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Posts posted by Valk009

  1. Couldn't agree w/ you more. I can't wait to get ahold of my copy - while I would've preferred a 1/48 VF-1 I'm looking forward to trying my hand on the Dash 19

    Don't worry, I am almost certain Hasegawa will release the VF-1 lineup in 1/48 scale. With BanDai now agressively biting huge chunks out of the Macross model market, it will be very unwise for Hasegawa not to release more newer items. That is unless their license is restricted or other unknown issues.

  2. Well, I guess you will need to be a little more specific. I know that the original Japan Imai made 1/100 Factory came in two versions, the smaller box with only factory and the bigger box with two factories and two destroid valks.

    Assuming, the US Revell counterpart also released these two kits, the bigger one will for sure be more sought after.

    Now, once we got the kit sorted out, you will need to list the condition of it. If the intended buyer is after the kit for building, then as long as it is complete, will do the job. But if the buyer is a collector, then the box condition will make a key deciding factor, since these kits came in oversized boxes and also fairly flimsy, good condition ones do command a fair price.

    Imo, with today's economy and being the US Revell version, the smaller kit will fetch $40-80 and the larger one US$100-150 depending on condition.

  3. Honestly, I think with an anime derived perfect transforming toy, there is always discrepency to be made. So, when we talk about a valkyrie with three differnt transforming modes, one or two modes will for sure be less anime correct than the other.

    With the 1/48 line, I believe Yamato tried to make the fighter mode more appealing, hence the long streamline appearance, where as this will result in the suffering of the valk in battroid mode, overall too skinny and a too long nosecone.

    Forget about the first version 1/60 line, the new version two is perhaps, to date the best of all perfect transforming VF-1 toy out there. Its build quality is far superior than its older and bigger sibling and the balance of all three modes have been achieved nicely. Of course there will always be critics but do not forget what started out merely as a 2D drawings and lots of anime magic 25 years ago, can now be nicely placed within our palms!

    Yamato has given us what many would have thought to be impossible and the company actually did a pretty good job with all their valks!

  4. Yeah, either Yamato's GN-Us or Kaiyodo's Revoltechs will make your boy happy. They are Macross items, nicely done and will not break your bank!

    Anything transforming, durable and at a reasonable price are only the chunky monkeys. Though the ver 1.0 1/60 Yammies might have come down in prices recently with the release of the newer version, they are honestly not that sturdy. At a hands on an eight year old, it might not last too long!

  5. Correct me if I am wrong but I think the Enigma decals came with those specila clear version VF-1 kits. Hasegawa released two different packaged clear kits, the first were those using the standard box with a special gold sticker indicating it as a clear version kit and the other being an event release item. Those were boxed in a white box.

    I think the decals you are talking about came with the standard box.

  6. But if Hasegawa really wants to keep up with the waves of BanDai Macross Frontier items and only hold license on the older stuff, they must do better!

    Hasegawa had their thumbs stuck up where the sun never shines for too long. By releasing so called new kits with just another decal sheet is not enough and many of us are not fooled anymore. Moving up the scale ladder is a good move but perhaps too late as the crave now is Macross Frontier items and not really another VF-1 model kit.

  7. Knowing that Hasegawa has the original Macross and DYRL license, what they should really come out with is a 1/48 Regult!

    Now three or four 1/48 regults and a glass top will do a fine coffee table ^_^

  8. So, besides the cockpit, head and colour, are there any further difference between the YF-21 and VF-22S?

    I never really had a thing for the YF-21 becuase of the colour but the VF-22S is just one cool looking valk!

  9. But even the original figs have qc issue, the first being the worst with improvements on subsequent series. In my opinion the third series had the best overall quality, the fit were good and the paint job spot on.

    I just saw the re-release of the first series, seems like they gave the figs an glossy finish, at least that was how the solid hair Hikaru looked like!

  10. It is really looking like PVC, so a pass for me!

    I have nothing against PVC but it just seems to me that many PVC toys produced in the last few years just do not stand the test of time.

    I have some gashapon toys for over ten years without any problems; no colour fading, sticking or crumbling. But with newer PVC toys, they somehow start to stick and sometimes melt after a few months and they have been stored away from heat and direct sunlight!

  11. Yeah, there are boots of these figures! So far I only know of boots of the first series. You can spot them miles away as they smell quite bad to start with and the paint job is horrible.

    I think they just re-released the first and third series. The first one has the ever so popular Hikaru fig and the third has the Max fig (chase though).

  12. I still have a new second series clear hair set. It comes with Roy Focker, Lisa Hayes and also a Lynn Minmay sitting on a table. The remainig two figures are Basara and the one chick from Mac Zero, which I cannot remember here name right now.

    It can be yours for $30 shipped (will pack and fit all figures into two roiginal boxes, bubble wrap it with an outer waterproofing paper shell).

  13. I totally agree with the Captain, Hasegawa makes true model kits for true modellers. You cannot complete a Hasegawa kit without a tube of putty, model cement glue and paint to get a halfway decent finish.

    BanDai, on the other hand, though also a very respective model kit producer, makes kit more of a toy nature. Their pre colour molding, no glue snap fit finish and hidden sprue points make them well loved by less skilled modellers and enjoyed by toy buyers.

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