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Posts posted by Valk009

  1. it's all a way to get you to buy more stuff. the don't give you landing gear so you're forced to buy a Yamato stand, then they don't give you a pilot so you're forced to buy a VF-1D that you can steal the hikaru figure from in order to use in this.

    Ahhh...never thought about using the Hikaru figure from the VF-1D! But then again for those who do not have the VF-1D equals to spending more cash :lol:

  2. Seems like for the absurd amount they are asking for this kit (around $30 from Yamato's Japan site before shipping) you do not even get a pilot figure or landing gears.

    So, the only way to display it is to spend more money on a stand (preferably the new Yamato stand as so conveniently shown in the instructions) in flying mode without a pilot :huh:

  3. I know I can trust fellow MW members, thanks for all the quick responses and pointers!

    Yeah, thinking of doing a a VF-5000 kit but then again I have several other so called projects in the pipeline, so not sure which one, if ever will turn into reality! Especially with BanDai, Hasegawa and Yamato all pumping out new Macross items, I need to find a balance between all.

  4. I might be at your service! The VF-25F Alto Chgokin is going for around US$100 best rates in shops the last I seen. prices have come down a fair bit as it has been rumoured that the upcoming Armour Packs might not be compatiable.

    UML is an expensive place to go to, better ask your friend to head to Wan Chai or Monk Kwok!

  5. Knowing BanDai and how expensive it is to make a mold, they will try and milk out every single dollar we have! So, expect to pay PG kit prices, meaning roughly US$200 and all possible variants!

    Just look at the PG RX-78-2, there was the normal version, the black version, the red version, the grey version, the clear version, the one year war version, the plated versions...I mean the list just goes on and on!

  6. Are you after the CMs Brave Ride Armor Mospeada? Though I am not located in the UK I can help you out. Shops over here in Hong Kong have them in stock (most variants).

    No PayPal, no worry, I have an UK HSBC Bank Plc account for direct transfer.

    Let me know if you are interested and I can find out roughly the cost for the toy and shipping.

  7. Hi there, they still offer new YF-19 Fast Packs here for around US$42. Shipping the item wrapped in bubble wrap and an outer waterproofing shell comes to around US$12-15 (from past experience) but should be able to save some weight if shipped in another smaller box.

    Let me know if you are interested!

    PS Regarding your VF-0A elbows, I doubt you will find a spare here, best is to get a direct replacement from Yamato. I heard some on-line shop offered the service and the charges are very reasonable as all you pay is the shipping and a small service fee. I think the shop was called Over-Drive!

  8. My comment was just a teaser and angering my frustrations that Yamato has been recently releasing all those Japan mail order only items.

    I have done some quick calculations if I had to get this kit through Yahoo Japan; the Fan Racer cost Yen 3,000, add local shipping, inflated Yahoo price, another local shipping, agent commission and final overseas shipping. this will easily end up costing US$70-80 on my doorsteps, now that is an expensive small model kit!

    Btw, are you sure Yamato is sponsoring MW? From what Graham told me, they have not been in contact with him for months now.

  9. Well, Yamato are nowadays doing all these on-line Japanese promos and limited items.

    Yeah, for Yen 3,000 before shipping, this little model sure is on the expensive side. I am just so tempted to add more details on it, give it a decent pilot (seems like the one from Yamato does not even come with one!) and recast it for everyone!

  10. I have a copy of the Macross Gold Book without the poster and film strip. The book itself is in excellent condtion and the gold cover casing shows very minor sign of wear.

    Can be yours for US$100 shipped, would have offered it less but shipping that book cost like $20-25 as I am located in Hong Kong :unsure:



  11. Okay, I have waited long enough for the local suppliers to stock up on the 1/200 Yamato VFC series 2 figures. They have been available since Jan-Feb in Japan and nothing over here.

    So, I have a set of the first series inclusive the 3 SPs (total 12 figures) and I am either willing to sell it for US$60 shipped, so I can use the funds to get the second series off an on-line retailer or trade it with my first set.

  12. Looks like Yamato are getting really desperate. Without the license towards the new Macross F or any other Macross lines besides the original TV series, DYRL and Macross Plus, they have to stick to what they got and are releasing colour variants, one after another!

  13. Well, I live in Hong Kong and it is a very small place. Most of us can complete a trade via face to face but with E2046, it is only via mail.

    They claim to be based in Hong Kong but I can nearly assure you that all kita are made in China, delivered to Hong Kong and then shipped out. I have heard mixed reviews about them but most of them are like stay away from any sort of mecha/robots kit and figures fair a little better. But then again, for these prices you pay what you get!

  14. Graham, Noel and myself attended the show on Saturday on a very last minute notice.

    The show, supposedly the first C3 show held outside of Japan was, well small and not that thrilling. As C3 shows are sponsored and backed by BanDai, one can already guess that most items on display are either direcetly by BanDai, associated with BanDai or if independant have strict guidelines to follow.

    Kawamori and Ebata were to appear on the same day but I only managed to get a glimpse of the later as the man himslef were to appear very late afternoon and I had previous engagement.

    Anyways, I took some pics of the show and will post it but shortly.

  15. I think it has been done on a Hasegawa VF-1 fighter. The modeller used flat wire as someone here already mentioned and hid it between the two wing parts. I believe the most difficult part was to redo the wing tip lights, they were scratch built from pre-coloured acrylic pieces.

    Besides the wing tips, very dim lights were also placed in the cockpit main control panel and red lights used for the main thrusters.

  16. Okay, I am not situated in the US but I do have a new VF-25S Ozma spare.

    If you do not mind me repacking the parts in a smaller more sturdier box for shipping and forgiving the original flimsy box, I could offer it to you for US$50. The price includes first class registered air mail shipping and PayPal fees.

  17. Those tele cards sure look desireable. Tele cards rarely pop up on EvilBay, so I assume you got them off Yahoo Japan or directly from Japan!

    Tele cards use to command high prices but with the popularity of mobile phones, their prices have dropped a fair bit and now is a real good time to get your hands on a few! I almost wanted to get some but decided first to finish my trading cards collection before venturing into another possible expensive hooby!

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