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Everything posted by Valk009

  1. "Zentraedi" is a nice guy. He just bought something from me and paid in cash sent by registered mail I guess since his mothertongue is not English, he sometimes has difficulties expressing what he means. Give this guy a break Andy
  2. Yeah...keep the nosecone away and it will make the GPB-1S more true to the anime. It is not like that we can press a button and the armour gets jettisoned Remember it is a toy afterall but a damn good toy, worth any bucks! Valk009
  3. I just made some space at home by selling most of my older toys and not to mention a few of the 1/48s I guess now I will have to get a few more 1/48s not too mention space problem again...real headache...but definately worth it Come on Yamato bring out the GBP-1S asap!!! Valk009
  4. Hey man, I really like the Misa/Princess Leia crossover thingy, btw which fig is it from!
  5. Basically if you buy all Hase's Macross kits you will have enough spare parts lying around to make a new valk sort of a hidden bonus the model company never told anyone about it Just kidding All companies are same, they just want to milk out even more of our hard earned cash
  6. Mari Iijima's singing is just as good if not even better than twenty years ago. It is just that we have a mental picture in our head of a young and beautiful Minmay singing and all of a sudden the same voice comes out from a fortysomething plus lady!
  7. Anyone care to pic me one up Cool things like this never get to Hong Kong
  8. Valk009

    Who spends more?

    Hahaha...My name is also Andrew and I'm also a Macross junky!!!
  9. Okay, I never owned the Club-M kit, so I cannot speak anything of it but I guess quality should be up to par! As for the other two kits Musasiya and Hobby Base Retppu, which I have or had at one point, I must say the Musasiya ranks first in rarity. It comes in a tiny box with easy to follow instructions, basic decals and the kit is out of resin with white metal parts and vacuum formed canopy. Quality and sculpt is good, seeing the age of the kit! This is really one of the rarer kits from the entire Macross series! As for the Hobby Base Retppu kit, well I am not too sure but I believe this is the most recent kit out of the three. It is the only one out of vinyl and sculpt is pretty well made! Btw, if you are interested I still have this one and it is up for sale Andy
  10. Might not even be his picture, just took it off somewhere and used it with realising it!
  11. BanDai made a Mac II kit and I believe Blackaces (aka Noel) is selling the VF-2 in the for sale section. Otherwise, resin kits are pretty scarce and when they do pop up (here, EvilBay or elsewhere) they command a high price. Try asking another fellow MW member "phadeout" as I believe he tried to sell a few kits a while back! Andy
  12. I reside in Hong Kong currently and can say that most toy shops or model shops have heap loads of Gundam stuff stocked up and this trend has not changed for many years! Transformers can be seen in some toy shops but most of them now stock all the little toys, gashapon etc. They are cheap, small (especially good since living space in Hong Kong comes at a cost!) and can get you hooked very easy...ahhh...this one looks good...hmmm...this one is cute...okay gotta get the whole set, again another vicious circle! Andy
  13. Valk009

    Who spends more?

    It is very hard to just keep your collection either in "toys" or "models" as there will be always one or two items from the other section which you never collect but “just got to have it”. This then slowly becomes three to four items…five to six until your whole room is filled with it! Then you try and sell some off and once you see some space, well guess what; it gets quickly filled up again…man this is a real vicious circle! Now, not to mention that many of us collect other series too! I became again interested in toys back like six years ago and first it was only Macross (as it was my childhood favourite!) but now I have slowly started to venture into Gundam (thank god it is only the RX-78-2 and nothing else yet so far!) and few little its and bits. Nowadays, toymakers push out so many new toys and reissue/revive so many old stuff; it is really hard for us to stop!
  14. You got to know that the Macross fan base in Japan in virtually non existance at the moment. Besides a few die-hard fans scattered around, most of them are in the States! Since BanDai sells primarily most of its toy in Japan, they surely would not re-issue something, which they know will not sell at all Andy
  15. Check out winmx; I got mine from there. They are all over the place, if you are lucky enough you can actually also find the plain music version and the Chinese version! Andy
  16. As in prepainted kits, only seen the SDF-1 Attacker so far, never seen the SDF-1 Cruiser as it is not that popular over here. I have also been looking for a recast SDF-1 Attacker again, no luck as the interest in older kits fade away quickly over here in Hong Kong as there are just too many new kits coming out every week! The shops with the SDF-1 Attackers are also in Monk Kwok and a few minutes walk away from that "Superman Toys" on the map, which Takatoys gave you. Alternatively, let me know when you are in town and I am mor ethan happy to show you around Monk Kwok! Andy
  17. Could it be kits non-related to Macross? I will be getting a limited edition chrome Mac 0 VF-0S in a few weeks time, maybe it is one of those number! Andy
  18. Nice job! Good to see artistic talented fellow MW members building from scratch! The figure has an American feel to it, a nice change; not always the Japanese approach! Andy
  19. The "G-System" shop in Monk Kwok has the SDF-1 Attacker (original kit) pre-painted for sale at HK$3500 (roughly US$450). It is professionally done by a guy who won like a second prize in a model competition in Japan for a Gundam model. His shop is like 10sec walk from this G-System! There is also another shop in Monk Kwok with a pre painted SDF-1 Attacker, not sure though if it is for sale. Andy
  20. Valk009

    Yamato 1:48

    At one point some shops here (Hong Kong) were getting rid of their Hikaru 1A for roughly US$65, now that was a bargain! These prices however only pop up once in a blue moon when nobody wants them. Now, when everyone is looking for a 1/48 the prices jump up to US$150!
  21. I am also from Hong Kong There are a few more places in Causeway Bay and Wan Chai, not to mention Monk Kwok. However Macross toys are getting hardrer and harder to find nowadays! Are you planning a visit to Hong Kong? If so I could show you around, all you have to do is buy me a beer Andy
  22. Just popped by some shops during my lunch break and nope, no new Mac stuff! Andy
  23. Valk009

    Ebay win

    US$11 bucks sounds very reasonable. You can get them around here (Hong Kong) for similar prices but conditions are much worse I bought one a few years back and paying through my nose too for like US$40 Nice little funny thing!
  24. There was a thread here a while back (cannot find it at the moment ) on using an existing F-14 kit and dress it up a-la Mac 0. Apparently you will need a couple of kits to get the correct F-14 going as seen in Mac 0! Andy
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