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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I love that movie. Along with Swordsman 2 my favourite Jet Li movie. I´ve never heard it being compared so I don´t know if it´s something general public agrees on or not but...doesn´t Ninja Scroll borrow a bunch of stuff from Swordsman 2? Snake charming, needle and thread, hand palm and some other things I can't remember right now. I love the dark Wuxia of late 80's, early 90's. A Chinese Ghost Story, Swordsman, The Bride with White Hair. I think it's cause of her outfit but Luminara Unduli reminds me of that era and those movies.
  2. I just want Landa.
  3. http://www.japanator.com/yotsuba-basterds-13083.phtml
  4. Roy: "Yamato, I got a bad feeling on this one, all right? I mean I got a bad feeling! I don't think my shoulder is gonna make it outta here! D'ya understand what I'm sayin' to you?" Yamato: "Everybody gotta die some time, Roy."
  5. Are those kits?
  6. I love my Golgo 13 figma. They should do some Samurai Champloo or Cowboy Bebop figures.
  7. Did anyone get the Soul of Popynica Swordfish II yet? I can't find a review anywhere.
  8. For someone who has never built a kit... How difficult would it be to build?
  9. Sweet Jeebus people! See how I (with courtesy of Homer Simpson) used a cheap trick there? Making my post seem meaningful and thought provoking with a quasi Christian/spiritual reference. Très NGE. I sincerely apologize Pete, buttering you up with my attacks on your beloved show and then walking away, but my indifference about Evangelion prevails over my will to debate this any further.
  10. I don´t get that it´s become an institution. It takes itself too serious but doesn´t deliver on any subject it tackles. Be it religion, philosophy or action. And there is definately nothing groundbreaking about the portrayal of living the life as a teenager. I´m sorry. I must be a barbarian because I don´t see the beauty you speak of. I felt disappointed every time a new Angel showed up. Your well developed comment is so alien to me because I felt nothing towards any of them and didn´t care if they lived or died. For the very reason they all come across as bland and undeveloped. Gendo Ikari...the mistique that is commander's plan felt so forced it made me squirm. Angels...I don´t know their reasons for the attacks. I don´t know what they are. I don´t know where they came from. I don´t know why they attack at times they do even though such an advanced enemy must have a reason (I´d hope at least). The story is messy and convoluted and just plain pretentious. To the point where I had to give up. (But again, if you think hang in there Air-! It's all gonna work out in the end then please do try to convince me. I mean I have invested the time to see 20 episodes already.) I always recommend Cowboy Bebop or Planetes and in the future, if any ask about NGE I'll warn them to tread lightly. One final comment. I understand I am attacking one of the most belowed pieces of the art form and it was not my intention to stir s#!t up. I am just saying it is not for me and whoever doesn't agree is a great big doodyhead.
  11. What is the appeal of Neon Genesis Evangelion? I always avoided it and recently decided to sit down and finally watch the show. I am 20 episodes in and I still don´t get it. I don't like the design of the EVA's. Angels look silly and the characters are boring. Also, after watching 20 episodes, I shouldn't still have a million questions about everything and everybody. I can't imagine there is a pay off.
  12. I´d like to know this too.
  13. Not really true. I´ve read and love everything Alan Moore wrote. So when the movie adaptation of From Hell came out I gave it a chance and was dissapointed. I gave League of Extraordinary Gentlemen a chance. That movie made me lay down in a bathtub and reenact the scene from Heat, waiting for Al Pacino to find me. V for Vendetta I stayed away from and I´m doing the same with Watchmen. All cause I read the novels first.
  14. Please take pictures at the event.
  15. Mr. Lingerie, my hat is off to you. Thanks.
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