurement???? HUUUUUUUUUH???! *Remember if you don't destroy the ********** the nation of ************ will be thrown into chaos.... "Destroy????? Chaos???? Nation???? HUUUHHH???? *PS: While I was a prisoner I had to endure torture and.......OTHER THINGS... What????? Torture????? Other things????!!!!! Huh???!!!!! Snake's supposed to be some salty, veteran warrior with decades of experience but everything from weapons to people to insects to ketchup has to be explained to him with encyclopedia-level detail and clarity JUST so we can have more talking. I realize that MG's just trying to draw you into the story, but like 'JB said there are other games like Ninja Gaiden and................Dragon's Lair that succeeded in doing so without becoming too preachy and serious for its own good. Come to think of it, I remember almost falling asleep watching the intro to MGS4; Christ I thought I had bought accidentally bought a DVD instead of a game it took so long and talked so much... I remember that I enjoyed KILLING Meryl with various weapons in MGS, though...
  22. I love this little guy. I couldn't find Minmay so I borrowed other talent from the anime girl agency:
  23. Wow thanks for posting/sharing-looks like your iphone is up to snuff...
  24. THIS. In MG for example, every time Snake does something as simple as learn about a new piece of equipment or a character you might as well put down the controller, grab a drink, go to the bathroom, finish your term paper, get some chips or whatever because the game drones on and on about everything for what seems like an eternity. Another example that got on my nerves about how excessive MG can be was in Snake Eater, where you had to don 'camo and crawl past enemy guards. I mean, c'mon let's try and not be so ridiculous. And then, let's not forget some of the way-over-the-top cinematics that would make an 80's action star blush, like the MG remake on Game Cube that had snake kicking missiles out of the air. Too much detail or cinematics, like anything, can be a bad thing...
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